Dripping with Boredom!

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

The Ants Go Marching One By One

Hurrah, Hurrah.

So I was feeling contented today because I had done my two blog posts, but then when I checked back, I saw all these comments!!

So really by 'all these comments' I mean like four, but that is besides the point! Good job on your complaining Karen! It did wonders!

Anyway, I hate it when family members eat food that has been specifically reserved for you. When I say specifically reserved of course, I mean that you thought to yourself "hmm, I am feeling a tad peckish, maybe I will go and eat a piece of licorice" only to find that someone has eaten the last piece! However, I always manage to move on and leave the 'no more of the food that I wanted' incident behind me.

I feel as though I should mention that dinner went off without a hitch. Okay, so maybe there was a tiny hitch. I was heating up the meat on low, but that does not give off very much heat so when my sis got home from work the meat was still many minutes away from being cooked. However, with a crank of a dial, the setting was at high and within moments we were all eating our tasty tacos. Happy ending!

It seems that everyone in my family always makes a point about asking me what I did during the day. Now really, I do nothing during the day. At the moment I am jobless, school does not start for another few weeks (ugh), and what else is there to do during the day besides lounge around and stare at the computer screen? Okay, so I could be cooking, cleaning, exercising, or joining an enriching club that will enlighten my mind, but all that stuff takes so much effort. I figure that I work hard in school all year, I should at least get three months of blissful lounge time! Alas.

So really, nothing exciting has happened since my last post. Or should I say my last two posts. This writing three posts in one day does not really work, haha!!

Okay, so, I'm off. To do what you ask? I have no idea. Hopefully something fun.



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