Dripping with Boredom!

Friday, October 01, 2004

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!!

I think it's really sad that I've already brought out the Christmas music. And then I was thinking, do I really want it to snow? Because it's gotten kinda nippy out of doors these past few days and I kinda like the warmth. Ach well, have I really been reduced to talking about the weather when I blog? Haha!

Wow, I really have nothing to say. I've been swivelling my head (kinda Linda Blair style, haha) trying to find something to inspire me, but now all I can think of is the butterfly and white rose on the kleenex box. Soooo...

Today I found out that if my sister had been a boy she would have been called Clark. That amused me because then I was thinking of Superman and it was werid. My name would have been Eric if I was a boy... which is now making me think of Prince Eric in the Little Mermaid. Wow, all these connotations!

Anyway, I'm sure this mindless drivel is really boring so I shall be off.



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