Dripping with Boredom!

Sunday, January 02, 2005


I think the rainy weather today is perfect for setting the depressing mood of this being the Sunday before school starts. Ew ew ew.

Earlier during the break my sister made a gingerbread house and we just decided to break it apart so we could eat all the yummy goodness. However, hardened sugar is really really tough to break. I kept hitting it with a spoon and nothing! Finally my sister gets her fist and smashes the side in and then there was icing sugar all over the counter. Big mess, but edible which is always a plus.

Today I went on the Queens site to check out this personal involvement thing or whatever that needs to be filled out and I hate it. Seriously, the limit is 800 words?! What is with that?!! I'm thinking of writing maybe 5! Less if possible! But whatever.

My mom bought the family a jigsaw puzzle for Christmas. Now at first, everyone kinda had those little nervous haha laughs becasue really, who gets a jigsaw puzzle for a present and is like yay! Family fun! However, the other night we opened it and man oh man, I was on a roll fitting those edge pieces together! Now I don't like it again because there's all this sky to put together and that is hard and it frustrates me muchly.

Anyway, I am off to nibble some more of the decimated house.



  • too much english for the brain to handle! what are with these big words??!! ugh are we at school?
    (: dumb and only used to little words Karen

    By Blogger A Triple K, at 8:06 PM  

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