Dripping with Boredom!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

i thought it might be about time i do a real post for a change. what it's going to be about, i still have no idea. It'll just come to me, or at least that's what i believe if i continue to type randomly. I'm listening to Incubus right now. you know, that cd that i bought cause it has "drive" on it. i have to say, a lot of their songs sound almost identical. but that's okay. still talented nonetheless. oh look. anne's online... and there's a message from her. ah, i feel so liked.

happy st.patrick's day! you'd think that's why i'm typing in a dark green, but no.. i just didn't feel like staring at the lime especially on the ugly white background. today i'm going to vaughn mills. shopping? maybe. i need money. but i guess this is not the best way to get it...

it's already thursday. that's pretty nasty. onyl a few more days.. only a few more days till those damn public schools go on break. but no... i'll be going back and crying everyday cause i'm at school and i want to die. ah, what a shame.

dentists are gross. first, i wait over an hour cause my mom needs to get fillings refilled. i thoguht iw as going in at the same time!! but no, stupid dentist takes me after. so i just sit there hating being there, feeling like im' gonna throw up cause i finally flossed this morning and my mouth tastes like blood. did you know flossing is like exercising? at first, you'll be sore, but after a while, you dont' feel it anymore. i think i'd rather exercise. hmmm... now i have the mixed taste of lasagna and fluoride which sounds oh so appealing...

has anyone noticed i haven't been asking about piercings for a while? haha. well back to gauging and stuff. still haven't decided... subtle of course. well as subtle as it will take me. i might just be too lazy to do anything about it. the hair dying has been switched from summer to march break. so the piercing fell back into the summer. good swap i think... now i have more time to decide and convince parents that ear piercings are all good... no matter where on the ear. that's the least they can do after those disappointing looks about even speaking about eyebrow rings.

back to the hair dying. so now my hair's red!! haaa yah right. one person noticed who i didn't tell. that's exciting right? but really. i shoudln't need a light pressed up to my head for it to show, shoudl i?

ooh drive is on now. ooh goota go said i'll pick up sister... oops



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