Today's my birthday. 18. Woo.
I keep typing 19 by accident.
Alas, 18 it is. It's growing on me, which is a good thing.
I keep typing 19 by accident.
Alas, 18 it is. It's growing on me, which is a good thing.
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Anonymous, at 11:34 PM
Happy Birthday Anne.
I don't know if I should read here still, since I never really got to know any of you, and you probably wonder why i bother commenting. But I am useless at forgetting people I had spoken to in the past - even if I didn't know them well at all d-;
P.S. You can turn on word verification when you login to blogger, so that commenters have to type the letters in the picture (you know?), to submit their commment. Happy birthday (-: x
dave n, at 6:51 PM
Hey Dave!
Thanks for the b-day greeting!
And thanks for the word verification tip... I'm going to try and figure out how to turn it on, haha
A Triple K, at 1:31 AM
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