Dripping with Boredom!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Diagnostic Featrues of H. s. sapiens

Goodness Gracious! It's been ages since I blogged! Though it is exciting to check it and see new posts by others!

Anyway, exams suck. And I'm trying not to think about that. But that always seem to be the first topic that comes to mind lately. Ya know, last year if someone had told me I would be out of school by May 10th I would have been trhilled... but now? Soo many univeristies are already done and I haven't even started my exams yet. Don't even get me started on the amount of motivation I have for stuyding... i.e. none.

So new happy topic!

I am listening to the Beatles Helter Skelter. When I went home for Easter weekend I imported a bunch of cds into itunes on my laptop, and among those was the Beatles White Album. I had never really listened to it before, usually choosing to listen to the red collection instead, but wow! Some of these songs are really amusing!

You know what else is amusing? Cher's Gypsies Tramps and Thieves! See, how can I study when I'm grooving along to all this music!? Haha... on man, not back to studying and exams, ergh!


My sleep habits have gone crazy recently. In highschool I always went to bed soo early, usually 11 at the latest! Then I start univeristy and suddenly whoa! No more waking up at 7 am! So I strated staying up later, going to sleep between 1 and 2. Not too bad. But now! Now that classes are over I've been staying up till 3 at least, and then proceeding to sleep in till 2 or 3 in the afternoon! It's so werid... 5 o'clcok rolls around and it's like wow, I've only been up for a little over 2 hours! It's going to be such a shock to my system during the summer when I need to start getting up at normal hours. Because even if I don't have a job (which I hopefully will) my mom has made it clear that there will be no sleeping in past noon, haha

I think I would like a baby seal for a pet.

Oo! Today I had some honey nut cheerios for dinner. They tasted sooo strange!! It was as if someone had sprinkled pepper over them! So odd, yet I ate them anyway! Haha... so when I die of some weird posion, you know the source!!

Okay, cutting it off now... the post, not my leg, haha



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