I am red like a tomato. Sometimes I really enjoy tomatoes and other times I find them way too juicy. I always get tomatoes on my submarine sandwichs, and I am unsure whether I like BLTs, depends on the mood. Anyways I coudl be a BLT: Burnt Little Tomato!
My ankle is starting to scab a bit which is causing it to be a little soar whenever I move my foot. I still have trouble believing that I hurt myself in a No Frills store, like seriously who does that happen to?
Air conditioner is fixed, thank God. It seems weird I capitalized God there but I was taught that you always shoudl because it is a proper name. The whole capitalizing of the word God has always confused me because sometimes you don't have to but otehr tiems it looks really bad if you don't.
I just took a sip of water. It was cold. I really enjoy lots of ice in my water.
I have been thinking about the cottage a lot, when you have very few summer plans the ones you do have seem extra exciting even if they are still a ways away. I hope it doesn't rain.
My hair is clean.
My ankle is starting to scab a bit which is causing it to be a little soar whenever I move my foot. I still have trouble believing that I hurt myself in a No Frills store, like seriously who does that happen to?
Air conditioner is fixed, thank God. It seems weird I capitalized God there but I was taught that you always shoudl because it is a proper name. The whole capitalizing of the word God has always confused me because sometimes you don't have to but otehr tiems it looks really bad if you don't.
I just took a sip of water. It was cold. I really enjoy lots of ice in my water.
I have been thinking about the cottage a lot, when you have very few summer plans the ones you do have seem extra exciting even if they are still a ways away. I hope it doesn't rain.
My hair is clean.
i am peeling like an orange.
well not quite.
i like orange flavour but not actual oranges so much
A Triple K, at 11:46 AM
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