I am alone Curled up in a shell of loneliness Everything is black and dark Like the inside of my closet
There is no light Wait, the light returns I am whole again I am joyus
This poem, reveals my darker side. It was inspired when my Mamman left the living room with the laptop and then she came back with the laptop. The laptop is the light. Deep, I know.
Yonder through the leaves I see a deer Munching whatever vittels it is they munch on the forest floor And I think to myself 'A deer is an animal' Food nourishes the body and the soul But the question is Do you live to eat Or eat to live?
Hello Karen!
A Triple K, at 9:38 PM
How are you?
A Triple K, at 9:38 PM
I am good.
A Triple K, at 9:38 PM
Thank-you for inquiring.
A Triple K, at 9:39 PM
You are just so gosh darn polite.
A Triple K, at 9:40 PM
You are dripping with politeness! Hehe!!
A Triple K, at 9:41 PM
Notice the little pun?
A Triple K, at 9:41 PM
Dripping with politeness, Dripping with boredem? Hehe!
A Triple K, at 9:41 PM
I am so silly. Haha!
A Triple K, at 9:41 PM
Look at me making funny jokes!
A Triple K, at 9:42 PM
I will write a limmereck:
There was a boy
His name was Bob
A girl hit him
And made him sob
A Triple K, at 9:43 PM
That is not limmereck format.
A Triple K, at 9:44 PM
How do you spell limmerick?
A Triple K, at 9:44 PM
I think I spelt it wrong.
A Triple K, at 9:44 PM
I am saddened.
A Triple K, at 9:44 PM
I like writing poetry. Here is another one:
There was a girl
Her name was Sue
She was mean
And often said 'Boo!'
A Triple K, at 9:45 PM
I like this poem thing.
I am alone
Curled up in a shell of loneliness
Everything is black and dark
Like the inside of my closet
There is no light
Wait, the light returns
I am whole again
I am joyus
This poem, reveals my darker side. It was inspired when my Mamman left the living room with the laptop and then she came back with the laptop. The laptop is the light. Deep, I know.
A Triple K, at 9:55 PM
And the brilliance continues:
Yonder through the leaves
I see a deer
Munching whatever vittels it is they munch on the forest floor
And I think to myself
'A deer is an animal'
Food nourishes the body and the soul
But the question is
Do you live to eat
Or eat to live?
A Triple K, at 10:02 PM
Time for some more light amusement:
One day I saw a duck
The duck was sitting in muck
I took the duck from the muck
And cleaned the muck off the duck
Then the duck sparkled and shined
And I cried tears of happiness and joy
The duck was then placed in a pool in my backyard
It was a simple life, but it was hard
The duck had to hunt for the food to survive
And there is not much vegetation in my backyard
The duck became weak
It could barely open its beak
I gave the duck a box of candy
And suddenly the duck was dandy
Today the duck lives back in the wild
It got too fat eating all that candy
It is happy now, back in the forest pond
And still cherishes our bond
And now the duck
Knows to steer clear of muck
The End
A Triple K, at 10:07 PM
Thank-you for your praise, I shall take my leave now.
*Bows out*
A Triple K, at 10:08 PM
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