happy october
so i was just reading kathleen's super long post, and decided that i'm angry about bras! why when bras go on sale, they never have my size anymore??!! like i dont' really need a bra, but when they're 12 bucks and are green and really really really cute, i need one!!!! stupid needing to be either bigger or smaller. would prefer bigger by the way, but now i'm just talkign about my breast size(:
now for my oh so exciting work story. okay, now i'm letting this guy into a changeroom (probably about my age), so i knock on the door (like always lsitening carefully), then open the door in the direction of the guy. he hesitates and i'm sorta confused as to why he's not walking in, and then he looks at me and says "there's someone in there". what the hell? why dont' people answer when i knock!!?? so i freak out and laugh, apologize and take in to another fitting room while we're both laughing...
they guy who i surprised in the changeroom eventualyl comes out, i apologize and say i didn't hear him and he doesn't seem to care which is cool. so i take what he wants to buy over to the cash (to get commission of course (: ), thinking he's done.
later on, maybe a couple of minutes later, i open a change room for someone else, and guess what? the same guy is in there and i walked in on him again!! mindyou, he's dressed so it's not quite as embarassing as it could be.. but DAMMIT let me know you're in there so this doesn't happen,.. and by the way, how did he even get back into the changeroom when i need to use a key??!!! so more apologizing, embarassemtn, and laughing. it's great
that's it for now.
now for my oh so exciting work story. okay, now i'm letting this guy into a changeroom (probably about my age), so i knock on the door (like always lsitening carefully), then open the door in the direction of the guy. he hesitates and i'm sorta confused as to why he's not walking in, and then he looks at me and says "there's someone in there". what the hell? why dont' people answer when i knock!!?? so i freak out and laugh, apologize and take in to another fitting room while we're both laughing...
they guy who i surprised in the changeroom eventualyl comes out, i apologize and say i didn't hear him and he doesn't seem to care which is cool. so i take what he wants to buy over to the cash (to get commission of course (: ), thinking he's done.
later on, maybe a couple of minutes later, i open a change room for someone else, and guess what? the same guy is in there and i walked in on him again!! mindyou, he's dressed so it's not quite as embarassing as it could be.. but DAMMIT let me know you're in there so this doesn't happen,.. and by the way, how did he even get back into the changeroom when i need to use a key??!!! so more apologizing, embarassemtn, and laughing. it's great
that's it for now.
HI Karen, Kathleen, Anne!! (-:
You probably don't check my blog anymore, but just in case you do, I thought I should let you know it has moved to:
and I will be posting more often again. See you soon!!
dave n, at 11:10 AM
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