Dripping with Boredom!

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Cookies are good for you right?

Good Morning World (Wide Web), seems to me that you have tuned into another boring chapter of "Kathleen: Seventeen and Bored" a novel depicting the unexciting adventures of a young girl. Now you may be thinking that a yound girl and adventures this should be exciting and fun, but really its not. Not exciting at all.

So I woke up about 12:40am today, which was about 30 minutes ago. I woke up feeling at warm and cozy because last night my room had been freezing so I put extra blankets on my bed and so this morning my bes was like an oven and the blankets were all nice and heavy. Anyways after I get up I head downstairs to find my mother freaking out cause she is late for church. Anywyas she makes me a cold Ovalatine (wasn't suppose to be cold, she just didn't put it in the microwave long enough) and then ran off to church with Samanatha. I then read todays comics and yesterday's comics (yesterday I was barely home and hense I read no comics). After my exciting comic reading I walked up stairs and logged online. I saw that Anne was online and started a conversation with her. Then we discussed our plans for the week and I started writing this blog. And that was my morning.

So I ate 6 cookies yesterday from Tim Hortons and that is just adding to my problem of me wanting to lose weight but it not happening. I just want to be 5 lbs lighter, back to what I was before my trip, actually thats I lie I would liek to be 10lbs lighter, but thats not going to happen by eating cookies. See I don't think it is particularly fair that standing does not burn calories, cause if it did then I woudl be losing weight just from standing at cash for long periods of time. Why does everything in life that makes you fat have to taste so good. No FAIR!

I find I type the way I talk. Like when typing to someone online I will include all the "um"s and "like"s when I type. I've been told a few times that people thing its funny that I actually type teh wya I speak.

"Cold Hard Bitch" by Jet <----- song of the day (because I am one! haha! not really.... well maybe a little recently but yah. I just like teh song!)

Anywyas I'm out of here!


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