Dripping with Boredom!

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

tuesday night...

i really made this seem like the post was going to be about something really exciting that happened when i went out tuesday night, but no, the subject is just stating the time at which i'm typing this... sad how i can't think of anything better to write, or err, type... but that's how it is...

so today, anne, kim, and i saw anchorman which was pretty entertaining... funny... 'cept i decided i HATE it when people next to me laugh at everything and are really really annoying too!! no, it's not kim or anne... but that dumb girl who was probably on a date... i dunno, but if i were him, i'm be disgusted at her annoying laughter... and she didn't have the greatest teeth too which i noticed as i continuously stared at her. but other than that, not a bad movie!! (:

other than that, i went bathingsuit shopping for and with my sister which is a pain, but it was successful finally... i'll have the weekend to myself when she's gone... not that it makes a difference, but i thought i'd mention that.

tomorrow... hmmm... tomorrow i'm waking up nice and early... actually just early minus the niceness... at 8:20ish so i can go to the gym with my parents and go swimming. haven't been there in a while so it should be fun. or boring cause who really goes early in the morning!!!???

not sure if there's anything else for me to say, but i AM for sure really excited about the grad trip!! yes i know, it's still a while away, but ahhh we're almost in grade 12! good year right? (:



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