Another Quiz Result!
Why did I do another stupid quiz that has anime results. Like seriously, I just posted about how tehre are too many quiz results and not enough actual posts on our blog currently, and bam here I go posting another. I blame it on school. These quizzes make it easy to procatinate. I don't even know if I think they are fun or if I just do them as a wonderful way to waste my time. (Stupid Homework)
Is it werid that this picture kinda grosses me out. Not the girl in teh picture but the hair sticking out all around. I have a fear of hair and it so ew! haha!
So officially from the last two quizzes I have done if I lived in an anime universe (which I am so glad I don't) I woudl ahve blue hair and red eyes, sounds sorta scry to me.
Its weird that during teh summer and even now I kinda want to dye my hair blue and tahst what teh results came out as.
Blue Hair! Famous Blue Heads Akane from Ranma 1/2 &
Ami from Sailor Moon!
~* What Anime Haircolor would you have? *~
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Is it werid that this picture kinda grosses me out. Not the girl in teh picture but the hair sticking out all around. I have a fear of hair and it so ew! haha!
So officially from the last two quizzes I have done if I lived in an anime universe (which I am so glad I don't) I woudl ahve blue hair and red eyes, sounds sorta scry to me.
Its weird that during teh summer and even now I kinda want to dye my hair blue and tahst what teh results came out as.

Blue Hair! Famous Blue Heads Akane from Ranma 1/2 &
Ami from Sailor Moon!
~* What Anime Haircolor would you have? *~
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