it's not too late, it's never too late
soo many tests, so much stress, so little time. it's crazy. do i work to take tests and panic? apparently. making lists might help. at least some of it has been crossed off. though, really, all it did was make more points for me to write down.
it's funny how your feelings about stuff can change so drastically. after some time of course, but still the 180 is insane.
can you tell if someone is attractive by listening to their voice only? there must be some extent to which you can.
i can't wait till this week is over. more so, i can wait till everything else finishes and it's friday night and i'm drunk and crazy. in a year, i won't be a teenager anymore. i think i'm pretty happy where i am in life. well enough so that i woudln't know where else i woudl be that i would prefer. generally, of course.
my nails are kinda long. it's weird. this is of course jinxing it and now they will jsut fall off.
i hate phonecalls, but once they're done and you completed a task, it feels pretty good. i guess it depends who you're talking to too.
so am i blogging cause i coudl be studying? YES
"she said that she's had enough" --> those are lyrics. i thought they shoudl be in quotes...
it's funny how you can dread things so much and be so excited for other things that aren't a big deal. who really knows what i'm ever talking about, cause i don't. i want to straighten my hair, but that takes effort and effort needs time. and i dont' have any time. soon... eventually...
it's funny how your feelings about stuff can change so drastically. after some time of course, but still the 180 is insane.
can you tell if someone is attractive by listening to their voice only? there must be some extent to which you can.
i can't wait till this week is over. more so, i can wait till everything else finishes and it's friday night and i'm drunk and crazy. in a year, i won't be a teenager anymore. i think i'm pretty happy where i am in life. well enough so that i woudln't know where else i woudl be that i would prefer. generally, of course.
my nails are kinda long. it's weird. this is of course jinxing it and now they will jsut fall off.
i hate phonecalls, but once they're done and you completed a task, it feels pretty good. i guess it depends who you're talking to too.
so am i blogging cause i coudl be studying? YES
"she said that she's had enough" --> those are lyrics. i thought they shoudl be in quotes...
it's funny how you can dread things so much and be so excited for other things that aren't a big deal. who really knows what i'm ever talking about, cause i don't. i want to straighten my hair, but that takes effort and effort needs time. and i dont' have any time. soon... eventually...
Ooh feelings about STUFF ehuhuh?? I'd ask you about this since we're talking at this VERY moment but leaving comments is a lot of fun
A Triple K, at 7:48 PM
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