Hi Lo Pica Lo Pica Lo Hi Lo, Hi Lo Pica Lo Pica Lo Lo
To whom this may concern,
I was having trouble coming up with how to start this very unexciting blog entry and then it occured to me, why not start it the way my mother starts every note she sends into school. See my mom has no idea who I will have to show the note to and hense she always starts them with "To whom this may concern", I think it sounds very classy. Its also funny because my mom writes the best notes ever because she was a teacher and also has the best penmanship. Like seriously it is the most perfect handwriting ever, all of teh letters look exactly the way they are suppose to. I wish I had perfect penmanship, but I don't. I inherited my dad's writing style versus my mom.
Okay so today I went to go see Bourn Supremecy in theatres. I have not seen the first one, but that really didn't hurt my enjoyment of teh movie. It was pretty enteratining, lots of action, interesting story, all in all pretty good. One thing that bothered me about teh movie was shaky camera work which made me dizzy. Would recommend it, but you coudl wait and see it on video. Anyways, in the theatre I went to there was this couch that was an advertisement for vasaline. It was in the like second row of teh theatre and was like a pale yellow colour and looked like it could fit 3 or 4 people. Now the couch comfused me cause liek why was it there, it was a very strange way of advertsing and not one person in teh theatre sat in teh couch. But this i dunno, just thought I woudl mention that.
Oh Oh, I also got Twislers at the movies, quite yummy!
Wow, apparently I have nothing to say!
La La La!
I was having trouble coming up with how to start this very unexciting blog entry and then it occured to me, why not start it the way my mother starts every note she sends into school. See my mom has no idea who I will have to show the note to and hense she always starts them with "To whom this may concern", I think it sounds very classy. Its also funny because my mom writes the best notes ever because she was a teacher and also has the best penmanship. Like seriously it is the most perfect handwriting ever, all of teh letters look exactly the way they are suppose to. I wish I had perfect penmanship, but I don't. I inherited my dad's writing style versus my mom.
Okay so today I went to go see Bourn Supremecy in theatres. I have not seen the first one, but that really didn't hurt my enjoyment of teh movie. It was pretty enteratining, lots of action, interesting story, all in all pretty good. One thing that bothered me about teh movie was shaky camera work which made me dizzy. Would recommend it, but you coudl wait and see it on video. Anyways, in the theatre I went to there was this couch that was an advertisement for vasaline. It was in the like second row of teh theatre and was like a pale yellow colour and looked like it could fit 3 or 4 people. Now the couch comfused me cause liek why was it there, it was a very strange way of advertsing and not one person in teh theatre sat in teh couch. But this i dunno, just thought I woudl mention that.
Oh Oh, I also got Twislers at the movies, quite yummy!
Wow, apparently I have nothing to say!
La La La!
ha ha, I agree but the only problem is that "to whom it may concern" is also the way a lot of junk mail (snail mail) is addressed! (:
dave n, at 4:20 PM
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