Dripping with Boredom!

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

homework? what is this "homework" you speak of?

now imagine that said with the very obvious airquotes... i think youg et it, school is not fun and why are we getting hoemwork already?

so maybe i will hate all these courses that were supposed to make me happy and bring up the marks... hmmm... so most of my classes have me sitting next to "that girl".. you know.. that girl who you're sorta friends with but have slightly awkward conversation with... yup that's how it is. great huh

i've noticed no one's been blogging 'cept me and i haven't even been doing it THAT often.. well in comparison to the average of 3 times a day during the summer! so do anne and kathleen have homework to do? are they distracted by "school?" well lucky for all our loyal readers (which i've estimated to being about 0 right now with the lack of comment.. well maybe it's cause i'm the only one posting and my posts aren't apparently as comment-worthy.. ah well), i am loyal enough to this blog as well and will keep the posts coming!(:

locker 556... i didn't even know this locker room existed. well it's ugly and i hate the locks...

so i'm bored and will continue to procrastinate from homework and ignore the fact that i have to do it all tonight cause i work tomorrow (:



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