sunday night
sunday night. trying to ignore school being tomorrow. doesn't actually feel liek ti is cause for the first time in a while, i'm done homework earlier than usual! so today i went to red lobster with my family, and then to the keg with kathleen. really, jsut a day of eating out.
today in church, ther ewas a different priest and he asked that all the children come up to the alter and join hands or whatever. so finally, after a long pause of waiting for the shy children, lots of cute ones came up and looked cute praying or just standing there not knowing any prayers. point is, there was a boy, probably about8 wearing a shirt that said "i love hooters" with a picture of an owl.. very appropriate for church i must say! haha
i'm wearing my cute devil underwear cause all o fyou must know this. kinda lower than the other ones which i need to get used to. this had to be stated just so the whole world knows what i'm wearing under my pjs right now (:
poetry sucks by the way. when we eventually need to write one for english (she has so assigned it already and i just didnt' pay attention), well i'm going to write a haiku. i'll take a good hour to write those 3 lines which will have some hidden meaning that i didn't realize but others might be able to figure something out to make the poem sound better than it actually is. basically, i had some poetry analysing to do in point form for hoemwork.. so i assumed, when teachers say point form, they mean barely write anything, so that's what i did.
i wanna make this post kinda long so i'm jsut blabbing about anything i can think of
this week, i'mw orking sooo much! kinda crazy. 5 days altogether. monday-thursday, and sunday. not sure how i'm gonna work it out with school, but it has to get done.. but money will be good (: monday (tomrrow), i'm also working an hour later than usual which sucks cause we need to put signs up for a sale. hopefully sexy guy will be there. i'm sure i've mentioned this, but now i will once again. i like people who intrigue me.. doens't need to be super hot, just kinda mysterious and hot. (:
i finally took my nailpolish off today. acutally, it was more of nailpolish with some permanent marker doodling done in religion class on friday. it was really gross and mom was happy when it got removed.
my back really hurts today. and my leg... well only the left side of my body which is pretty annoying. i guess it's from helping my dad in the yard, but it's kinda sad that i didn't thnik i did anything that would make me in pain. basically, i realized it when i did my weird touch my toes stretch that i have a habit of doing every 5 seconds (well like twice a day probably), and i coudln't cause my leg hurt so much. my mom gave me a massage and put menthelatom (sp?) on my back.. hehe
i just got questioned if i'm "feeling depressed" cause of my msn name/.. haha, just so you know it's "life sucks, then you die"... it is pretty true right? i'd really liek something crazy and exciting in my life.. but ah well...
i really wanna try smoking... just cigarettes, not weed or anything. i've always like dthe smell which people find a bit weird, but i've gotten to the point where i'd liek to try one. not really taking the initiative, but one day...
sister's getting me an apple now.. hehe (:
i'm sure i coudl come up with some more useless comments, but i'm lazy so that's it for now...
today in church, ther ewas a different priest and he asked that all the children come up to the alter and join hands or whatever. so finally, after a long pause of waiting for the shy children, lots of cute ones came up and looked cute praying or just standing there not knowing any prayers. point is, there was a boy, probably about8 wearing a shirt that said "i love hooters" with a picture of an owl.. very appropriate for church i must say! haha
i'm wearing my cute devil underwear cause all o fyou must know this. kinda lower than the other ones which i need to get used to. this had to be stated just so the whole world knows what i'm wearing under my pjs right now (:
poetry sucks by the way. when we eventually need to write one for english (she has so assigned it already and i just didnt' pay attention), well i'm going to write a haiku. i'll take a good hour to write those 3 lines which will have some hidden meaning that i didn't realize but others might be able to figure something out to make the poem sound better than it actually is. basically, i had some poetry analysing to do in point form for hoemwork.. so i assumed, when teachers say point form, they mean barely write anything, so that's what i did.
i wanna make this post kinda long so i'm jsut blabbing about anything i can think of
this week, i'mw orking sooo much! kinda crazy. 5 days altogether. monday-thursday, and sunday. not sure how i'm gonna work it out with school, but it has to get done.. but money will be good (: monday (tomrrow), i'm also working an hour later than usual which sucks cause we need to put signs up for a sale. hopefully sexy guy will be there. i'm sure i've mentioned this, but now i will once again. i like people who intrigue me.. doens't need to be super hot, just kinda mysterious and hot. (:
i finally took my nailpolish off today. acutally, it was more of nailpolish with some permanent marker doodling done in religion class on friday. it was really gross and mom was happy when it got removed.
my back really hurts today. and my leg... well only the left side of my body which is pretty annoying. i guess it's from helping my dad in the yard, but it's kinda sad that i didn't thnik i did anything that would make me in pain. basically, i realized it when i did my weird touch my toes stretch that i have a habit of doing every 5 seconds (well like twice a day probably), and i coudln't cause my leg hurt so much. my mom gave me a massage and put menthelatom (sp?) on my back.. hehe
i just got questioned if i'm "feeling depressed" cause of my msn name/.. haha, just so you know it's "life sucks, then you die"... it is pretty true right? i'd really liek something crazy and exciting in my life.. but ah well...
i really wanna try smoking... just cigarettes, not weed or anything. i've always like dthe smell which people find a bit weird, but i've gotten to the point where i'd liek to try one. not really taking the initiative, but one day...
sister's getting me an apple now.. hehe (:
i'm sure i coudl come up with some more useless comments, but i'm lazy so that's it for now...
*gasp* david? sweet? what's wrong with the world!? lol jk. -- sarah
Anonymous, at 12:11 AM
to- karen -re: comment on Lars Schriebt
thanks karen. yeah- i'm realizing this now.
Chris, at 3:00 PM
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