Dripping with Boredom!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

random thoughts

what has the world come to when you put on your sportchek shirt just to get a mall employee 10 percent discount off your frappaccino?

how bad are arranged marriages anyway?

if i want to know, i will ask...

too much controversy

do people know today's saturday?

why is this cheese so crumbly? (i don't wanna give off the impression that i'm sitting here eating cheese.. cause i'm not!)

i swear i had more comments.. i think the one i actually wanted to say has been forgotten.. ah well, to another pointless blogging experience!


  • 10% is still 10%. I say if you can get a discount go for it. Also you look HOT in yoru shortchek shirt!

    I don't actually knwo if arranged marraiegs are that bad. I wouldn't want it, but that doesn't mean that they are nesccessarily bad for everyone. I think that people who have arranged marraiges don't hate them and eventually learn to love teh person right? Plus arranged marriages woudl eliminate the whole process of dating and the idea of trying to win affection from the opposite sex. But maybe thats fun, so maybe you don't wnat to egt rid of that. I guess arranged marriages kinda eliminate romance, because you don't need to win someone else over. "Win someone over" sounds wrong by the way. But you know what i mean, like if I was arranegd to marry a guy woudl he ever bring me roses or surprise em with romantic gestures, unlikely! I rambled and I doubt all my points are even valid, but too lazy to read over now!

    Today isn't saturday, haha, today is tuesday!

    I find feta chesse is very crumbly, I like feta chesse cause it tastes salty.

    I wnat to buy something today just for teh sake of it!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:14 PM  

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