Okay, so, I think that I acutally may have a real phobia concerning centipiedes. Tonight when I came into my room there was this huge centipiede sitting on the corner of my pillow... I went into my sister's room and begged her to come and kill it but she was mean and said no, because eventually I would have to kill one myself. That was annoying. So, I took her shoe and came back into my room and it took me 5 minutes to come from the door to semi near the bed so that I was in a good position to kill it. And really, it was in a good position, I could have easily slammed the shoe on top of it and shumshed and presto, it would have been done in an instant. But I didn't. I stood there staring at this bug for 15 minutes ( I kept count with the clcok radio next to my bed). And it was awful,because I really wanted to kill the bug so that I could get in bed and come online and stuff. And all throughout this I was considering sleeping downstairs, and I had that all planned out and was acutally going to go ahead with it. Eventually the bug moved from off my pillow but under my bed, so I kept standing there, occasionally tapping the matress with my toe to see if I could get it to come out and run out my bedroom door. Finally it did come out and scurried into a hole near my closet. So anyway, yeah, I'm still all jelly-like from the experience... this is really getting to be an issue.
Wow, that was a long paragraph about one little bug. Man oh man.
Wow, that was a long paragraph about one little bug. Man oh man.
so it's still alive somewhere? 15 minutes! so that's why you werne't online... how sad.. haha.. though i hate centipedes too.
Anonymous, at 1:40 PM
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