loong day
yay kim for joining! it's liek a birthday present to you. hahaha
i don't know what i'm doing. just came home from wandering aimlessly and filling in schedule at new job location. a little weird. it's kinda like i'm starting all over again, but still have waay too much experience there for my own good.
parents are stressful. though also stressed out. maybe that's the problem. not a good mix. for anyone.
today is a weirdly long day or everything and nothing. i woke up on my own at 10. well not exactly on my own, my dad came in and talked to me, so i may as well have gotten up. i was home alone for a while, and watched a walk to remember (ooh yes, i did. embarassing i know. or is it worse that i cried? i hate that movie. second time too.. haa), watched a bit more tv, online, tv, online, tv, online, physics paper almost done yay! i suck though, i have no idea what i'm writing in it, but it's almost done. now i just need to read it at some point and make sure it makes sense. there's soo much more i shoudl be doing today too for school, but i haven't got to anything else yet. so then i went to sportchek, and soon to jacob, but only working for 3.5 hours. and then home to err... study? who knows. i also don't really have plans tomrrow, besides family coming over. i feel liek i avne't worked in a while, maybe cause i haven't.
what am i saying anymore?
i feel so happy and depressed all at the same time. it's weird. must stop overthinking... how do you go about doing that?
yesterday was fun.
i don't know what i'm doing. just came home from wandering aimlessly and filling in schedule at new job location. a little weird. it's kinda like i'm starting all over again, but still have waay too much experience there for my own good.
parents are stressful. though also stressed out. maybe that's the problem. not a good mix. for anyone.
today is a weirdly long day or everything and nothing. i woke up on my own at 10. well not exactly on my own, my dad came in and talked to me, so i may as well have gotten up. i was home alone for a while, and watched a walk to remember (ooh yes, i did. embarassing i know. or is it worse that i cried? i hate that movie. second time too.. haa), watched a bit more tv, online, tv, online, tv, online, physics paper almost done yay! i suck though, i have no idea what i'm writing in it, but it's almost done. now i just need to read it at some point and make sure it makes sense. there's soo much more i shoudl be doing today too for school, but i haven't got to anything else yet. so then i went to sportchek, and soon to jacob, but only working for 3.5 hours. and then home to err... study? who knows. i also don't really have plans tomrrow, besides family coming over. i feel liek i avne't worked in a while, maybe cause i haven't.
what am i saying anymore?
i feel so happy and depressed all at the same time. it's weird. must stop overthinking... how do you go about doing that?
yesterday was fun.
Overthinking fries your brain! Be careful!!! Also- i just deleted some comment because i made a mistake, but now that whole thing about a comment being deleted shows up. How embarassing.
(TLAVKM! says word verification thingy.)
A Triple K, at 11:57 PM
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