Dripping with Boredom!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

i'm so me around you

so here i am. posting...

today was fun. my burn/tan lines are slowly getting less obvious. very slowly.

what are with away and busy statuses? just go offline. that would probably make no one online, but whatever.

dead disco, dead funk, dead rock n roll. hahaha funk! good conversations had

i watched a bit of trainspotting today. i'm glad i'm not a druggie...? is that the reaction they wanted? haha

i really restrain from writing somewhat personal things up here. i think i'm getting better. so either i write boring stuff or you have no idea what i'm talking about and all are confused and all is good in the world.

work isn't so bad with all the drama now. actually looking forward to it. one job that is. not the other horrid one that is ending SOON! yay soon! and soon to be starting a real one. real? WEIRD. i am weird.

i sadly think that blogs liek this can go on forever if i really wanted them too. the only reason they sometimes do is cause what's the point really and who wants to read this? it's nothing useful or interesting.

poor rob james. i feel bad for him. at least he has an eyebrow ring.

i saw a shimmering light...



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