Dripping with Boredom!

Monday, September 20, 2004

Hello There Friend!

So, it's been awhile, eh?

Anyway, today I was taking a shower and I was looking at my shower gel tube and it said "Sleep Well" on it, and it's supposed to be all this Zzzz therapy that will make you sleep better. But I use it during the day and I never feel tired. It seems like a farce! My whole life has been a lie!

Also, when I was getting ready for my shower I had the radio on and that Toxic song came on by the one and only Britney and then it got stuck in my head and it was annoying. What other song was stuck in my head? Oh! Yeah! That Presto piece for music class!! Geez louise! Everytime I hear it, it becomes imbedded in my head. Ick.

So, for those of you that don't know me in real life (haha!! Are there even any non-friends reading this?) I have been lax in my posting lately all because of one thing that has changed my life. And yes, I am talking about a computer game and yes, I am an uber nerd. So yeah, Sims2 came out and I have been spending most of my time on the computer playing it. I got a free moment and a little inspiration right about now and that's how this particular post came about. Whoo hoo! Haha!! That makes me think of the game! Haha!!

Nothing much else to say. I hate poetry and in-class poetry responses. They suck. No more need be said.

Ooo! Today in English Lit I noticed on the desk someone had engraved "Bored and Tired. Kill me now". And for some reason that amused me. Haha! Anyway, I am off, not to play Sims2, but to go watch television. And sniffle because I'm pretty sure I have a cold. :(

Until next time (which hopefully will not be as long as my last gap between posts)



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