Dripping with Boredom!

Monday, December 27, 2004

Perfect Guy

Survey - The Perfect Guy

1. hair color –
Brown.... not a huge fan of blond hair, and really for sure nothing dyed
2. eye color – I guess green....
3. height – taller then me when I am wearing heels so like 6' or taller

4. six pack – not really important, not fat, but not like hard stomach either
5. long or short hair --- short
6. glasses – no glasses (sorry dave)
7. piercings – nope
8. scars --- who would say yes to scars? sacrs aren't attractive!
9. eyebrows – yes I wodul like him to have eyebrows

10. big butt or lil? – definately not a big butt..... i don't look at guys butts
12. buff or skinny – middle, skinny would make me feel fat and buff wouldn'rt br very great either
13. straight teeth—definately
14. funny or serious – more funny then serious, but both
15. party or stay at home – part i guess, but really don't care

16. should he cook or bake—cook, I can bake
17. should he have a best friend—yes
18. should he have a lotta girlfriends – no

19. outgoing or shy -- outgoing
20. sarcastic or sincere – sarcastic to match me
21. should he love his mother – not really a must, but he must respect women
22. should he watch chick flicks --- not by choice
23. would he be a smoker – no
24. would he drink – yes
25. would he swear – fuck yah

26. would he play with your hair—yah
27. one or more girls at a time – one


Saturday, December 25, 2004


Merry Christmas

Thursday, December 23, 2004


My hands smell like playdoh. I think it's one of those smells that will remain embedded in my skin until multiple washes later. Alas.

So it snowed alot today. Cars getting stuck left right and centre! Snow to shovel too, but that's fun. I like shovelling, I have my own little pattern and then I'm happy when everything is clean. :)

The other day my sister and I went to the grocery store to get ingredients for gingerbread. We were there for an hour to get about ten items. It was a little sad. And we could not, for the life of us, find the molasses. Seriously, we walked up and down the aisles... I refused to leave to store until we found it. Then we asked attractive grocery store boy where it was and of course, it was right near the honey which we had already found. Go figure.

Okay, this playdoh smell is really starting to bother me. I'm off to go wash my hands.

-Anne... who will hopefully be playdoh smell free in a few moments-

Monday, December 20, 2004


It really scares me when cats get hairballs. Like seriously, they start all that hacking and stuff and it makes me think they're choking to death. It's not even the idea that the cat is going to die that disturbs me (although that's pretty sad too), it's more the fact that they're dying such an awful death, a death of slowly suffocating as their airways are blocked!! How sad!! So as a result, I don't like it when cats have hairballs. I don't have a cat though, I used to want one, used to like them much better than dogs but now I don't want any pets, really just not interested.

So now that everyone has a really nice mental picture of cats choking to death...

I'm looking around for inspiration but nothing is coming to me. I need something to hit me smack in the face, boom! But alas...


Sunday, December 19, 2004

boulevard of broken dreams

I walk a lonely roadThe only one that I have ever knownDon't know where it goesBut it's home to me and I walk aloneI walk this empty streetOn the Boulevard of Broken DreamsWhere the city sleepsand I'm the only one and I walk aloneI walk aloneI walk aloneI walk aloneI walk a...My shadow's the only one that walks beside meMy shallow heart's the only thing that's beatingSometimes I wish someone out there will find me'Til then I walk aloneAh-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah,Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ahI'm walking down the lineThat divides me somewhere in my mindOn the border lineOf the edge and where I walk aloneRead between the linesWhat's fucked up and everything's alrightCheck my vital signsTo know I'm still alive and I walk aloneI walk aloneI walk aloneI walk aloneI walk a...My shadow's the only one that walks beside meMy shallow heart's the only thing that's beatingSometimes I wish someone out there will find me'Til then I walk aloneAh-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ahAh-ah, Ah-ahI walk aloneI walk a...I walk this empty streetOn the Boulevard of Broken DreamsWhere the city sleepsAnd I'm the only one and I walk a...My shadow's the only one that walks beside meMy shallow heart's the only thing that's beatingSometimes I wish someone out there will find me'Til then I walk alone...


Ah... I have finally had a spurt of energy and actually went Christmas shopping. Yayness!! Bought three gifts, only one more to go but I know what I want to get, it's just a matter of finding a store that sells it, lol!

So yes, finally two weeks off school. Sleeping in is going to be so guuud!

I'm eating a penut butter cup. I really like the peanut butter and chocolate combo, it's quite tasty. Some people don't like it that much, but I think it's great! Go P&C! Ah yes, you know when you ramble becasue you have noting to say.

Reading movie reviews right now...

And I'm off, nothing much else to say.


Sunday, December 12, 2004

one more week...

apparently this is what i do when no one is online. this way, it feels like i'm talking to someone... but really, i'm talking to no one, cause no one reads this. ah well.. such is life

my legs really hurt. work is pain. pain is money. money is greed. where am i going with this? who knows? shoudl that be a question?

so when you think karen, what's the first nickname that comes to mind? what's upw ith people calling me care bear? got called that in grade 2-4 ish, again in grade 9 or 10, and today my manager called me care bear!! how does care bear come from karen? am i round, fuzzy, and have powers that come out of my tummy? i think not.


Saturday, December 11, 2004


i'm getting a lot better at blogging more often again. well not THAT often, but not bad considering i'm not forcing myself. weird thing to force yourself to do...

anywayz... today was a looooong day of shopping after signing out early from school... basically christmas shopped from 2-9. wow, 7 hours. do i even l ike shopping? well i didn't get a whole lot, but i got started and a bit omre confident about presents.. well SOME of them

so it didn't kick in till now, but i'm super tired!!! i can barely open my eyes... got 4 hours of sleep last night thanks to some bitchy teachers and long work hours. what can you do. go to bed now? haha, probably a good idea.. okay, well in 5 more minutes!!

tomorrow is a fun day of work.. well at the less fun location which sucks, and for hopefully less than 12 hours... 4-3? haha.. crazy.

school is overrated.. have i said this before? well i kinda hope it's not considering i'm working a lot to save up for it, and getting into millions of fights with parents about me failing in life.. well not reallyl failing, but disappointment and the idea that i can do better.. no ican;'t (: stubborn? nope

presents are wrapped, under the tree... it's almost christmas!!!!!! so excited to be off for a bit and to sleep and to just do nothing.. well besides work and all those break assignments teachers decided to give even though they said they wouldn't.. hmmm...

well off to bed. yawn.


Tuesday, December 07, 2004


Karen, I will give you a super cool nick name:

Super Cool Karen!!!!! Otherwise known as SCK... say it fast and all together now! Esseekay! Kinda sounds like tisiki sauce (Ok, now I know that's spelt wrong), but that is now what I'm going to call you!

Eh?! You like? No? Yes? Get back to me on that, 'k?

Anyway, just returned from my driving lesson. I went through a lot of yellow lights which I probably could have stopped for but we'll ignore that fact, right?

Grr.... stupid hotmail is too busy at this time. Could everyone else please get off so I can use it? Haha! Wouldn't it be cool if you could have big important things all to yourself? And maybe a few friends because then it would get lonely. Heck, let's make it a parTAY! Everyone who reads this blog is invited!!


Hmm.... maybe it won't be the party I'm expecting then. Lol!

Today I was wearing the school turtle neck and now I'm wearing another one. Not school related though, just a brown turtle neck. I've only ever worn it once before, I don't know what made me want to wear it again today. But I did. My neck is warm. I turned on the heat in the basement before I went out and now it is all nice and toasty... bliss!!

So yes, I am off to wander. Not really, I'm just publishing this post now.

Toodles! <--- Goodness gracious! What have I come to? Toodles? Sheesh.

-Anne Who Calls Karen Esseekay!

hokey pokey

so i'm sitting here, avoiding homework, not going to bed cause well, i shoudlu be doing homework.. so why not blog? i thought, "karen, why not blog?" actually no.. i did not...

already embarassed by this post cause i have no idea what the hell i'm saying...

wouldn't it be nice to get some sort of entertaining post from me? haha... mos tliekly no... unless you find this entertaining.. who is "you" anyway... kathleen? anne? haha, probably... (:

is school overrated? hmmm, i hope not, cause otherwise, what a waste. did you think this was the fstart of a real convo with myself? well no, you're out of luck.. try another blog

i bought a sweater yesterday.., really proud and happy with it.. from bluenotes... used to be my favourite store, then they starting bringing in really ugly clothes, so it's exciting when i like it again. yup.. so this is what i do instead of buy the christmas presents that i actualyl need to buy.

well seems liek this oh so interesting and exciting blog is coming to an end...

i feel liek i post for myself sometimes... but then again, who shoudl i really be posting for?


-Karen- (woudl be kinda cool to have some crazy nickname.. but no... just karen....)

Thursday, December 02, 2004


i shoudl really stop blogging when i'm angry... woudln't it be nice to hear a happy interesting post from me? haha, well that's not gonna happen anytime soon...

this is all you get for now...



Whoa! Long time no blog eh?

Anyway, I am all fresh and clean out of the shower. We have this new bath soap and it smells very fruity and usually I don't use fruity soaps but this one smells nice. I hate it when soap smells too yummy though because then I want to eat and soap + inside tummy = ick!

Lalalala! I'm feeling rather good right now, might even be hyper if there were other hyper people around, but as of now I'm just relaxing and feeling content. It's always nice to feel content :)

So, anyway, because I'm feeling content and nice I thought I should write an entry in the oh so neglected blog but I don't really have anything to say, per usual.

Oo oo! Today, when I was driving home from school, I was turning a corner and I totally went up on the curb. And my mom said "Maybe if you didn't do that fancy turning..." She was referring to the hand over hand thing which I happen to like so excuuuuuuse me if I turn a little tighter on a turn becasue last time I went too wide. Sheesh!

But that is in the past! The future is now! Ugh... future is bio test tomorrow. Karen is quite right, ugh is a very appealing word. Ugh ugh ugh... hehe! That makes me giggle. Whoa, really off tonight.

So that is all for my little blog bit. Until next time!


P.S. Now would be an appropiate time to sign "Clean Anne" because I am very clean right now! Squeaky clean! Squeak! Squeak!