Dripping with Boredom!

Monday, February 28, 2005


I'm eating Alpha-bits. They're a little stale, but tasty anyways.

So yes, I am here ignoring the grad blurb I should be writing because SOMEONE *coughkathleencough* didn't believe me in English today when I told them I would write a blog when I got home. But yes, our poor poor blog has been sadly neglected as of late. Ach vey.

I never though grad blurbing would be so stressful. Erg... never know if what you've written is good enough, says everything you want it too, all that sort of stuff. Of course, as soon as I hand it in I'll think of some amazing, witty thing to say and then I will be sad. Aww. Poor me. Lol! All shall be well.

So today in English Kathleen and I were talking about roofs falling and floors caving in (can't remeber if this was before or after the blog talk) but yeah, she's always thought of what she would do if the roof fell in while I've always been more concerned with what would happen if the floor started to crumble. I've concluded that I would be terrified and would foolishly grab on to something unstable that would be pulled down with me, then land on top of me thereby squishing me and then I would be dead. Sadness, I know.

My sister brought home cracker jacks from school on the weekend. They always have a prize in them right? So we found the prize and it was major let down. Just some stickers to put on a yo-yo but there was no yo-yo included. Is that werid or what? Sheesh. But yes, the yo-yo stickers are now on my computer. Not the screen but the monitor thing. There is also a smiley face sticker and there's a mini gekko thing made out of beads. That's been falling down lately. Needs some more sticky tack: note to self.

Hmm... maybe I shouldn't be eating and typing at the same time because now the keys are kinda sticky. Ick. I'm off to work on my blurb now.

Until next time, <--- this is the closing line of my grad blurb

Anne <--- then of course I put my name, cha

Sunday, February 13, 2005


HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY KATHLEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!