Dripping with Boredom!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

"Ehm could I get..."

So today has been pretty dang humid. Walking home has never been so unenjoyable. On the upside, cottage weekend is coming up! Wickawickawicka!!!


Monday, July 24, 2006


I'm hankering for some blueberries.

Starting picking courses today... stupid course being cancelled... I guess I should have actually looked at that information about course changes that they mailed out, haha



Sunday, July 23, 2006

smiley faces

no one's posting. so here is one! short and not so sweet.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

i'll be the greatest fan of your life.

blog time. i don't even know what kinda mood i'm in to blog about. cottage shopping today. it went well. i wasn't carded which was kinda crazy. lots of training role playing. thai food yummy. must keep the eye out for tim hortons next time.i can't afford second cup and it is on my dislikes list. i'm curious. not obsessed. about everything. the stress is kinda going. applause cards scare me but they will be done eventually. i need sleep. but can't sleep early so it will be made up for eventually. friday summerlicious is soon. i have to figure out what to wear. purple gum pretty good. not too grape. i don't like grape.


Meant to fly

Today I played yet again with the pilates ball and almost knocked my sister over but that's OK! I also embarassingly danced to none other than Celine Dion. I don't know what possesses me to prance around the kitchen the way I do, but it happens once in a while and it sure is fun! Now I am pretty tired and would like to take a nap.

Hope everyone else is having a more exciting day!!!

P.S. I watched Much 911 and Dallas Green and Leah Miller KISSED. HOW WEIRD.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Gin rummy!

Pretty fun card game to play, and beat my sister at. Mwahaha. I'm pretty horrible because a) she is so much younger, b) I just taught her the game today and c) I don't know.

Eh so now that I am obsessed with make-up I've been looking at crazy websites online that do crazy make-up that seems like so much fun. I wish my sister was cooperative so I could test them out on her face.

Clearly my sister and I share a great sisterly bond.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

woo july

i love this weekend. so busy, so fun and crazy. so tiring. so much happening in july!

we shoudl do this more often

Thursday, July 13, 2006

brr it's cold in here, must be the acctg in the atmosphere. seriously, i am cold. and i hate acctg. it should die.i can't wait till tomrrow is over, and till tomrrow starts. gooooooo life!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Can I play the Captain Obvious card here for a moment? OK.

Being sincere online is a failed effort. Emoticons won't do it justice. You won't hear the sound of the person's voice dropping to a whisper to apologize. You won't see the expression on the person's face. You won't feel a thing because it's just words on a screen. And this, for lack of a better word, sucks. You don't want to come off unapologetic, but at the same time don't want to overdo the apology for fear of becoming too repetitive and possibly consequently become insincere.

These are things I think about when chatting online.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

badumdum cchh!

i am on break. it is weird being at home. it's like i go to work twice.

Monday, July 10, 2006


I'm listening to this song called "Classical Gas" which was in the movie Cheaper By the Dozen and it's pretty soothing. This would be me putting the song on repeat forever.

This morning I woke up kind of early, but since I had gone to bed so early it seemed pretty normal. But I think when I woke up and looked at the time, I became really disgusted at the hour and went back to bed...for another 4 hours. Needless to say, I've been feeling kind of gross the whole day because I slept for way too long and the rain put me off. I also did a lot of laundry and when does that ever cheer me up? Only when I don't have to fold my family's clothes, that's when! Actually not even. It never cheers me up.

"Don't don't don't get up. I can't see the sun shine." I agree, quotation marks are pretty good for putting lyrics in.

Tadow. Derived from the combination of "Tada" (which is most often proclaimed when one finishes a task) and "Wow" (a common excitement word), it is used to describe an object which is amazingly great or awesome.


it's not too late, it's never too late

soo many tests, so much stress, so little time. it's crazy. do i work to take tests and panic? apparently. making lists might help. at least some of it has been crossed off. though, really, all it did was make more points for me to write down.

it's funny how your feelings about stuff can change so drastically. after some time of course, but still the 180 is insane.

can you tell if someone is attractive by listening to their voice only? there must be some extent to which you can.

i can't wait till this week is over. more so, i can wait till everything else finishes and it's friday night and i'm drunk and crazy. in a year, i won't be a teenager anymore. i think i'm pretty happy where i am in life. well enough so that i woudln't know where else i woudl be that i would prefer. generally, of course.

my nails are kinda long. it's weird. this is of course jinxing it and now they will jsut fall off.

i hate phonecalls, but once they're done and you completed a task, it feels pretty good. i guess it depends who you're talking to too.

so am i blogging cause i coudl be studying? YES

"she said that she's had enough" --> those are lyrics. i thought they shoudl be in quotes...

it's funny how you can dread things so much and be so excited for other things that aren't a big deal. who really knows what i'm ever talking about, cause i don't. i want to straighten my hair, but that takes effort and effort needs time. and i dont' have any time. soon... eventually...


Saturday, July 08, 2006

looks like...

i thought i'll continue kim's posting of every 24 hours since she's currently IN BED!! though i can't really blame you/her cause the waking up early thing has been getting to me. today i might stay up a bit later. you know, since i get to sleep in till 9! ooh yes!!

wow i thought i had more to say but instead i'll just keep it all buried inside of me till i explode with some sort of breakdown! yay


Friday, July 07, 2006

The ice and the charm

PRESERVE THE SEXY, says LL Cool J and other girl in the song.

Let's deliberate, just like the judges on ANTM.

Day 1:
The Flaming Lips = 0 points because I don't really care for them but I heard they're really fun live
Gnarls Barkley = +2 because a) when would I ever see them again, b) HE/THEY IS/ARE MY LOVE
Alexisonfire = +1 because WHY THE HECK NOT so fun I love them
Eagles of Death Metal = -2 because I don't like Josh Homme
The Dears = 0...enh, I used to like but do not love
The Hidden Cameras = +1 because they are fun but I could probs see them live easily
2ManyDJs = +1 because they do crazy mixes and I hope they do one of Kelly Clarkson's songs
Starsailor = -1 because I now loathe them and their hiatus
Phoenix = +2 because I don't think I'd ever see them again!
Buck 65 = 0...I used to like this one song but that does not mean they are worth tipping the scale
Plaster = 0...WHO?!?

Day 2:
Massive Attack = +2 because it is now or never!!!
The Raconteurs = 0...I am ambivalent
Sam Roberts Band = +2 because I love them too much
Wolfmother = -1...I am almost ignoring this band because of all their hype
Thrice = 0...I am ambivalent, yet again
K'Naan = +1 because I watched him on TV from Live 8 and I was like HECK YES!
Jose Gonzalez = 0...I have no words
We Are Wolves = 0...I saw them once open up for another band and I just think "meh"
Mickey Avalon = 0........................



Thursday, July 06, 2006

Blog about it

You haven't blogged ENOUGH.

Hi everyone. I really enjoyed dinner this evening. I also enjoy posting every 12 hours.


So Shake Em!

Yesterday I called my boss and asked her when I would be working next. She said "I'll call you" which is oh-so-vague and then I told her I couldn't work until Sunday because I'm just taking days off spending money that I should be earning. Oh well. But really, I didn't realize that I would become the "on call" girl at this place and at the same time never get any shifts. Why life.

Trying to find hairstyles online is not nearly as fun as I expected. Today I am cutting my hair and now I want to cancel my appointment because I don't know what I want. Really, I always try to find a new hairstyle but I always leave with the same one because I never show the picture to the hairdresser. All I know is I don't want my hair to be flying away at the ends or have a dead-straight cut or have bangs, all of which I predict would be disastrous because my hair is too thick and pseudowavy/straight to handle any of that.

On the topic of vanity, I still love CNTM. They give the most hilarious prizes ever for the competition winners. "Oh! Here's a pre-taped video that obviously wasn't personalized because it never mentions your name from Jay Manuel with a piece of advice." "Thank you so much! I'm going to keep this a secret from all my housemates because it is the worst prize ever but I still want them to be jealous of me! I'm being coy!"


Wednesday, July 05, 2006


so throughout these weeks of panic, i've finally come to a conclusion. i hate bookkeeping, i don't care about financial accounting and don't want to ever care. i blank out when reading sentences and then don't understand the basic english cause i dont' want to! and thanks accounting for being so stupid, that you want to complicate your simple self and reword things so to the normal person, they're a little funny, but for me, it's completely fucked up and not quite english anymore.
i liek reading some stuff and realizing, wow i didn't nkow any of this (not that i really care, at least for this test i should), but then coming across a so called study tip. and the tip will be the simplest thing EVER that how do i exist in the world without understanding this? what does that have to do with anything?? if i didn't understand that, then how the fuck would i have been able to read that previous paragraph?!
i hate you accounting. i hate you test. it's really a shame that i can't afford to do poorly on this one. like SERIOUSLY can't.
at least i can get work off to write it...



I am not up to much. I'm actually rather chilly (well, my feet are) which is certainly a change from recently where I've been super hot while using my computer. (And as Karen did, I too shall clarify that I don't mean sexy hot, haha).

Do do do

I made a To Do list the other day, and I've only done two things on it. And I really should add "Clean Room" to that list. Meh.

What is up with this sudden influx of dirty junk mails? Why is the filter not catching these?! Sheesh.

Not much else to say.



Ew... I never want to use outtie as a good-bye again! Ick

Fishing for the answer with a line and sinker

i like real jobs. and by real jobs, i mean 9-5 shifts and doing nothing on the job. sounds good to me. or going to a school like environment and getting paid. i can handle that.

i like jobs where i don't need to be searched when entering and leaving, as if there's something stolen in my tiny ass purse.

i like getting off at that station where all the business looking people get off. i am a business looking person.

it's kinda weird being the youngest person in it seems like everything i do, but maybe that's a good thing. i can deal with experiencing things at a younger age, especially good things.

i've been awake for 11 hours and it's almost 6:30? it's weird. who am i

and i also like grabbing a morning coffee. at least a weekly morning coffee...

i'm almost legal.


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

the red flag waving never meant the same

july is crazy busy!! sooooo much on my mind it's insane. things will work out though. for some reason, i'm freaking out more calmly today. wasn't july supposed to be fun? maybe once things really get started.

does your birthday week start before or after your birthday? i dont' care that it doens't really exist, but i'm guessing after, espcialyl for teh 19th.

i'm hot. and not sexy hot.

hopefully tomorrow is fun and filled with sexy hotness. hahahaa. that is the weirdest request considering i'm not going anywhere where you might expect this.

france. you shall win! cause if i blog it, it happens!

in that case...



it was a sad day today. and i'm not even german... i guess i'll have to cheer for france now. which isn't a bad deal. some serious disappointment though!! at least i won't hear any honking and italian happiness around here. i think i've been scarred. haha

that is about it. tomorrow i start some real job training... interesting.


Sunday, July 02, 2006

tomorrow shall be the start of studying...

what is wrong with people???!! and by people i mean boys...
i don't even know what to say about it. it's all of them and they're all insane. just all uniquely insane. and yah whatever, probably girls are crazy too.


Saturday, July 01, 2006


(Imagine that the Canada is White lettering, hehe)