Dripping with Boredom!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

if i could walk five hundred miles...

like the good little girl i am, i went to school this morning. good time, first class at 11, so considering takes me an hour, left the house just before 10. read a chapter and a half and did some people watching on the way.

reached eco100, sat, avoided people, sat, found kathleen, walked, sat, talked, went to class (fairly good class as always, nothing to report about, but definitely bareable).

met up with sister and her friend, not cause i have none, but cause i had an assignment to finish. otherwise i'd be with anne! (: so that eventually got done, though didn't really have to be apparently in that class.

ooh but now to the good part. or err... not so good.
we're sitting in the "co-op" and i get out my bag to get my cd out to do the assignment (yes, it's a real assignment) and i touch something sticky. i can't figure out where it's coming from, but now i feel all sticky and gross with my gross sticky binders and notebooks, ooh and yes, cd and cd player (ahh soon to be nano). i finally locate the stickiness, which is double sided through the pockets in this bag and after almost 2 minutes of searching and confusion, i pull out a lollipop... sitll in the wrapper... but err... i dunno... 4 years old?? ew. it's green though!!! i'm thinking from a grade 9 election or something... er, i hope not grade 8, or 7 is it. so it's melted through the plastic and is just gross... not even one thought about eating it (mmmm.... no, not one!)

but now that my mommy has cleaned the stickiness (and i just cleaned my binder and notebooks), i'm happy... haha... yes i'm cool.


Monday, September 26, 2005


Fire alarm testing started in the building this morning at 10:40 and it's now 7:45 pm. And as I type the announcer is coming on and saying that the Fire Dept is still continuing tests. Ye gads. My poor bleeding ears.

In other news, my room is a comfortable temperature. The hallway is rather cold, and it's chilly outside so it's very nice to come in here and have it be a nice warm... not too hot, not too cold, just right.

I really should get some reading done for my classes. But that's so bleh.

Oh well. Off to work... maybe.


Wednesday, September 21, 2005


all mothers shine a little

clicking sound is impressive

this is not the first day of my life

but that is how you spell blockbuster

can't go wrong with marshmellows

it's painful to walk

don't depend on anyone

ctrl space is great

i am a number

don't slack off too much just yet

bad combination of pink stripes and puma

swarms or people

i mean herds

green is the new green

at least let's become friends first...

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Shiver Me Timbers!!

Do be do be do be do


What's new in your life Internet?


Sunday, September 18, 2005


Thursday, September 15, 2005


The lollipop is now gone.



I'm eating a grape lollipop.


Saturday, September 03, 2005


wow soooo bored.. woke up at 8 today, yup, just on my own... nothing to do online, nothing on tv on saturday morning ('cept arthur which i already watched) and i'm sooo bored and fidgetywao;ixrupaosmier. so...

waiting for work to come... though still dreading it...
