Dripping with Boredom!

Sunday, August 29, 2004

radio sawa


i like posting even though everyone knows i've posted a lot recently...

so right now i'm listening to an arabic radio station (note the title). it's actually quite entertaining.. i got bored of the normal (well if you consider what kathleen sends me normal) 4-5 songs that i've listened to over and over and over again. it's really hard to understand the news though.. i like the music (:

today it's pouring which is not fun for swimming.. so no bathing suit for me today! 'cet it atually looks like it's sorta snuny now which is weird but now i'm just too lazy to change or bring anything with me to change into.. ah well.. stupid weather!

so tomorrow is the day when the mail will come and everything will be good! (:

i thoguthi had more to say.. at least i did when i started this post.. ah well...



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