Short and Not very Sweet!
So I am officially blog 102. You know I always thought 102 was the coolest number, and it never gets any attention. Like 100 gets a lot of attention cause obviously it is the first three digit number and 101 gets attention cause of that silly dalamation movie, but what about 102? 102 is a great number as well, and that is why I am proud to be post 102!
Earlier today I was thinking back about old TV shows I used to watch, and the show Sailor Moon came to mind. That show was so popular. My favourites were always Sailor Venus and Sailor Mars. I rememebr that everyone loved Sailor Jupiter, and that only teh cry baby girl in my class liked Sailor Moon. (And no one ever really like Sailor Mercury cause even though she was blue, teh best colour, she had a weird power, whats up with bubbles?) Recently, like within the last year, I was home from school sick and saw an episode of sailor Moon, and I can't remember why it was so popular, it wasn't a very amusing show. Like there is some evil person, the scouts look liek they will lose, and then tehy win, The End! No surprises!
I really have nothing to say, and I am sitting here yawning! So Good Night All!
P.S. My shortest blog ever
Earlier today I was thinking back about old TV shows I used to watch, and the show Sailor Moon came to mind. That show was so popular. My favourites were always Sailor Venus and Sailor Mars. I rememebr that everyone loved Sailor Jupiter, and that only teh cry baby girl in my class liked Sailor Moon. (And no one ever really like Sailor Mercury cause even though she was blue, teh best colour, she had a weird power, whats up with bubbles?) Recently, like within the last year, I was home from school sick and saw an episode of sailor Moon, and I can't remember why it was so popular, it wasn't a very amusing show. Like there is some evil person, the scouts look liek they will lose, and then tehy win, The End! No surprises!
I really have nothing to say, and I am sitting here yawning! So Good Night All!
P.S. My shortest blog ever
you've done some shorter blogging before!! i'm too lazy to look back though, but you probably have.. you did have one recently about your school shopping which was more of an addition to a post, but short nonetheless!!
so that's my useless comment for today... cherrio!(hmm?)
A Triple K, at 10:23 AM
Sailor Mercury was my favourite.
A Triple K, at 10:49 AM
hi guys! well i am just sitting here very bored, waiting for guests to arrive to invade our house with noise and crying babies. ANYWAYS, my favourite was sailor mercury. then sailor venus came around and she became my favourite... and come to think about it, sailor mars was one of my favourites for a while... same thing with sailor jupiter because i could relate to the whole ponytail deal. i never liked sailor moon because she was so dumb.
but besides all that, if i played sailor moon with my friends, i would be sailor mercury because she had those cool computer-screen glasses and the little pocket computer. very cool gadgets! and she was smart and had blue hair. i used to love the colour blue so her hair was the best thing that ever happened.
anyways, this comment is too long.
Anonymous, at 7:05 PM
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