Dripping with Boredom!

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Sick! (Day 2)

So its the next day and I still feel like absolute crap. Why am I always so sick? Anyways, basically at the moment my whoel body just aches and feels all heavy and yucky. As well I have sharp pains in my tummy, and at this current moment teh thought of food disgusts me. I have just woken up, meaning I have already slept away half my day. I really shoudl start on the tomorrow I have due tomorrow, but as far as I can tell I don't have much to do (which is defiantely a good thing)

I missed a quiz in calculus today, and I really hope that the teacher has no problem letting me make it up on thursday. I also was suppose to hand in two economic assignmnest, which I finished last night cause I thought I was goiong in today, and I also assume that teacher won't mind me giving them in late. Data, meh, I doubt I missed much except for a few notes about probablity and stuff.

I always get worried the first time I take a day off school in teh new school year cause you ahve to figure out what teachesr expect you to do.

Wahoo! I have a quiz in Accounting tomorrow! (Sarcasm, of course)

I don't even know whta to type anymore, cause all I have done the last two days has been being sick and trying to sleep to get better. (Definately not a fun way to spend my days)

Um..... what to type? I would type "I'm bored" but I'm not I much too busy feeling awful to feel bored!

Anywyas I guess I shoudl end this cause I realy have nothing new and exciting to say!


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