Dripping with Boredom!

Friday, October 08, 2004


not really sure where this post is going but i'm just gonna start blabbing about stuff that's happening.

so about an hour ago i got back from sister's commencement... not sure how to describe the event except long!! there were lots of good looking brothers, by the way. and by brother i mean siblings, not priests( why would you even be thinking that?) anywayz. lots of awards, lots of people, lots of time sitting on hard pews with my ass going numb cause we had to be there over an hour early!!!

watching what not to wear right. not very entertaining at all.

today, anne's locker got wrapped.. barbie wrapping paper which was interesting.. i have to say it looked pretty cute in the end. hmmm.. what else... went to all my boring classes and now it's friday and it's a long weekend!!!!

tomorrow i need to get my schedule from work, but hopefully i'm not working tuesday and we can go shopping.. really in the mood to spend a lot of money even thoguh i dont' haev any to spare, but i'll make it work.

feeling a bit nauseas right now which i can't spell.. not sure why, probably ate too much after not eating. just some weird situation like that.

i really thought i had more to say when i started this,. but now there's just a bunch of little useless thoughts.

thanksgiving weekend! nothign exciting planned.. family.. ugh

that's all..
until next time,



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