Dripping with Boredom!

Friday, October 22, 2004


looks like it's been a while since i posted, but it doesn't feel that way. an hour ago, i knew what i woudl blog about, but now i'm totally uninspired.

today i woke up at 9:30 cause i decided to skip 1st and 2nd period cause they were pointless without teachers (though they are usualyl pointless wiht the teacher also). so i'm lying in bed hear the phone ringing and then get distracted and confused. The phone was ringing cause my parents weren't; home and they needed to wake me up at 9:30 cause i had homework to do. blah, homework. but it basically got done pretty well and then i went to school/ i felt really refreshed whichw as really nice, as opposed to my sleeping in religion class the other day (: i realyl need some sleep. now this brings me to the topic of my mom freaking out that i can't handle two jobs school and sleep.. why woudln't i be able to? (:

today was my first day this week withouth work which was nice.. kinda weird cause it feels like i just work full time now. ahh just think of all the money that i will kinda see in 2 weeks. hmm.. went to mark work wearhouse today to get a jacket, sister ended up getting one cause that's the only one we both liked.. but i'm being nice and unselfish right? i will find one eventually.

so back to work... yesterday i was at work and decided during break that the 89 cent life brand shoppers water was the way to go. 1.5 litres and pretty sure i drank a litre of it. now this is me who hates water and is jsut SORTA trying to be healthy and force myself to drink it cause i for sure don't drink enough. kinda funny cause my friends all think i like water cause it's what i always have at lunch time, but that's really the only water i drink all day... always with force (: so, during break, i go to the washroom trying to pee myself out for the rest of the shift. how shoudl i know that i'd be dying in fear of having "an accident" while hanging clothes at the end of the night.? haha.. great thought i know. so lesson for the day.. actually no lesson. i need my water and shoudl drink more, forget that (:

i must've had more to say, but that's all for now.



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