Dripping with Boredom!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

rain rain go away

kim has attracted attention to this blog! that's crazy talk. no. no it isn't.

i'm inspired to blog when others do. though mine will suck. ah well...

wow i absolutely nothing to say this morning. i went to church. later than usual. it was thrilling of course. and now i'm home. waiting for family to come for lunch. i'm hungry and already stole some pasta things. yes, things, i'm not italian and will never know what any type of pasta or whatever is called. they will be called "things"

today the priest talked abotu lying (yes, i'm quoting the homily that i did not really listen to. okay, so i'm not quoting it, just mentioned that it existed), and seriously, why do peple lie? okay, i dont' mean just lie cause i lie all the time. lying too much actually which is driving me a little insane (insane in the membrane). but why do people make up stories to impress others? liek i dont' care if you travelled a lot of met this person or saw that plane crash!! why woudl i care? sometimes it's exciting to be the most boring person ever.

i kinda need to go to the washroom. an dyes, the blogging world is very interested in my bowel (that's soo not how you spell it) movements.

until next time,


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