Title That Is Not Relevant!
Actually, today I got a fairly good amount of sleep, woke up at 11:09, and I would have slept longer if the rest of the family hadn't been banging about. And then my mom proceeded to walk down the hall right beside my bedroom wall (haha!! that rhymes!) all the while yelling something to my dad in the kitchen at the head of my bed. (haha!! that rhymes too!! look at me! a rhyming machine!)
Anyway, so I got up, read the paper because we FINALLY got it again (and when I say read I mean skimmed... really, the thing I missed the most was the television guide... (haha!! why did I spell out television)) Then, after lounging for an hour or so I got a call from a friend asking if she could come over cause she was bored so I said sure!
We hung out and chatted for a bit and then watched Ice Age. Of course, my DVD skips at the beginning which is rather annoying, but it was fine at the end and all was good! Then I ate dinner, and then I have been on the computer ever since.
Today, I will also be writing the title after I write the post since I never know exactly what I'm going to type. Really though, does the title need to be relevant?
Yup, so that was my super exciting day. Yay.
P.S. When my sister came home from work, we did a duet, and then I realized that she hadn't washed her hands yet, and she had taken the BUS home!! I was totally disgusted, and washed my hands a number of times. Will have to give the piano a thorough wipe down as well. That will be my mission tomorrow. Haha!! Of course that will never happen. Me and missions don't go super well together.