Bunny Rabbit
Last night I went to bed around 2 and I was kinda tired so I thought I would fall right asleep. Nope. After dozing for a little bit, I woke up and was totally awake... and really really bored. In fact, at one point I was actually doing shadow puppets on my wall using the light from my laptop. And I was laughing, because it was so weird... I never thought I would be waking up in the middle of the night and then proceeding to make my fingers into bunny rabbits. Let's hope that tonight I actually fall asleep when I go to bed.-Anne-P.S. I am not very good at shadow puppets. Not only were all my bunnies lopsided (maybe cause I was lying down?) but my reindeer failed. Sigh. Maybe there is a shadow puppet class at university.
Okay, so, I think that I acutally may have a real phobia concerning centipiedes. Tonight when I came into my room there was this huge centipiede sitting on the corner of my pillow... I went into my sister's room and begged her to come and kill it but she was mean and said no, because eventually I would have to kill one myself. That was annoying. So, I took her shoe and came back into my room and it took me 5 minutes to come from the door to semi near the bed so that I was in a good position to kill it. And really, it was in a good position, I could have easily slammed the shoe on top of it and shumshed and presto, it would have been done in an instant. But I didn't. I stood there staring at this bug for 15 minutes ( I kept count with the clcok radio next to my bed). And it was awful,because I really wanted to kill the bug so that I could get in bed and come online and stuff. And all throughout this I was considering sleeping downstairs, and I had that all planned out and was acutally going to go ahead with it. Eventually the bug moved from off my pillow but under my bed, so I kept standing there, occasionally tapping the matress with my toe to see if I could get it to come out and run out my bedroom door. Finally it did come out and scurried into a hole near my closet. So anyway, yeah, I'm still all jelly-like from the experience... this is really getting to be an issue.Wow, that was a long paragraph about one little bug. Man oh man.-Anne-
crazy day
one of the weirdest days... it's pouring outside... hailing... tornado. i might not have a job anymore... why? cause it's pretty much destroyed. what a shitty shitty old building.the power went out, rain leaked, so we moved clothes... but rain leaked too much until the store was flooded and the roof collapsed. how nice...never thought i'd see that-Karen-
i'm getting pretty good with frappaccino's not EVERY time i have a break at work. but today i had one and i decided maybe i'll try mocha light and at least be a little healthier if i'm gonna have one anyway, cause it probably tastes close enough, i usually don't mind light or diet stuff.. but ahh, no whipcream! i didn't expect that, which is kinda dumb cause that's probably the worst part. but it is the BEST! so the actual stuff was more liquidy and the lack of whip cream really ruined it. well now i know, and i'll never go light again! hahai swear i had something else to say.-Karen-
My Pillow is Dangerous
Long story a little bit shorter, my mom had been looking for a new pillow and in the process she bought a down filled pillow... she ended up using the pillow from my bed because she liked it the best, and I got the down pillow which was fine becasue I liked it. However, it was a dangerous trade.Basically, what happens is the little feathers start sticking out of the pillow, through the pillowcase and everything. And let me tell you, those little feather ends are sharp!! Usually I find them when my hand or arm brushes past them or something, but I'm worried that one day it will be my eye that finds them, haha.Anyway yeah. That was my little tidbit. I sleep in fear of having my eye poked out by a feather.-Anne-
are sneezes contagious the way that yawns are?and should you excuse yourself after sneezing if no one is there? is it like that tree that falls in the middle of the woods, but if there's no one there to hear it, did it make a sound? is that even how it goes?i'm pretty bored. dont' work tomrrow which is exciting. going to hamilton to see family.. ohh yess.. fun...that's it... how sad.-carebear
yesterday i accomplished...
got kicked out of parkeat pasta salad without a forkwent into pool fully dressedgot burnedsaw gailyn swim in her "bathing suit"
So. Tired.
But felt need to write post.Water in ear.Hair tangly.Teeth chattering a little bit.But a very fun day!!Going to bed now.-Anne-
dont' pretend to start a conversation with me and care about anything in my life when the only reason you do it is to tell me seomthing about yourself that i really dont' give a fuck about. no one cares~!if you need to tell the world, post it!
random thoughts
what has the world come to when you put on your sportchek shirt just to get a mall employee 10 percent discount off your frappaccino?how bad are arranged marriages anyway?if i want to know, i will ask...too much controversydo people know today's saturday?why is this cheese so crumbly? (i don't wanna give off the impression that i'm sitting here eating cheese.. cause i'm not!)i swear i had more comments.. i think the one i actually wanted to say has been forgotten.. ah well, to another pointless blogging experience!
i almost signed up for a critical writing course... or wait.. now i'm rethinking... just to get out of that phenmenon religion blah course.i also jsut googled dripping with boredom and did NOT get this site... what happened? now i have to go into this the way that normal people do, through maybe the blogger website...weird-Karen-
rosi is jsut dumb... anyone who has me on msn knows how i feel based on my display pic. very accurate. and yes, i did take the time to make that.. wasn't as easy as it looks!why is choosing courses so hard and frustrating and why is the system soo retarded? why do other schools have guidance councellors who make your schedules for you and with you. i have nothing else to rant about this subject. you get the point, rosi sucks ass.-Karen-
number 5 and 6, check!woo hoo, officially 6 ear piercings combined
A little pathetic
Hello.I have a confession to make.I think I have a problem.The first step is admitting that, right?I might have an addiction.Scratch that, I know I do.And that addiction my friends, is Freecell.Yes, I am addicted to a card game that comes with the computer. Seriously, it's a little sad. I recently started playing it again and I CANNOT STOP! Every time that little box pops up asking if I want to play again, I hit yes! At first, it wasn't too bad. But I knew I was a little too obsessed when I started wanting to do other things but couldn't stop! I just kept clicking that button! And my eyes eventually start to feel like they are burning after I have been staring at the little green screen for so long. Alas.I kinda feel like this is a weird situation though. Because I don't really know if I want to kick this habit... I mean, freecell is so fun! Especially when you get on a roll, and then you just keep clicking and then boom! All the cards fly up!I am reminded of the song that plays in the "A Very Brady Sequel" movie (which by the way I LOVE!) where it's like "if loving you is wrong, I don't want to be right". If having an addiction to freecell is bad, well, maybe I don't want to be good!Haha, I'm a little embarassed for myself that I managed to write an entire post devoted to the subject of freecell. But at least it got me away from the game for a bit! Maybe I'll just go play a few more rounds...-Anne-P.S. A nipple piercing seems like it would hurt. A lot.