Well I didn't get a call from work this morning so I have been home all day doing nothing. I should probably call and find out when I'm working this week and hopefully I won't work tomorrow and I can join y'all at Vunderland!
Since I've been home all day, I've done nothing but surf the web and watch some TV. As I was surfing the web, I came across YTMND.com, which is some crazy website where every single page featured is like some kind of image that is tiled and has some random text on it and a clip playing on loop. I wasn't all too amused, but then I wikipedia'ed it (because that is what I do with everything now) and I came across the term "meme" which is short for "phenomenon." More specifically, "internet phenomenon"! Fascinating, I know! I then wikipedia'ed "internet meme" and there was a whole giant list of them! You can pretty much already guess at this point that because I was so bored and have no life, I did indeed sift through the list and started clicking on ramdom sites to see these "memes" and oh man! Best one I've seen so far is this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49IDp76kjPw. View and be amazed! ...unless you've already seen it, in which case you can be amazed again!
As I was watching, I was like "Who on earth has this much time on their hands??" and then I remembered that I had been looking up memes for the past hour.