Wednesday, September 29, 2004
very poorly done... appaertly i can't copy and paste and type properly.. anywayz... that was a sad result for me ):

Your eyes should be gray.. the same color you see
the world. You have faced many sorrows and
losses, but yet its starting to get to you.
You're depressed and lonely, so maybe it might
be time to go and find someone to talk to.
What Color Eyes Should You Have? ( With Anime Pictures ^-^ )
brought to you by
this is so sad... i'm not that depressed!!! (:
You should have Dark Blue Eyes!
I was so bored that I decided to take a quiz, so I thought I might as well post this to the blog. It's weird that the results claim I have more mature interests then most peopel my age when I believe my interests are similar to those of a three year old child. Anyways I liek teh colour dark blue so I am very cool with teh results! Okay?
Your eye color is dark blue. You rely on your logic
solely, and may have more mature interests than
many of your friends and family your age. You
can sometimes also be interverted and lonely
from a lack of understanding with people, and
can be rather frustrated with some types of
folke. Some may describe you as cold and
distant, and you are honest with how you feel
about things.
What Color Eyes Should You Have? ( With Anime Pictures ^-^ )
brought to you by Quizilla

Your eye color is dark blue. You rely on your logic
solely, and may have more mature interests than
many of your friends and family your age. You
can sometimes also be interverted and lonely
from a lack of understanding with people, and
can be rather frustrated with some types of
folke. Some may describe you as cold and
distant, and you are honest with how you feel
about things.
What Color Eyes Should You Have? ( With Anime Pictures ^-^ )
brought to you by Quizilla
Nothing to Write About!
So I recently arrived home form school and am currently sitting here lsitening to "Ain't no Mountain High enough" by teh Temptations. Actually recently this has been one of teh songs I am listening to a lot. Like it has a really good beat and I dunno, its just cool. I alsways think of "Step Mom" when I hear it. You know the movie with Julia Roberts. Anyways...
So I have been a little short on time as of recently which unfortunmately means that the blog end up being ignored. I don't know if it lack of time or lack of motivation. Like how can I be motivated to write when school is such a drag.
Only one more day of school this week cause of a P.A. Day on Friday. Exciting! Love 4 day weeks.
Now listening to "She will be loved" by Maroon 5.
What to talk about?
um...... I've got nothing at the moment! Sorry!
So I have been a little short on time as of recently which unfortunmately means that the blog end up being ignored. I don't know if it lack of time or lack of motivation. Like how can I be motivated to write when school is such a drag.
Only one more day of school this week cause of a P.A. Day on Friday. Exciting! Love 4 day weeks.
Now listening to "She will be loved" by Maroon 5.
What to talk about?
um...... I've got nothing at the moment! Sorry!
Monday, September 27, 2004
Today I ate a lollipop. It was grape. And now I'm thinking of that Aqua song about the candyman dude.
Grr... why is the hotmail server too busy?
The lollipop was from the university fair.
I think in the grand scheme of thing, we are really all raisins.
The server is still busy... madness.
I am a blank slate right now.
Grr... why is the hotmail server too busy?
The lollipop was from the university fair.
I think in the grand scheme of thing, we are really all raisins.
The server is still busy... madness.
I am a blank slate right now.
Saturday, September 25, 2004
woke up at 10:30 this morning which was good for going to bed at 12. 'cept i'm still really tired. maybe it's from all the french reading which seems to be taking forever. and ifeel sick.. i dont' even know if i actually am sick cause half the day i am, half the day i'm not. and right now i am ): it's been like this for a week now and i dont' get it...
gotta go b-day present shopping.. have NOOOO idea what to buy. i'm thinking it'll just come to me.
i dont' have much so say i just felt like blogging for a bit.
university fair tomorrow (:
gotta go b-day present shopping.. have NOOOO idea what to buy. i'm thinking it'll just come to me.
i dont' have much so say i just felt like blogging for a bit.
university fair tomorrow (:
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Sick Day 4! (Greatly Improved)
So I officially did my first full day of school this week today! (It's weird to call a day when i was out of the school at 12:30pm a "full day" but it was) I woke up feeling a fair bit better and slipped back into my oh so wolly, oh so annoying kilt. I looked in teh mirror and basically sat to myslef "You can do it! No more being sick!" So today at school I first went to data class. It was pretty boring. Then we had mass when I was suppose to be learning about calculus. The mass was way too full because someone had the bright idea to put the grade 12s and grade 9a in teh chapel at the same time. It was packed! I also got my calculus textbook today. Then I went to economics where I learned about Production probability Curves (or PPCs). Also one of teh girls in my class asked me for help, and didn't know my name so she called me "hey, you there, smart girl." whihc was very starneg! Then I came home, and I napped for teh last 2 hours! I'm feeling much better, still not great, but much better!
Well that was your daily health update from me.
Well that was your daily health update from me.
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Sick Day 3! (Will I never be well?)
So basically this morning I woke up (feeling like crap) and yet decided that I woudl go to school anywyas, because I didn't wnat to fall too far behind in any of my courses. So I start walking to my carpool feeling liek crap but all I can think is "kathleen, don't be a wuss, once you get to school you'll feel better". Well needless to say when I got to school I felt anything but better. While wlaking to the 4th floor of the school I literally felt like I was going to fall backwards down the stairs. When standing for the 'O Canada' my legs felt numb and I had to hold on to the desk for support. I sat through an extremely boring accounting class and kept feeling like I was going to fall off my chair. This was about the time I decided it woudl be smart for me to sign out. So after accounting I went to teh attendence office, signed out and headed home. (I knwo my exciting day) Once home I had a quick bite to eat and headed to bed, and woke up about 2:30pm. Right now I shoudl be in english learning about poetry, but instead I'm sitting here feeling like absolute crap! I really want to get well!
Well I don't have anything else to type yah!
Well I don't have anything else to type yah!
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
probably about at the peak of stress and going crazy so i'm here to blog away!!
anywayz, pretty much figuring out that everything i'm supposedly good at, i suck at and can't do the homework and can't think and going crazy...
i don't wanna go to choir, schoool, or work tomorrow but i have to, cause i just do...
everything is really annoying and school shoudl just die. i don't wanna try, acuse when i do, i fail, so theres'r eally no point.. well i guess there is SOME point cause marks can be decent, but not stupid university program i want decent... grade 12 is supposed to be good!!
i dont' even know what i just typed, but i'm not going back to make myself sound better.. cause i'm tired and angry at everythhing... not people, just stuff
so i'm done my rambling which didn't make me feel better
anywayz, pretty much figuring out that everything i'm supposedly good at, i suck at and can't do the homework and can't think and going crazy...
i don't wanna go to choir, schoool, or work tomorrow but i have to, cause i just do...
everything is really annoying and school shoudl just die. i don't wanna try, acuse when i do, i fail, so theres'r eally no point.. well i guess there is SOME point cause marks can be decent, but not stupid university program i want decent... grade 12 is supposed to be good!!
i dont' even know what i just typed, but i'm not going back to make myself sound better.. cause i'm tired and angry at everythhing... not people, just stuff
so i'm done my rambling which didn't make me feel better
another one of my random thought post
nose is sniffy
everyone is sick
kathleen is achy
school sucks
ms. is a bitch
nail is chipped
parents are out
norton is expired
homework is piled
work is blah
money is nice
boredom is dripping...
everyone is sick
kathleen is achy
school sucks
ms. is a bitch
nail is chipped
parents are out
norton is expired
homework is piled
work is blah
money is nice
boredom is dripping...
So once again my doctor informed me that i have a "viral infection". Can anyoen say 'predictable'? Everytime I go to the doctor I get teh same old lame response. He askes me my symptoms, I tell them to him, he says its viral, I leave. Basically I was in and out in less then 2 minutes. Its almost sad how fast I now do this. This time he did inform me that what i have is apparently going aroudn at the moment, he even questioned if I knew anyone who had had similar symptoms. So basically this is a warning, I might be contagious! WATCH OUT!
I don't really have a ton to say right now cause I did post earlier!
I don't really have a ton to say right now cause I did post earlier!
Sick! (Day 2)
So its the next day and I still feel like absolute crap. Why am I always so sick? Anyways, basically at the moment my whoel body just aches and feels all heavy and yucky. As well I have sharp pains in my tummy, and at this current moment teh thought of food disgusts me. I have just woken up, meaning I have already slept away half my day. I really shoudl start on the tomorrow I have due tomorrow, but as far as I can tell I don't have much to do (which is defiantely a good thing)
I missed a quiz in calculus today, and I really hope that the teacher has no problem letting me make it up on thursday. I also was suppose to hand in two economic assignmnest, which I finished last night cause I thought I was goiong in today, and I also assume that teacher won't mind me giving them in late. Data, meh, I doubt I missed much except for a few notes about probablity and stuff.
I always get worried the first time I take a day off school in teh new school year cause you ahve to figure out what teachesr expect you to do.
Wahoo! I have a quiz in Accounting tomorrow! (Sarcasm, of course)
I don't even know whta to type anymore, cause all I have done the last two days has been being sick and trying to sleep to get better. (Definately not a fun way to spend my days)
Um..... what to type? I would type "I'm bored" but I'm not I much too busy feeling awful to feel bored!
Anywyas I guess I shoudl end this cause I realy have nothing new and exciting to say!
I missed a quiz in calculus today, and I really hope that the teacher has no problem letting me make it up on thursday. I also was suppose to hand in two economic assignmnest, which I finished last night cause I thought I was goiong in today, and I also assume that teacher won't mind me giving them in late. Data, meh, I doubt I missed much except for a few notes about probablity and stuff.
I always get worried the first time I take a day off school in teh new school year cause you ahve to figure out what teachesr expect you to do.
Wahoo! I have a quiz in Accounting tomorrow! (Sarcasm, of course)
I don't even know whta to type anymore, cause all I have done the last two days has been being sick and trying to sleep to get better. (Definately not a fun way to spend my days)
Um..... what to type? I would type "I'm bored" but I'm not I much too busy feeling awful to feel bored!
Anywyas I guess I shoudl end this cause I realy have nothing new and exciting to say!
Monday, September 20, 2004
Poetry, School, Chain Letter, and Sims 2
So I, liek so many other high school students, depise when they are forced to read poetry. Limericks, couplets, free verse, its all very much teh same to me. To me they are just words that are placed togather which carry way too much meaning and symbolism. (Like for crying out loud who reads the word "apple" and things of youth and the garden of eden, and from there goes on how we are all pure until we sin..... liek the poem isn't even religious, so why go on about Adam and Eve and stuff?) However I must admit that I have sinned agints the "Teenagers against poetry" group, today I read poetry and enjoyed it (gasp!). Thats right, as I previously stated I was sick all day today and once it struck 3:30pm I recieved a phone call from Dave, and he said he really wanted to make me feel better and as a joke I said a poem woudl make me feel better. Well he wrote me one and it actually made me feel better. A poem! Anywyas I woudl liek to apoligize to all of my fellow members against poetry and ask taht I can still be member of teh poetry hating club, cause I do very much still hate it!
So today at school I missed accounting, religion, physics, and english. Don't really have anything to say about that just felt like I shoudl list off what I missed today. I also missed a newspaper meeting but Anne still signed me up to be layout, I think.
"You have just been DEATHWISHED Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they like you. something good will happen to you at 1 0-4 0 pm tommorow, it could be anywere.Get ready for the biggest shock in your life. if you break this chain u will be cursed with realtionship problems for the next 10yrs. Send this to 15people in 15min" I was just sent this by one of teh people on my MSN list. I'm breaking the chain, is that ok? Will the cahin letter gods be all angry at me? OoOoOo I'm so worried! (not!)
I bought Sims 2 yesterday, after much convincing by Anne, and turns out that the video card on my computer is screwed up and so to even play the game I need to go buy i new one. I could go into detail about what said problem with my video card is, but since I woudl be just repeating exactly what I told was the problem I won't bother. All that is important is that to play the game I already spent a fair amount of cash on I will need to play like around 100 bucks for a need video card!
I can't really think of much more to say. I shoudl be doing hwk but my mind is a little out of it at the moment. BYE!
So today at school I missed accounting, religion, physics, and english. Don't really have anything to say about that just felt like I shoudl list off what I missed today. I also missed a newspaper meeting but Anne still signed me up to be layout, I think.
"You have just been DEATHWISHED Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they like you. something good will happen to you at 1 0-4 0 pm tommorow, it could be anywere.Get ready for the biggest shock in your life. if you break this chain u will be cursed with realtionship problems for the next 10yrs. Send this to 15people in 15min" I was just sent this by one of teh people on my MSN list. I'm breaking the chain, is that ok? Will the cahin letter gods be all angry at me? OoOoOo I'm so worried! (not!)
I bought Sims 2 yesterday, after much convincing by Anne, and turns out that the video card on my computer is screwed up and so to even play the game I need to go buy i new one. I could go into detail about what said problem with my video card is, but since I woudl be just repeating exactly what I told was the problem I won't bother. All that is important is that to play the game I already spent a fair amount of cash on I will need to play like around 100 bucks for a need video card!
I can't really think of much more to say. I shoudl be doing hwk but my mind is a little out of it at the moment. BYE!
Hello There Friend!
So, it's been awhile, eh?
Anyway, today I was taking a shower and I was looking at my shower gel tube and it said "Sleep Well" on it, and it's supposed to be all this Zzzz therapy that will make you sleep better. But I use it during the day and I never feel tired. It seems like a farce! My whole life has been a lie!
Also, when I was getting ready for my shower I had the radio on and that Toxic song came on by the one and only Britney and then it got stuck in my head and it was annoying. What other song was stuck in my head? Oh! Yeah! That Presto piece for music class!! Geez louise! Everytime I hear it, it becomes imbedded in my head. Ick.
So, for those of you that don't know me in real life (haha!! Are there even any non-friends reading this?) I have been lax in my posting lately all because of one thing that has changed my life. And yes, I am talking about a computer game and yes, I am an uber nerd. So yeah, Sims2 came out and I have been spending most of my time on the computer playing it. I got a free moment and a little inspiration right about now and that's how this particular post came about. Whoo hoo! Haha!! That makes me think of the game! Haha!!
Nothing much else to say. I hate poetry and in-class poetry responses. They suck. No more need be said.
Ooo! Today in English Lit I noticed on the desk someone had engraved "Bored and Tired. Kill me now". And for some reason that amused me. Haha! Anyway, I am off, not to play Sims2, but to go watch television. And sniffle because I'm pretty sure I have a cold. :(
Until next time (which hopefully will not be as long as my last gap between posts)
Anyway, today I was taking a shower and I was looking at my shower gel tube and it said "Sleep Well" on it, and it's supposed to be all this Zzzz therapy that will make you sleep better. But I use it during the day and I never feel tired. It seems like a farce! My whole life has been a lie!
Also, when I was getting ready for my shower I had the radio on and that Toxic song came on by the one and only Britney and then it got stuck in my head and it was annoying. What other song was stuck in my head? Oh! Yeah! That Presto piece for music class!! Geez louise! Everytime I hear it, it becomes imbedded in my head. Ick.
So, for those of you that don't know me in real life (haha!! Are there even any non-friends reading this?) I have been lax in my posting lately all because of one thing that has changed my life. And yes, I am talking about a computer game and yes, I am an uber nerd. So yeah, Sims2 came out and I have been spending most of my time on the computer playing it. I got a free moment and a little inspiration right about now and that's how this particular post came about. Whoo hoo! Haha!! That makes me think of the game! Haha!!
Nothing much else to say. I hate poetry and in-class poetry responses. They suck. No more need be said.
Ooo! Today in English Lit I noticed on the desk someone had engraved "Bored and Tired. Kill me now". And for some reason that amused me. Haha! Anyway, I am off, not to play Sims2, but to go watch television. And sniffle because I'm pretty sure I have a cold. :(
Until next time (which hopefully will not be as long as my last gap between posts)
So the last few days my stomach has been bothering me a bit. Its a bit of a wierd senerio, sometimes it is compltely fine (allowing me to stuff my face full of goodies) and other times I can't think of food without having teh urge to puke. When I was at work on Saturday I was feeling really dizzy and thought i might throw up, and last night as I was doing my homework I kept getting these pains and soreness in my stomach. Bascailly I woke up this morning feeling compltely crappy, slightly dizzy and very much liek I was going to vomit. (I know an appealing thought) So I went down and my mom told me to take the day off school and just relax. After making arrangemenst to get homeowkr and get my name signed up for newspaper at school (which involved calling Anne and Karen) I headed back to bed. I fell asleep and woke up again at about 1 o'clock. I feel a tiny bit better but my stomach is still really screwed up, I just don't know whats wrong. My whole body just feels achy and awful (with my stomach feeling the worst). If I'm not better by tomorrow mom claims that she is going to take me to the doctor. I feel bad that it is only teh third week of school and I already took a day off. And today we were suppose to be getting new seats in religion class so I just have visions that I am going to end up at teh front of that class for the rest of the year.
Ew, I feel so yucky!
Then I had to call my manager and tell him that I couldn't work today (I was suppose to 5-9) and he seemed annoyed by teh fact I'm sick and I ahven't got anyone to cover for me. Like seriously I can't plan ahead being sick, so how can I plan ahead for someone to cover my shift. Sillyness!
Anyways, not really in teh mood to type much, I'm going back to bed!
Ew, I feel so yucky!
Then I had to call my manager and tell him that I couldn't work today (I was suppose to 5-9) and he seemed annoyed by teh fact I'm sick and I ahven't got anyone to cover for me. Like seriously I can't plan ahead being sick, so how can I plan ahead for someone to cover my shift. Sillyness!
Anyways, not really in teh mood to type much, I'm going back to bed!
Sunday, September 19, 2004
sunday night.. grrr
whoa can you say shitload of homework?? hmm, well i just typed it! (:
so i dont' think i really have that much but when you have to read a lot of pages from les mis for french, and work tomorrow night, that other pointless stuff just takes up valuable time, though you gotta get it done anyway!
so work tomorrow.. should be starting comission which is good, 'cept it's monday night and will probably be really slow and annoying... hmm, not the best day to start i guess, but will still try!
i dont' know what to say,... i really shoudl stop saying that in my posts.. but whatever.. kahtleen basically described the night for the portion that i aws over yesteryda with the crazy boys in cars... hmmm, driving with boys in cars.. driving in cars with boys.. i think that's it.. haha anywayz, that was after jack astors which was yummy and filling.
so i've decided that i'm not gonna be pigging out at night anymore! that's it, i'm on my very relaxed diet starting now!! haha.
went shopping today.. sister bought stuff.. i want clothes but don't wanna spend mmoney and dont' even know what i realyl want anymore. will have to buy a b-day present sometime this week.. probably last minute sat. morning...
ooh university fair on sunday!! so how hard will it be for me to just start talking to random people there?easy right?
i'm done rambling about nothing for now.. i hate school BYE
so i dont' think i really have that much but when you have to read a lot of pages from les mis for french, and work tomorrow night, that other pointless stuff just takes up valuable time, though you gotta get it done anyway!
so work tomorrow.. should be starting comission which is good, 'cept it's monday night and will probably be really slow and annoying... hmm, not the best day to start i guess, but will still try!
i dont' know what to say,... i really shoudl stop saying that in my posts.. but whatever.. kahtleen basically described the night for the portion that i aws over yesteryda with the crazy boys in cars... hmmm, driving with boys in cars.. driving in cars with boys.. i think that's it.. haha anywayz, that was after jack astors which was yummy and filling.
so i've decided that i'm not gonna be pigging out at night anymore! that's it, i'm on my very relaxed diet starting now!! haha.
went shopping today.. sister bought stuff.. i want clothes but don't wanna spend mmoney and dont' even know what i realyl want anymore. will have to buy a b-day present sometime this week.. probably last minute sat. morning...
ooh university fair on sunday!! so how hard will it be for me to just start talking to random people there?easy right?
i'm done rambling about nothing for now.. i hate school BYE
Friday, September 17, 2004
Barbie Dolls
When Barbie can't keep a long term relationship what hope is there for the rest of us? I knwo that I am way behind the times but what is teh deal with Ken and Barbie breaking up. Like hello, everyone knows Ken and Barbie they are America's sweethearts. He has put up with her long list of careers (can you say "unstable") and she has put up with his mooching. So why afterall thsi time does barbie decide to go run off with cute surfer boy Blaine (I think thats his name). Blaine and Barbie, liek EW, its suppose to be Ken and Barbie. Think of teh children. You know the millions of little girls worldwide who have looked to barbie for inspiration! Barbie, I know you wnat to enjoy life and you belive banging Blaine will do that, it won't. It will be Ken's stablity and love that will win out!
Also where the heck is Barbie's mother? Anyone else ever notice that Barbie keeps getting more little sisters and yet their is no mother to be found. Now I have been putting dome thought into thsi and I believe that Barbie's little sisters are Barbie's little daughters! Eureka! Maybe i have discovered teh reason that the Ken and Barbie relationship didn't last. I naturally assume that Ken is teh father (but knowing Barbie and her skanky ways it could be anyone) and maybe their relationship ended cause Ken wanted marriage so they coudl raise their children togtehr. Poor Ken! Ken is a great guy! Love you Ken, you can do better then Barbie teh whore!
So thats my rambling for the day!
Night All!
Also where the heck is Barbie's mother? Anyone else ever notice that Barbie keeps getting more little sisters and yet their is no mother to be found. Now I have been putting dome thought into thsi and I believe that Barbie's little sisters are Barbie's little daughters! Eureka! Maybe i have discovered teh reason that the Ken and Barbie relationship didn't last. I naturally assume that Ken is teh father (but knowing Barbie and her skanky ways it could be anyone) and maybe their relationship ended cause Ken wanted marriage so they coudl raise their children togtehr. Poor Ken! Ken is a great guy! Love you Ken, you can do better then Barbie teh whore!
So thats my rambling for the day!
Night All!
Thursday, September 16, 2004
styrofoam blueberries and raspberries!!
i've decided that for this blog, i will walk you through my day and maybe something exciting will come out of that...
so i was woken up by my mom at 7:25, went downstairs, ate my rice crispies cereal (cause today is day 2, aka, the day i have breakfast), then washed, dressed up, and my dad drove me to school.. i got there, kathleen was already there which is good cause i hate being alone at school... this year i've started to come a lot later than usual though.. just 10 minutes before the bell rings!! if not less~(:
then anne came and we talked a bit (she was excited about SIMS 2, maybe she'll blog about that), and then we walked upstairs, kathleen and I to the 4th floor for accounting. i've decided that i really dont' find accounting as good of a course as i used to. mybe the tecaher is just getting annoying. well we had a quiz (which was straight from the review.. like literally STRAIGHT from it!! hmm probably should've actually studied that review.. but meh, pretty sure i ended up with just one wrong overall), and then she gave out a sheet reminding us of our ISU. what's up with teachers telling us about ISU's now??!! isnt' that somehting you panic over in may? well, the accounting ISU talk got me to order some annual reports.. it was basically me looking for them online and ordering anything i've heard of. so quite a few shoudl be coming in the mail eventually if i did it right. for some reason, it seems weird that you can just order stuff like this, even though investors do need it.. meh...
then off to calc. it was boring... long division with polynomials? what the hell isthat? well i can manage to do it,it's just dumb and boring.
english was next. english is a crazy course. id ont' even know what to say. we will also find more about our ISU next class i think.
then economics which i'ms tarting to slightly enjoy as i might've said before. we drew some model diagram thing of an "economy" and handed in a bunch of stuff.. actually we did;t have to hand it in, but i did cause why shoudl i carry them around for another class when the teacher can (: we also got textbooks in economics and calc which results in a very very heavy bag (with accounting and english too!!)
then the bell rang, and time to go home!! yay! spare is sweet.
daddy got a call from rogers. cell phone coming soon(: yay. ah now i owe anne and kathleen a lot of minutes (:
now i'm here, blogging and that is basically it for the day.. tomorrow is choir.. and also social, but the list5 wasn't up, so i dont even know if i'm on it.. ah i shall find out what to do tomorrow morning...
that's all folks!
so i was woken up by my mom at 7:25, went downstairs, ate my rice crispies cereal (cause today is day 2, aka, the day i have breakfast), then washed, dressed up, and my dad drove me to school.. i got there, kathleen was already there which is good cause i hate being alone at school... this year i've started to come a lot later than usual though.. just 10 minutes before the bell rings!! if not less~(:
then anne came and we talked a bit (she was excited about SIMS 2, maybe she'll blog about that), and then we walked upstairs, kathleen and I to the 4th floor for accounting. i've decided that i really dont' find accounting as good of a course as i used to. mybe the tecaher is just getting annoying. well we had a quiz (which was straight from the review.. like literally STRAIGHT from it!! hmm probably should've actually studied that review.. but meh, pretty sure i ended up with just one wrong overall), and then she gave out a sheet reminding us of our ISU. what's up with teachers telling us about ISU's now??!! isnt' that somehting you panic over in may? well, the accounting ISU talk got me to order some annual reports.. it was basically me looking for them online and ordering anything i've heard of. so quite a few shoudl be coming in the mail eventually if i did it right. for some reason, it seems weird that you can just order stuff like this, even though investors do need it.. meh...
then off to calc. it was boring... long division with polynomials? what the hell isthat? well i can manage to do it,it's just dumb and boring.
english was next. english is a crazy course. id ont' even know what to say. we will also find more about our ISU next class i think.
then economics which i'ms tarting to slightly enjoy as i might've said before. we drew some model diagram thing of an "economy" and handed in a bunch of stuff.. actually we did;t have to hand it in, but i did cause why shoudl i carry them around for another class when the teacher can (: we also got textbooks in economics and calc which results in a very very heavy bag (with accounting and english too!!)
then the bell rang, and time to go home!! yay! spare is sweet.
daddy got a call from rogers. cell phone coming soon(: yay. ah now i owe anne and kathleen a lot of minutes (:
now i'm here, blogging and that is basically it for the day.. tomorrow is choir.. and also social, but the list5 wasn't up, so i dont even know if i'm on it.. ah i shall find out what to do tomorrow morning...
that's all folks!
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
styrofoam strawberries
i feel like i know am able to once again post cause kathleen has... finally!!
unlucky for you, i have nothing to say...
i'm chatting... ignoring accounting which is staring at me... i'm actually pretty proud and i think i did most of my homework quite well today...
so tomorrow is school... hmmmm... as always... school is death, death is school. but tomorrow i have spare last period so that's the excitement of the day!!
second cup.. maybe i could use some now.. not coffee but somehting random and interesting... dont' ask, it's in the accounting book and instead of studying, i see second cup... plug!!!
the simpsons is on...
i like how now i'm just stating stuff around me acuse i have nothing to say that's interesting... this is like all my msn chats.. not that i have many going right now!!!
unlucky for you, i have nothing to say...
i'm chatting... ignoring accounting which is staring at me... i'm actually pretty proud and i think i did most of my homework quite well today...
so tomorrow is school... hmmmm... as always... school is death, death is school. but tomorrow i have spare last period so that's the excitement of the day!!
second cup.. maybe i could use some now.. not coffee but somehting random and interesting... dont' ask, it's in the accounting book and instead of studying, i see second cup... plug!!!
the simpsons is on...
i like how now i'm just stating stuff around me acuse i have nothing to say that's interesting... this is like all my msn chats.. not that i have many going right now!!!
So I just woke up from a nap that lasted from 3:30 till about 6:00. Now you have to understand I am very pro the whole idea of napping. It refreshes you and allows you to work harder afterwads. See me and Anne have very opposites views on the entire napping idea. Anne claims that naps make it so you can't sleep at night and that if I really crave sleep so badly I shoudl just go to bed earlier. Now both points are valid, but I have trouble with the whole concept of going to bed earlier. With everything else that is going on in my life, like homeowrk, tv, and just plain laziness/procastination, I find the idea of being in bed at 11 o'clock unrealistic.
Its funny cause this year I set a bedtiem for myslef, and when I told my mother about it she freaked out that it was still super late. My official bed time for myself is 1:30am. Now I know it sounds late but keep in mind I was going to bed at 3am most days last year, 1:30 is an improvement. Yes I shoudl be going to bed earlier, yes I shouldn't nap, but thats what i do, and I liek it! :)
Its weird to think that September is about half way over. Like teh 15th is half of 30 and hense this month is half way over. Now I am sitting here thinking how can half a month pass me by and make me feel liek I have accomplished absolutely nothing. I've attended school and worked, tahst not a very exciting month so far. We still need to go to our ethnic restrant for thsi month. (I wonder where we'll end up going)
Really am not in teh mood to do homework, I feel all relaxed and stuff right now and teh last thing I want to do is get my stupid textbook out and do work. I just want to go outside and lay in teh sun and drift off.
During my nap and dremt about being on the amazing race. It was cool. I think if I went on any reality show I'd wnat to go on the race because you get to travel the world. I woudl never do any of teh route markers though. I woudl be so scared that I woudl mess up and make my team lose. It woudl be so much fun though!
Anywyas as much as I hate to admit it I shoudl be doing work!
Its funny cause this year I set a bedtiem for myslef, and when I told my mother about it she freaked out that it was still super late. My official bed time for myself is 1:30am. Now I know it sounds late but keep in mind I was going to bed at 3am most days last year, 1:30 is an improvement. Yes I shoudl be going to bed earlier, yes I shouldn't nap, but thats what i do, and I liek it! :)
Its weird to think that September is about half way over. Like teh 15th is half of 30 and hense this month is half way over. Now I am sitting here thinking how can half a month pass me by and make me feel liek I have accomplished absolutely nothing. I've attended school and worked, tahst not a very exciting month so far. We still need to go to our ethnic restrant for thsi month. (I wonder where we'll end up going)
Really am not in teh mood to do homework, I feel all relaxed and stuff right now and teh last thing I want to do is get my stupid textbook out and do work. I just want to go outside and lay in teh sun and drift off.
During my nap and dremt about being on the amazing race. It was cool. I think if I went on any reality show I'd wnat to go on the race because you get to travel the world. I woudl never do any of teh route markers though. I woudl be so scared that I woudl mess up and make my team lose. It woudl be so much fun though!
Anywyas as much as I hate to admit it I shoudl be doing work!
Sunday, September 12, 2004
friday night i didn't go to bed until 1:30 (yah i know, not extremely late, but still...) thinking i don't have anything to wake up for the next morning to i can sleep till at least 10 (not asking for much)... but of course, i wake up at 9 easily, if not earlier, and i just can't go back to sleep.. there's nothing for me to do being awake and i was still tired but just couldn't get back to sleep. this morning i woke up at 8:45 knowing that i had to wake up at 9. i coudln't get those last 15 minutes?? ahhh. it's driving me crazy, i can't sleep anymore and i blame it on school! if school did not make me wake up at 7:25 every morning, maybe i'd be able to enjoy some sleep on weekends!!
Thursday, September 09, 2004
apparently leaving the title to the end really doesn't help it actually be created... meh... it was forgotten
first time i didn't type in the title before starting... that's cuase i have nothing to say but felt like blogging(:
i'm eating a bagel right now.. actually half a bagel. kinda hungry but don't think i shoudl be eating . ah well. no homework today.. haha by that i mean none due tomorrow (besides the pile i have due monday) cause i had to do it the night it was assigned (which was new for me) cause i worked today. so work was work.. talked to manager (the cool one who actually knows what he's doing) about pay stubs being wrong.. and then i got home and checked that i mgiht be wrong.. but meh, have something to do at school tomorrow (cause learning doesn't count) when i have to call him to confirm.
so i don't wanna go to school tomorrow... i've complained to absolutely everyone about this and do this many times a day... probably should stop and accept the fact that there's 10 more months of school, but UGH, I DON'T WANT TO GO!!!
i'm eating a bagel right now.. actually half a bagel. kinda hungry but don't think i shoudl be eating . ah well. no homework today.. haha by that i mean none due tomorrow (besides the pile i have due monday) cause i had to do it the night it was assigned (which was new for me) cause i worked today. so work was work.. talked to manager (the cool one who actually knows what he's doing) about pay stubs being wrong.. and then i got home and checked that i mgiht be wrong.. but meh, have something to do at school tomorrow (cause learning doesn't count) when i have to call him to confirm.
so i don't wanna go to school tomorrow... i've complained to absolutely everyone about this and do this many times a day... probably should stop and accept the fact that there's 10 more months of school, but UGH, I DON'T WANT TO GO!!!
Have you found what you're looking for?
I finally opened my locker today. At least it has a floor, unlike Kathleen's, but it is still in a shoddy spot and tomorrow I'm going to try out my new plan of never going to my locker and carrying my books and junk around all day! So what if my back breaks?
Today I had my period 4, period 5 spare. Had to go take pictures in the gym and auditorium before I left and since my parents bought pictures, they are sure to turn out awful. It's some sort of jinx, I'm convinced. I am hoping that grad pictures will turn out good at least.
Now I'm thinking of prom. But I have to have smaller goals that aren't so far away. I.E: Tomorrow is Friday! Then: It's the weekend! Yay! Celebration! Actually, my goals will more likely turn to: There's only 1/2 an hour of class left! There's only 29 minutes of class left! There's only 28 minutes of class left! And so the awful cycle of school begins.
I mustn't be so negative. My new goal: complain less and be more positive! (Which may be hard with a very sore back).
Today I had my period 4, period 5 spare. Had to go take pictures in the gym and auditorium before I left and since my parents bought pictures, they are sure to turn out awful. It's some sort of jinx, I'm convinced. I am hoping that grad pictures will turn out good at least.
Now I'm thinking of prom. But I have to have smaller goals that aren't so far away. I.E: Tomorrow is Friday! Then: It's the weekend! Yay! Celebration! Actually, my goals will more likely turn to: There's only 1/2 an hour of class left! There's only 29 minutes of class left! There's only 28 minutes of class left! And so the awful cycle of school begins.
I mustn't be so negative. My new goal: complain less and be more positive! (Which may be hard with a very sore back).
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
So I have yet to figure out how to operate my lock. Which is on my stupid stupid locker located in the stupid stupid cafeteria hallway. *Bangs head on locker* At least it's good for something.
So anyway, I hate school. It is so boring, none of my classes are interesting, and why did all the pictures suddenly disappear from the textbooks in grade 12? And yes, I have homework, but I am ingoring it.
School sucks.
Anyway, my sister came home for a visit today. (Yes, she has only been in her residence for 48 hours and she is already stopping by). But it's nice to have her around again, we can finally catch up on everything because she is such a slow MSN replier.
I hate school. Did I mention that? Until next time (unless I die from the boredem of school)
So anyway, I hate school. It is so boring, none of my classes are interesting, and why did all the pictures suddenly disappear from the textbooks in grade 12? And yes, I have homework, but I am ingoring it.
School sucks.
Anyway, my sister came home for a visit today. (Yes, she has only been in her residence for 48 hours and she is already stopping by). But it's nice to have her around again, we can finally catch up on everything because she is such a slow MSN replier.
I hate school. Did I mention that? Until next time (unless I die from the boredem of school)
homework? what is this "homework" you speak of?
now imagine that said with the very obvious airquotes... i think youg et it, school is not fun and why are we getting hoemwork already?
so maybe i will hate all these courses that were supposed to make me happy and bring up the marks... hmmm... so most of my classes have me sitting next to "that girl".. you know.. that girl who you're sorta friends with but have slightly awkward conversation with... yup that's how it is. great huh
i've noticed no one's been blogging 'cept me and i haven't even been doing it THAT often.. well in comparison to the average of 3 times a day during the summer! so do anne and kathleen have homework to do? are they distracted by "school?" well lucky for all our loyal readers (which i've estimated to being about 0 right now with the lack of comment.. well maybe it's cause i'm the only one posting and my posts aren't apparently as comment-worthy.. ah well), i am loyal enough to this blog as well and will keep the posts coming!(:
locker 556... i didn't even know this locker room existed. well it's ugly and i hate the locks...
so i'm bored and will continue to procrastinate from homework and ignore the fact that i have to do it all tonight cause i work tomorrow (:
so maybe i will hate all these courses that were supposed to make me happy and bring up the marks... hmmm... so most of my classes have me sitting next to "that girl".. you know.. that girl who you're sorta friends with but have slightly awkward conversation with... yup that's how it is. great huh
i've noticed no one's been blogging 'cept me and i haven't even been doing it THAT often.. well in comparison to the average of 3 times a day during the summer! so do anne and kathleen have homework to do? are they distracted by "school?" well lucky for all our loyal readers (which i've estimated to being about 0 right now with the lack of comment.. well maybe it's cause i'm the only one posting and my posts aren't apparently as comment-worthy.. ah well), i am loyal enough to this blog as well and will keep the posts coming!(:
locker 556... i didn't even know this locker room existed. well it's ugly and i hate the locks...
so i'm bored and will continue to procrastinate from homework and ignore the fact that i have to do it all tonight cause i work tomorrow (:
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
the title i believe is self explanatory.. school was today and i hate it. nothing specific right now, classes are bearable but school just sucks. tomorrow shoudl be even worse
Monday, September 06, 2004
so i'm sitting here.. listening to incubus, cause well, i'm obsessed...
i'm digusted... tomorrow is the dreaded day... soo not looking forward to it i can't even begin to explain it. but i really dont' wanna go back. no point to highschool, as much as i want to convince myself that grade 12 is gonna be great, it's probabl ynot cause along with being older, choosing more courses, getting ready to leave highschool, and prom comes getting good grades, ignoring parents, ignoring those stupid annoying girls you once considered friends, applying to university, juggling and job, making ENOUGH money, and finding a date.. i'm sure there's a lot more, but that's all i can think of right now and it's way more than enough to convince me that i dont' wanna go back.. it'snot even where i had a really boring summer like some of the past ones where i'm slightly looking forward to change and a real schedule, i actually just dont' wanna go back...
drive is done.. and now it's being replayed (:
sometimes i feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear and i can't help asking myself how much i let the fear take the wheel and streer..
i know that sounded relaly deep and cool, but really, it was the lyrics.. but i think they apply.. ugh, i wanna go to bed...
i know it's a bit early, but tomorrow is a day of school where i'll want to die.
i'm digusted... tomorrow is the dreaded day... soo not looking forward to it i can't even begin to explain it. but i really dont' wanna go back. no point to highschool, as much as i want to convince myself that grade 12 is gonna be great, it's probabl ynot cause along with being older, choosing more courses, getting ready to leave highschool, and prom comes getting good grades, ignoring parents, ignoring those stupid annoying girls you once considered friends, applying to university, juggling and job, making ENOUGH money, and finding a date.. i'm sure there's a lot more, but that's all i can think of right now and it's way more than enough to convince me that i dont' wanna go back.. it'snot even where i had a really boring summer like some of the past ones where i'm slightly looking forward to change and a real schedule, i actually just dont' wanna go back...
drive is done.. and now it's being replayed (:
sometimes i feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear and i can't help asking myself how much i let the fear take the wheel and streer..
i know that sounded relaly deep and cool, but really, it was the lyrics.. but i think they apply.. ugh, i wanna go to bed...
i know it's a bit early, but tomorrow is a day of school where i'll want to die.
Sunday, September 05, 2004
roger, you bastard!
It's weird being online cause it seems like i haven't been on forever! you are wondering why cause i haven't gone away somewhere fun or done anything excited or unusual, so the reason i haven't been on (okay so it may have seemed liek i was on, cause i'm almost ALWAYS on.. but seriously, a lot less than usual) is cause damn ROGERS always messes up and they need my dad (who has very limited computer knowledge) to give them hell. actually i sorta feel sorry for all the employees that have got yelled at by my dad for the constant lack of internet service, cause they probably have no idea what's going on. but ah well, i'm treasuring these few moments that i have online by blogging (: cause who knows when it'll cut off again.
today is sunday.. went to church, checked on work schedule, read a bit, now waiting for the ooh so fun trip to uncle's and aunt's house for dinner. then off to kathleen's at hopefully 10ish.
school stuff is sitting at my desk... stupid binders, stupid pencil case, and stupid hand sanitiser.... so maybe that's not the best selection of things to be prepared with to go back to school but it's enough.. and enough to make me depressed knowing it's the day after tomorrow. i am really really really not looking forward to it. there was a time, i'll admit, when i didn't think it woudl be so bad cause it is our final highschool year and i have course which i claim to somewhat stand, so why shoudln';t it be okay? but now as the dreaded day gets closer and closer and closer and closer than ever before, it's kinda not looking so good anymore, and i've realized that i've been trying to convince myself of a lie. not sure if having been able to have a glance at my schedule has made me not want to go even more.. hmmm.. ah well, guess it can't be avoided, right?
so i dont' have much to do right now but really feel liek i should be taking advantage of the time that i DO have online right now... if only someone interesting was online or at least someone i can question if they are coming on tuesday. and right now i dont' even care to talk to the random boys that are online. ah back to an all girls school soon.. at least there's work?
well i'm off for now. until next time...
signing off, Karen.
today is sunday.. went to church, checked on work schedule, read a bit, now waiting for the ooh so fun trip to uncle's and aunt's house for dinner. then off to kathleen's at hopefully 10ish.
school stuff is sitting at my desk... stupid binders, stupid pencil case, and stupid hand sanitiser.... so maybe that's not the best selection of things to be prepared with to go back to school but it's enough.. and enough to make me depressed knowing it's the day after tomorrow. i am really really really not looking forward to it. there was a time, i'll admit, when i didn't think it woudl be so bad cause it is our final highschool year and i have course which i claim to somewhat stand, so why shoudln';t it be okay? but now as the dreaded day gets closer and closer and closer and closer than ever before, it's kinda not looking so good anymore, and i've realized that i've been trying to convince myself of a lie. not sure if having been able to have a glance at my schedule has made me not want to go even more.. hmmm.. ah well, guess it can't be avoided, right?
so i dont' have much to do right now but really feel liek i should be taking advantage of the time that i DO have online right now... if only someone interesting was online or at least someone i can question if they are coming on tuesday. and right now i dont' even care to talk to the random boys that are online. ah back to an all girls school soon.. at least there's work?
well i'm off for now. until next time...
signing off, Karen.
Saturday, September 04, 2004
Dang Nabbit!
I forgot to mention that I write the title after I write the post, Karen.
Alas, that causes problem, as sometimes I forget the title altogether. Example: Previous post. Grr.
Alas, that causes problem, as sometimes I forget the title altogether. Example: Previous post. Grr.
Ello ello everyone!
So driving school ended yesterday. I was actually kinda sad, because I was really enjoying it. Alas, all good things must come to an end. I will just accept that and move on.
Today we (as in my family) helped my sister move into her university dorm. All I can say is, whoa, there are boys at university. Very very attractive boys. And very many. Yum.
That is all I have to say, might expand later, haha.
So driving school ended yesterday. I was actually kinda sad, because I was really enjoying it. Alas, all good things must come to an end. I will just accept that and move on.
Today we (as in my family) helped my sister move into her university dorm. All I can say is, whoa, there are boys at university. Very very attractive boys. And very many. Yum.
That is all I have to say, might expand later, haha.
Friday, September 03, 2004
out of guilt
so am i the only one who makes a title before typing out the post? cause kathleen recently informed me that she does it after the post is done, but i do it before!! what an interesting debate huh... (:
today i woke up at 11am which i'm pretty proud of for going to bed at 1:30am. i'm starting to like beingn lazy and also doing stuff this summer, but it's almost done!! ): really really sad.. seriously, can't begin to describe.. how will i get my at least 9 hours of sleep anymore? go to bed at 10 now? haha, not gonna happen.
just got back from work.. nothing special. did well with sales and it wasn't a bad day at all. now i'm in my pjs (aka, post man bear shirt and blue-ish shorts) and chatting online.. same old stuff...
tomorrow i am dying my mom's hair (oops gave it away! hehe), then err... i think there's something else.. nothing special though!
so the only reason i'm posting this is cause i haven't posted in a couple of days... kinda felt like i should, but now that i have, it's not so bad... hhaa.. well for sure be more once school starts!! *shudder*
today i woke up at 11am which i'm pretty proud of for going to bed at 1:30am. i'm starting to like beingn lazy and also doing stuff this summer, but it's almost done!! ): really really sad.. seriously, can't begin to describe.. how will i get my at least 9 hours of sleep anymore? go to bed at 10 now? haha, not gonna happen.
just got back from work.. nothing special. did well with sales and it wasn't a bad day at all. now i'm in my pjs (aka, post man bear shirt and blue-ish shorts) and chatting online.. same old stuff...
tomorrow i am dying my mom's hair (oops gave it away! hehe), then err... i think there's something else.. nothing special though!
so the only reason i'm posting this is cause i haven't posted in a couple of days... kinda felt like i should, but now that i have, it's not so bad... hhaa.. well for sure be more once school starts!! *shudder*
WHOA! It has been almost 2 whole days since any of us have posted, what's up with that? Liek seriously before we were posting about 6 times a day between teh three of us and now, 2 whoel days without a single post! But don't worry everything is fine, we have just been busy! (I know youw ere worried we were dead or something!)
So what has happened in teh last two days that i can excitedly post
Today I got my hair cut. It had been over a year since my last hair cut and yah, got it cut today. No real major cahnge, maybe an inch shorter and its all one length. She also got rid of some of the heaviness. (Noty sure what that means but taht is what she told me she did). Its great when there is an awkward silence between me and teh haiordresser. Liek shes cutting and we are saying absolutely nothing to one another. Now I can hear other peopel chit chatting with their hair dresser, but with mine, just plain old awkward silence, not fun. But I liek my hair. And the lady made it all straight and it was cool, I really liek it when my hair is dead straight!
Today I also got to go to work. Not very fun. There were no real highglights or any moments I felt really dumb, it was just a regualr day at work. (Not fun to listen to, even less fun to actually live)
Wow! I really can't think of anything to type, no wonder we had 2 days and no posts!
Yesterday I saw Princess Diaries 2, it was garabge. Very chick flicky!
Um.... yah, thats about it!
Peace Out!
So what has happened in teh last two days that i can excitedly post
Today I got my hair cut. It had been over a year since my last hair cut and yah, got it cut today. No real major cahnge, maybe an inch shorter and its all one length. She also got rid of some of the heaviness. (Noty sure what that means but taht is what she told me she did). Its great when there is an awkward silence between me and teh haiordresser. Liek shes cutting and we are saying absolutely nothing to one another. Now I can hear other peopel chit chatting with their hair dresser, but with mine, just plain old awkward silence, not fun. But I liek my hair. And the lady made it all straight and it was cool, I really liek it when my hair is dead straight!
Today I also got to go to work. Not very fun. There were no real highglights or any moments I felt really dumb, it was just a regualr day at work. (Not fun to listen to, even less fun to actually live)
Wow! I really can't think of anything to type, no wonder we had 2 days and no posts!
Yesterday I saw Princess Diaries 2, it was garabge. Very chick flicky!
Um.... yah, thats about it!
Peace Out!
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
whenever i type the time or say it out loud with the "pm" or "am" i think of the wonderland phone signing in recorder that sounded retarded... so anywayz,....
the giddiness has basically worn off.. had a cucumber and piece of bread/cake and my stomach hurts a little... meh whatever...
so tomorrow i get to wake up bright and early.. a good 7:15 which is basically like school!! ooha nd guess what? yes, i'm going to school!! for the grade 9orientation that is.. so i survived the doctor and the meeting today which is good (:
going to mall tomorrow and going back to anne's to make floats!
i have nothing to say and always think i do when istart posts!! well almost always...
the giddiness has basically worn off.. had a cucumber and piece of bread/cake and my stomach hurts a little... meh whatever...
so tomorrow i get to wake up bright and early.. a good 7:15 which is basically like school!! ooha nd guess what? yes, i'm going to school!! for the grade 9orientation that is.. so i survived the doctor and the meeting today which is good (:
going to mall tomorrow and going back to anne's to make floats!
i have nothing to say and always think i do when istart posts!! well almost always...
Elton John
Your Song
It's a little bit funny this feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can easily hide
I don't have much money but boy if I did
I'd buy a big house where we both could live
If I was a sculptor, but then again, no
Or a man who makes potions in a travelling show
I know it's not much but it's the best I can do
My gift is my song and this one's for you
And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world
I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss
Well a few of the verses well they've got me quite cross
But the sun's been quite kind while I wrote this song
It's for people like you that keep it turned on
So excuse me forgetting but these things I do
You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue
Anyway the thing is what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen
3 in a row, Wahoo!
So I just realised another thing, my posts are slowly getting shorter and shorter, like before mine used to be huge stories and stuff and now my posts are like Karen size. And I can't exactly come up with what the problem is. Maybe I'm not as motivated anymore, maybe I'm just lazier, maybe I've written about everything exciting in my life and can't come up with anything else to say. Maybe I have said too much too fast in this blog and now I can't come up with any original ideas anymore. Or maybe I just like writing shorter blogs sometimes, I think tahst probably it. haha. My long entris will retuen at some point! :) (I know you miss them!)
I'm debating about thumbtacking photos of me and my friends to teh walls of this room. Cause I already ahve this poster (one of those "have a night" ones) and now the rest of the wall is crying out for some decoration so I am thinking that pictures would be a good way to decorate. I'm just not sure, cause maybe that woudl look cheesy. I'm also wondering if maybe I should just throw another poster up and taht will fill a large space and look cool. Like I could get a "have a day" poster and then have teh two sitting side by side. Um.... decisions, decisions!
Well once again, thats all I ahve to say at the moment!
3 posts in a row!
I'm debating about thumbtacking photos of me and my friends to teh walls of this room. Cause I already ahve this poster (one of those "have a night" ones) and now the rest of the wall is crying out for some decoration so I am thinking that pictures would be a good way to decorate. I'm just not sure, cause maybe that woudl look cheesy. I'm also wondering if maybe I should just throw another poster up and taht will fill a large space and look cool. Like I could get a "have a day" poster and then have teh two sitting side by side. Um.... decisions, decisions!
Well once again, thats all I ahve to say at the moment!
3 posts in a row!
Happy September!
I know I just posted, but I just realised that it is September. So I wanted to wish you all:
Also I didn't mention my song of the day in the last post, so:
"Your Song" by Elton John <------- Song of the Day
(reason: because teh song is so sweet! Anyone who doesn't think so is heartless!)
Anyways, BYE!
Also I didn't mention my song of the day in the last post, so:
"Your Song" by Elton John <------- Song of the Day
(reason: because teh song is so sweet! Anyone who doesn't think so is heartless!)
Anyways, BYE!
Summer Vacation is ALMOST Done!
Once again another day I planned on starting my entry with "Good Morning World" but then realised it is after noon. I really have to start waking up earlier!
So this is the last week of Summer Vacation! This is teh last Wednesday of Summer Vacation 2004! This time next week I will be in class wanting to kill myself. Summer Vacation is almost done!
Now on that note I thought it very appropriate that I reflect on what I did over teh last two months. I:
-went to Centre Ville
-started my job
-went brides maid dress shopping
-painted pottery
-Karen's Birthday
-went to Wonderland
-went to Niagra Falls
-was a secret shopper
- ate at a Indian restrant
-went to the Jazz Festival
-went to WWK
-went to Ireland
-went to Montreal
-went to the CNE
-ate at Lick's
-ate at a Hungarian restrant
-saw a few movies in theatres (Stepford Wives, Dodgeball, Van Helsing, Spiderman 2, King Arthur, Bourne Supremecy)
-had numerous bad movie nights with my friends
-hung out with my frineds a ton
- AND MOST IMPORTANTLY started this very blog!
Actually looking back there wasn't a single day that I wasn't doing at least one thing. I am highly impressed with myself. Very fun summer, wish it could last forever. This might have been one of my best summers ever, but grade 12 will be great too, right? RIGHT!?!?
Anywyas I don't have anything else to write about at the moment, so have a great day!
So this is the last week of Summer Vacation! This is teh last Wednesday of Summer Vacation 2004! This time next week I will be in class wanting to kill myself. Summer Vacation is almost done!
Now on that note I thought it very appropriate that I reflect on what I did over teh last two months. I:
-went to Centre Ville
-started my job
-went brides maid dress shopping
-painted pottery
-Karen's Birthday
-went to Wonderland
-went to Niagra Falls
-was a secret shopper
- ate at a Indian restrant
-went to the Jazz Festival
-went to WWK
-went to Ireland
-went to Montreal
-went to the CNE
-ate at Lick's
-ate at a Hungarian restrant
-saw a few movies in theatres (Stepford Wives, Dodgeball, Van Helsing, Spiderman 2, King Arthur, Bourne Supremecy)
-had numerous bad movie nights with my friends
-hung out with my frineds a ton
- AND MOST IMPORTANTLY started this very blog!
Actually looking back there wasn't a single day that I wasn't doing at least one thing. I am highly impressed with myself. Very fun summer, wish it could last forever. This might have been one of my best summers ever, but grade 12 will be great too, right? RIGHT!?!?
Anywyas I don't have anything else to write about at the moment, so have a great day!
smell of matches
I feel like this blog is becoming slightly neglected as i'm getting lazier and lazier at my posting. I don't feel like telling the world (well the very very very small portion of the world that reads this) what i did this morning and what my plans are for the rest of the day... so maybe you'll hear about my day tonight, but right now i dont' care...
but don't worry... i will have tons to say when i'm procrastinating from homework once school starts again.
but don't worry... i will have tons to say when i'm procrastinating from homework once school starts again.