Dripping with Boredom!

Sunday, October 31, 2004

i am...





So it is officially Halloween and yet I am still thinking about Saturday, cause I haven't gone to sleep yet and yah, doesn't feel liek Halloween yet. I'm sitting ehre munching on Chiclets. Had 3 in my mouth and I just threw in number 4. I knwo exciting.

Today i was at work. It was really boring and for some reason my legs hurt a lot more then usual. Not even any really exciting work stories. I have been really tired and out of it recently. I don't knwo if I'm just not taking tiem to realx, but yah, I am just exhausted a lot of teh time.

I have homework I really really shoudl be doing since I won't have tiem tomorrow, but taht will likely end up being ignored, cause I'm lazy.

I was asleep before midnight yesterday for some unknown reason.

Wow I have nothing to say.

Clocks change tonight.

Yah thats all I got!


Thursday, October 28, 2004

Halloween Name Generation Fun!

So as I have been mentioning in every one of my posts for the last week or so, halloween is only a few more days away. Halloween plans are starting to come togther and me, Karen and Anne are dressing up in costumes for teh whole day, even though likely peopel will give us strange glances up and down. Karen is going to be a vampire, Anne is going to be a medieval lady, and I will be something, a something that Karen and me now refer to as a hooker outfit, even though that was not my original intention. I don't think I am anything, but since we can't come up with naything else to call em I am now a hooker. (A VERY conservative hooker, but a hooker none the less) So Karen is a SEXY vampire, Anne is a CLASSY medievla wench, and I an a CONSERVATIVE hooker. Great combo, eh?

Anywyas so today when bored in Accounting cklass, me and Karen came up with the idea that we shoudl ahve chracter names (we were very bored, don't question!) So now I am using teh internet to find nmae generators. So here are the results: (note, even though only one of us is going out as each thing, I decdied to list all three of our names, cause yah, why not?)

Vampire Names:

Karen = Rosalind Vigée-Lebrun
Kathleen = Rani of Moldovia
Anne = Mary Fry

Medieval Names:
Found No Generator : (

Porn Star Names: (Hooker not available and yah, haha)
Karen = Rhonda Rimmer
Kathleen = Busty de Lusty
Anne = Asslee Bendover

I know that is so highly lame that I actually wated time doing this but yah it was fun. I like Anne's porn star name by teh way. Mine would be good if I actually had a bust. I don't even know why I am calling myslef a hooker, I am just more just a carzy girl. I woudl look more like a hooker if I had the body to be a hooker and if I was wearing a short skirt, both of which I don't have. But it will still be fun.

Well tahst it for my random generating of names

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

another day...

so why am i always in a bad mood? i'm just tired maybe.. got lots of sleep today but then was just lazy...ok so now i'm thinking that it depends who i'm around... like people at work who don't know me probably think i'm shy and angry all the time.. lol. but others i actualyl talk to.. ah well

so i've discovered i like ugly guys...maybe that's a good thing cause there's a better chance they'd like me? haha

ooh so i figured out a bad habit... for as long as i can remember from playing "foot hockey" in grade 7 to doinbg ANYTHING now, i always seem to be too lazy and not caring enough to move out of the way or catch something when someone throws it at me.. i need to get over this. maybe it started with me realizing that things being whipped at me does't seem to hurt so much, so i've gotten to this point where it's ust somehing i do... i shoudl really try to maybe move once in a while (: but meh, what's the point?

so todayi didn't have school which was nice. slept till 11 after going to bed at just 12, so it was a nice well needed 11 hours of good sleep (:

now on another note.. who needs outerwear? like what's the point? so who cares that it get to be minus 30 degrees sometimes and we'll die without some sort of warmth? they are way too much trouble to hang.. and then the weak stupid hangers break. and then you get angry. it's a viscious cycle somehow until you realize how well you've become at hiding jackets and making the display look good at first glance.. which is usually.. all it needs(:

so enough for now... i need to pay more attnetion to these ketchup chips.. i dont' even like ketchup.. hmmm.... for another day, another rant...


Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Short and Random

My ear is really bothering me. Like the earring hole. Its all read and stuff and I'm worried it might be infected, which woudl absolutely suck. Its been bugging me the last few days and yah, its not very fun.

Half day of school on Wednesday and Thursady, which is great! Basically means I get to sleep in tomorrow, and I don't have to do as much homework so it is all good.

I just watched "He's a Lady" on TBS Superstation, and yah. Its amusinsly bad, and I've decided that I dopn't liek men in drag. I don't know why wives and girlfriends would volenteered their guy to do this competition.

Halloween is soon. I don't knwo whetehr or not to wear my purple wig on Sunday. See I want to cause yah its a purple wig and tahst carzy. But I have a big heada nd yah, wig feels yucky and will drive me crazy by the end of the day. If I don't wera it might get temperary hair dye.

I'm not wearing socks.

I'm listening to S Club 7!



Okay, this is just a test to see if this post goes through because the last two posts I've made have disappeared... argh!


Monday, October 25, 2004

Why am I posting this?

I don't even really know why I'm blogging. My head really hurts and I'm kinda tired and yet I am wasting tiem blogging, when i shoudl be doing homework so I can go to bed earlier and be more well rested. However, obviously that is not what I am doinga nd instead I am wasting tiem blogging.

Wow I have nothing even on my mind.

La La La

Sunday, October 24, 2004


So Halloween is quickly approaching. And now comes the question, what am I being? Now this is a very good question, and I woudl love to be able to give a very good answer, but problem is I don't have one. I have plenty of accessories, but I have nothing to accesorize. I have a purple wig, a pair of blue sparkle sunglasses, a orange and black feather boa, and a pair of green and black striped knee highs. Now I don't know what to be. I originally was going to wear jeans and liek a wear top, but now jeans are out of teh question since i have teh knee highs and want to show them off. So now I have absolutely no idea what to do. Liek what can I be? I'm debating about wearing a skirt and tank top, but if I do that I want them to be teh same colour and I don't have any that match. Like I guess I coudl wear a black tank top and a longish black skirt and that way you coudl still see the socks. Maybe thast what I'll do. Not sure what I will be if I do that, but it woudl eb a custome.

I saw "The Forgotten" today. It wasn't a great movie. The first half was pretty enteratining, but once it got to a certain point it was just plain dumb. I wouldn't recommend it. The previews make it look better then it really is.

I was in a public bathroom today and it was really pretty. It had a little sitting area outside of it, and then there was a little area with mirrors and then a row of sinks and then another section with stalls. I don't know it was pretty. When i told anne about it she looked at me like I was carzy.

Really should get a disposible camera for Halloween. Still don't know what I'm doing yet.


Friday, October 22, 2004


i think it would be reallyl cool if i were really into something that i could express on this blog.. like poetry... i HATE poetry.. some of it is weird and intriguing but for the msot aprt, what's teh point? why use metaphor and confusing ways to express yoruself? but now i'm jsut thinking of english class...
maybe if i were passionate about music... i know what i don't like, doe sthat count?
so this is short... just had the urge to type...


what's up with cysts? kinda gross and dont' really understand them.. basically, my crappy mood (which is often now, actually probably just bother me more even though it's always been there) sparked me to right this after biting the scar in my mouth... hmmm appealing i know. i'm all about those appealing thoughts. really make great online impressions. basically, got my wisdom teeth extracted a while ago, and also had a cyst removed. so they just decided to do it when i was put to sleep (with the risk of never waking up... though i didn't think of it at the time). why am i taking about a cyst? i dont' know...

i don't know...


looks like it's been a while since i posted, but it doesn't feel that way. an hour ago, i knew what i woudl blog about, but now i'm totally uninspired.

today i woke up at 9:30 cause i decided to skip 1st and 2nd period cause they were pointless without teachers (though they are usualyl pointless wiht the teacher also). so i'm lying in bed hear the phone ringing and then get distracted and confused. The phone was ringing cause my parents weren't; home and they needed to wake me up at 9:30 cause i had homework to do. blah, homework. but it basically got done pretty well and then i went to school/ i felt really refreshed whichw as really nice, as opposed to my sleeping in religion class the other day (: i realyl need some sleep. now this brings me to the topic of my mom freaking out that i can't handle two jobs school and sleep.. why woudln't i be able to? (:

today was my first day this week withouth work which was nice.. kinda weird cause it feels like i just work full time now. ahh just think of all the money that i will kinda see in 2 weeks. hmm.. went to mark work wearhouse today to get a jacket, sister ended up getting one cause that's the only one we both liked.. but i'm being nice and unselfish right? i will find one eventually.

so back to work... yesterday i was at work and decided during break that the 89 cent life brand shoppers water was the way to go. 1.5 litres and pretty sure i drank a litre of it. now this is me who hates water and is jsut SORTA trying to be healthy and force myself to drink it cause i for sure don't drink enough. kinda funny cause my friends all think i like water cause it's what i always have at lunch time, but that's really the only water i drink all day... always with force (: so, during break, i go to the washroom trying to pee myself out for the rest of the shift. how shoudl i know that i'd be dying in fear of having "an accident" while hanging clothes at the end of the night.? haha.. great thought i know. so lesson for the day.. actually no lesson. i need my water and shoudl drink more, forget that (:

i must've had more to say, but that's all for now.


Wednesday, October 20, 2004


We used to blog a lot in the summer.

I was just flipping through our blog and realsied that at one point me and Anne were trying for 45 entries a week. Now we are lucky if we get like 10. I just found that funny how at one point we were so keen to get high amounts and now its just meh. I guess with school the blog isn't our number 1 concern. (Well it shouldn't be)

We posted a lot in teh usmmer though. At this point I really just try to do at least one day, just cause I know I enjoy checking teh blog and seeing new stuff so I write stuff so others may feel that joy.

Anywyas tahst about all I havce to say!

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Why Hello There

So today after school I walked over to Kathleen's car to check out these super small scratches which I was kinda picturing as gashes along the front, sides and back of the car. Not at all! Anyway, then I had to run for the bus which came really quickly after the one that had passed when I was still walking up the sidewalk with Kathleen. So yeah, I ran for it and then when I got on the bus driver kinda gave me a look and said "Isn't the school over there?" Yes, yes it is, I am quite aware of that Mr. Busman who I thought was nicer becasue he waited for me. And then I sat down at the back of the bus all panty because I am quite out of shape and had just ran a small distnace which felt like a much longer distance.

So yes, I got on the bus and then my luck ran out at my transfer stop because when I was still on the other sde of the street the second bus I had to take went through the light. But no worries, I only waited a few minutes before the second one came which was nice. The bus was much busier than usual becasue, of course, we had stupid Tag A which was a big waste of time and so dismissal was much later than usual. Dang nabbitness.

Finally got home and ate this spinich quiche thing which was actually quite tasty although I burned my tougne on it. Spinich makes me think of the lab we did in bio today and that's kinda gross. Food that you are eating should not remind you of bio labs.

Tonight I'm not doing anything exciting and I don't think I have much homework... hmm... will have to verify that. Until next time,


Sunday, October 17, 2004

sunday night

sunday night. trying to ignore school being tomorrow. doesn't actually feel liek ti is cause for the first time in a while, i'm done homework earlier than usual! so today i went to red lobster with my family, and then to the keg with kathleen. really, jsut a day of eating out.

today in church, ther ewas a different priest and he asked that all the children come up to the alter and join hands or whatever. so finally, after a long pause of waiting for the shy children, lots of cute ones came up and looked cute praying or just standing there not knowing any prayers. point is, there was a boy, probably about8 wearing a shirt that said "i love hooters" with a picture of an owl.. very appropriate for church i must say! haha

i'm wearing my cute devil underwear cause all o fyou must know this. kinda lower than the other ones which i need to get used to. this had to be stated just so the whole world knows what i'm wearing under my pjs right now (:

poetry sucks by the way. when we eventually need to write one for english (she has so assigned it already and i just didnt' pay attention), well i'm going to write a haiku. i'll take a good hour to write those 3 lines which will have some hidden meaning that i didn't realize but others might be able to figure something out to make the poem sound better than it actually is. basically, i had some poetry analysing to do in point form for hoemwork.. so i assumed, when teachers say point form, they mean barely write anything, so that's what i did.

i wanna make this post kinda long so i'm jsut blabbing about anything i can think of

this week, i'mw orking sooo much! kinda crazy. 5 days altogether. monday-thursday, and sunday. not sure how i'm gonna work it out with school, but it has to get done.. but money will be good (: monday (tomrrow), i'm also working an hour later than usual which sucks cause we need to put signs up for a sale. hopefully sexy guy will be there. i'm sure i've mentioned this, but now i will once again. i like people who intrigue me.. doens't need to be super hot, just kinda mysterious and hot. (:

i finally took my nailpolish off today. acutally, it was more of nailpolish with some permanent marker doodling done in religion class on friday. it was really gross and mom was happy when it got removed.

my back really hurts today. and my leg... well only the left side of my body which is pretty annoying. i guess it's from helping my dad in the yard, but it's kinda sad that i didn't thnik i did anything that would make me in pain. basically, i realized it when i did my weird touch my toes stretch that i have a habit of doing every 5 seconds (well like twice a day probably), and i coudln't cause my leg hurt so much. my mom gave me a massage and put menthelatom (sp?) on my back.. hehe

i just got questioned if i'm "feeling depressed" cause of my msn name/.. haha, just so you know it's "life sucks, then you die"... it is pretty true right? i'd really liek something crazy and exciting in my life.. but ah well...

i really wanna try smoking... just cigarettes, not weed or anything. i've always like dthe smell which people find a bit weird, but i've gotten to the point where i'd liek to try one. not really taking the initiative, but one day...

sister's getting me an apple now.. hehe (:

i'm sure i coudl come up with some more useless comments, but i'm lazy so that's it for now...



Well it is Sunday, which means I should be working on homework, but nah, right now I am way too lazy and I'm much more preoccupied with procastinating to worry about doing any sort of school related work. I actually have only been up for like half an hour and during that time all I've done is have an Ovaltine and read the comics.

Every Sunday I used to sit down and read the entertainment section of teh newspaper. Now I just ignore it. I'm not as into movies and stuff as I used to be. Like last school year I think I saw about 24 movies within a span of 10 months, now I haven't even seen a movie this school year, and its been 2 months sinc I saw the last one which was "Bourne Supremecy" with Mikey and Vanessa. I don't know what the problem is I just haven't been interested in seeing movies recently, like they have highly lost there appeal. Maybe it is because I am very cheap and movies aren't really that cheap. (10 dollars for a movie ticket, I think I will pass)

So yesterday at work, I had to climb a ladder to reach some paper towels. Now for most people this wouldn't be a huge deal but I have a pretty big fear of ladders. But I decided I wasn't going to be some whiny employee about the ladder and so I just climbed it and tried not to be scared. I was proud of myself after. It's strange cause I'm not scared of heights, I'm just scared of things liek ladders that are unstable and I could fall off and die. (Well I knwo I woudln't die but yah fall and get hurt). I blame my father who used make me and my brotehr climb a ladder up to teh roof of our house when we were smaller and while climbing he woudl shake teh ladder, making us both feel very unstable. Me and my brother both have a fear of ladders.

My dad is doing fine, just had a knee replacemnet surgery on Wednesday. He'll be in the hospital for about 3 - 4 weeks. Really there isn't much to say on the topic, but he's doing fine and thats good. Mommy is going to visit him today, like she does everyday.

Webcam is still not working, sadly.

Karen is really starting to put more thought into thsi grad trip, now shes looking at Cuba. It's funny that I am mentioning thsi even though Karen has already. But yah, it sounds liek it will be cool, I'm really hoping lots of peopel can come.

I'm not really a huge fan of the colour yellow, I don't knwow hy it just doens't have any huge appeal to me. In elementary school I had a friend who absolutely loved yellow and I never understood it. I've always been a fan of blue. Oh Oh Oh, I have a strnage story. Everyone knows that when babies are in teh hospital little girls get pink blankets and little boys get blue blankets. While the day I was born they were out of clean pink blankets and hense I was wrapped in a littel blue blanket. The next day I was sadly placed in teh appropriate pink blanket. I don't like pink. It is a toss up between which I dislike more pink or yellow. Really don't liek either. (Probably pink is worst, but both are very EW)

Darren is as cute as ever. (Darren is my sheep statue from Ireland, for those who have forgotten) A few days ago I was bored and wrote "IRE 04" on the bottom, cause I thought that in a few years I woudl look back and have no idea where he was from.

I really need to sit down and do more work on my scrapbook. My pictures from Montreal have all been glued in, but I still need to write cute weird comments to go along with them. I decided not to put any Ireland pictures in cause I believe that there will be plenty in an album somewhere so why put them in a scrapbook. I really haven't been taking that many pictures since school started. I really need to get back inot the habit. I liek pictures, they are very fun. Also they are great to look back on. Yesterday me and Dave were laughing about the fact that we have only like 4 pictures togetehr, and we have been togetehr 6 montsh and I'm a girl who loves pictures. Its funny cause I have probably have almost 100 pictures of me Anne and Karen. Actually not really that strange cause afterall we hang out together a lot and yah. We're all sexy, so why wouldn't we have pictures. (haha)

I don't even know what I'm rambling about anymore.

I have a physics test tomorrow. I kinda feel liek I shoudl be stressing about it cause I don't know if I really understand the unit, but at the same time I don't really enjoy studying, so i will procastinate as long as possible from doing it. My hope is that it is easy, even though with my teacher, it neveer is really.

I am pretty sure I am rambling about the most absolutely boring topics ever, like now I'm rambling about school and stuff I shoudl be doing how absolutely boring.

And on that note, I'm out of here,

Friday, October 15, 2004


so... not much to say but i'm gonna try... i'm in the mood to blog eventhough there's nothing to say.

i'm very cold at the moment. notsure why. parents seemed angry when i asked to turn up the heat. they're always hot, which is unfair, but i turned it up a bit, made no difference i believe.

so today was international picnic. my country was ireland, i brought cups.. haha, of course the most important for all that root beer! (just spelled beer as bear just as a side note which is really sad) i guess i could rant about some of these "chosen" (hehehe, get it?) countries, but i won't.. probably not appropriate to say some stuff with the fear of being hunted down and killed by authorities(:

today, as usual, yelled/cried at parents. well actually my mom. i dont' get parents, they're always right apparently. but whatever, won't complain about this in a blog. i guess the whoel world doesn't need to know about this.

now what exactly am i talking about? there must be something to blog about... i worked yesterday, and the day before, and i work tomorrow...

i took a nap today.. actually it was a really uncomfortable interupted short nap cause it was on the sofa while parents were waching jeopardy. i was in a weird bent position that wasn't good for the neck or anything really, so it didn't last to long... i am kinda tired now though

there must be something more to say, but i'm lazy and can't think as usual. so this is all the boredom of me you'll be getting for now




Okay, so I was just surfing the web doing my own thing perfectly fine and stuff and then suddenly boom! A few clicks of the mouse and my taskbar is on the side of my screen instead of the bottom! It's really upsetting me... the screen's so small now! Grr... will have to fix it.

Anyway, what is with all these quizzes? Do I sense a bit of an obsession? Haha. Last night I started d/ling a lot of these oldies songs and now I'm listening to Teen Angel and the person is dead and they just buried them. Aww.

Going to lunch with my mom and sister today at the university... haha... how embarassing for her. Also got home really early today becasue I skipped out on International Picnic, haha! The bus was super empty until the transfer and then it was really busy which was weird becasue it was early. Hmm.

So am thinking about being some medieval person for Halloween. Whoa... is that spelt right? That looks so wrong... hmm... anyway yeah, and no Karen, it will probably not turn out super elaborate... I'm thinking skirt... and top... maybe ribbons in hair? Yeah, whatever.

It's been ahwile since I posted but I don't have much to say. Well whatever, yup. I'm off to figure out how to fix this taskbar thing that is really grating on my nerves now.


Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Quizzes need better pictures!

Why can't quizzes have resonabaly good looking pictures, why must they always have weird drawing. It makes our site look liek soem asian inspired art site, which thsi so obviously isn't. ARgh. We need to find quizzes with better pictures!



So this picture reminds of a gothic whore for some reason. I don't know maybe just teh shrtish balck skirt kinda just screams skank. Picture annoys me. Whatever. So apparently I'm pluto, not really sure what that means.



You are Pluto...
Abuse of Power, Darker side, Spiritual Outlook.

What planet do you represent? (Chobits based, Anime Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

Quiz Results!

So don't really feel like posting teh same picture that Karen did (cause I don't think its that cute), but for the "Whats your social statis? (with pictures)" I got the same crazy wolves as she did.

"You have friends, no doubt 'bout that but nobody really gets you! You dont really tell any big secret's and sometimes you do seem like a loner"
Yah I don't even really know what to say about these reuslts, cause yah, not overly exciting or anything. I also really think that they are very incorrect about me. Stupid wolves.

Posted below is my reason for anotehr quiz. I liek the picture (sorta), well I don't know if I like it or if its just the fact taht i don't hate it. Anywyas Yah...



You are Electrokinesis. You are crackling with
enough self determination and willpower that
could power a nuclear power plant. You are a
natural born leader and inside you have a spark
that makes you very powerful, in more ways than
one. Just dont let all that power go to youre
head other wise you might short fuse.

What magical power do you possess? (Chobits girl pictures) Still in progress
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

now for a real post

so no more quizzes for now... here's my day

went to school.. boring as usual. stayed during my spare cause we were going downtown after, so i pretended to do some calc and pretended to have finished it (NO HOMEWORK IN CALC!)

then kathleen finishes class, we head downtown.. eat... i wouldn't recommend the new york fries "the works"... kinda gross mixture, only good right at the beginnnig when you're just confused and not sure what you're eating. maybe the veggie works is better. haha, i will try it and hate it!

so then basically., we did some shopping.. really exciting cause it was actually successful. ended up with lime green pants and cute underwear!! hhaha (:

also bought icecream at some point and some "junk" at shoppers.

so that was my day... ooh and i sorta did some religion homework.. but i believe everyting that should have been done will be magically done at lunch.. right?

that's it for now.. i know this post was exciting... (:



You are Pyrokinesis. There maybe times in your life
when you reach a point when you give up on the
world, fuelled with hate you can be destructive
but youre fierce personality and fiery nature
makes you stand up for what you believe in and
your bravery will get you to where you want to
be though you might want to cool down on the

What magical power do you possess? (Chobits girl pictures) Still in progress
brought to you by

i like this loner, but not really loner quality that i have

You have friends, no doubt 'bout that but nobody
really gets you! You dont really tell any big
secret's and sometimes you do seem like a loner

Whats your social statis? (with pictures)
brought to you by

forget real posts.. it's quiz time!!

i didnt' post my dry humping result cause i was grossed out by the anime couple licking each other, but now you know my result.. kathleen gets snuggling, i get dry humping.. haha

so here's a result for one that i wasn't extremely truthful for cause my actual answers werenn't options...

Total Bitch.    Youuse others to do your dirty work. Only when you absolutely have to, you taint your hands. That's not very often. You need to calm down...a LOT. People aren't there
You have great balance and know when it is a good
time to bitch and when not to. You get the
respect you deserve and you know it! You don't
over-do the bitchyness. Go you!

(results contain pictures) What type of bitch are you?
brought to you by

Monday, October 11, 2004


So back to quizzes with Anime results. Actually this result isn't bad cause it's not super anime focused.

So I'm snuggling. Not an overly exciting result. I kinda hate thsi picture actually cause teh anime is ICK, and the stupid littel g's with teh hearts in them is just plain old lame.

Really the only reason I even bothered to post thsi was because:
1) It's kinda accurate about me
2) Quizzes make avoiding Physics, a whole lot easier


My outercourse activity is snuggling!

Which Sexual Outercourse Act Are You? (with pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla


well first of all, good job to kathleen for finding a quiz sans anime... haha i enjoy sticking french words in.. actually i think i hate it when people do it.. so i'll stop... hmmm.. anywayz.. here're my results which really intruige me! this brings me into me liking people who intruige me.. you dont'; really need to have a good personality or good looks, just intruige me!! haha.. so that's my little useless commenting..
so my quiz results.. i like them, even though it's not me.. well maybe a couple of words were, but the pic is cool(:

You're a natural born trouble-maker. You hate
authority and do everything you can to get
around the law, or in some cases, break it.
Naturally stubborn, you hardly ever sway once a
decision is made. Your nature is fiery and
courageous, and always out-going. You love
attention and usually have kinky fetishes
you're not afraid to explore. People either
love you or hate you.

What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by

Artistic Soul

Wahoo, non-anime quiz picture. Though I must admit that this picture is a little freaky, I like it though. I really don't have a whole lot to say about thsi result, except for my excitement that it is not anime. I don't even know whetehr to agree with or disagree with what it says about me.

These quizzes are normally worng so I like to look at them and make fun of them because they are just so wrong, but in this case, its not super wrong, but at the same time its not super right, so yah. No real comment about this.

I like how the drawing has wings I really want wings, I think it woudl be cool to be able to fly and stuff. But maybe that is just me being weird. I can remmebr watching X-men when I was little and seeing Rogue and Storm fly around and I alwyas wanted to be able to fly. X-men was a good show by the way.

Anywyas Bye!


You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be
poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and
creativity, and usually are highly intelligent.
Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet
also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.

What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by Quizilla

Silly Computer

I find it very funny that after I post today my one from yesterday appears, what is up with that? Silly computer!


Anime Porn.... EW!

SO I tried posting yesterday but for some where reason it wouldn't post. Like I typed out my entry but then when I actually hit "Publish Post" it would never finsih loading and hense never actually post my writing to the blog. Now luckily there was nothing overly exciting typed, more just me complaining about being trapped at home due to Tahnksgiving and about my computer being completely screwed up and my plan to ask for a new computer for Christmas this year. As you can just from that, you didn't miss much from my last lost post.

I am satrting to get highly annoyed by the fact that MSN has been so screwed up teh last few days. Why is it that messages are just not going through. The last two days instead of talking via MSN, me and Karen have been forced to communicate through e-mails. MSN is crazy.

Yesterday my brother tried to convince me and his friend that " Kickin' " is a cool expression. At first my brother claimed that some guy at work had said it to him, but eventually my brother admitted that he heard in on TV and was now trying to make it a cool phase. As an example of how it can be used in a sentence is " Tonight I'm Kickin' it with my boys ". I knew what he ment by the expression, but I just kept teasing him that it was stupid. I believe that kickin' should never be a cool expression, its just plain starnge.

I also got lectured by my brotehr yesterday that I shoudl apoligize to my father. See my dad is going in for an operation on Wednesday and my brotehr believes I shoudl apoligize before then. I don't think I need to apoligize, and hense I got lectured in hopes that I coudl be convinced otherwise.

No work today even though its Monday. WAHOO, Thanksgiving!

I should be doing homework since I have so much for tomorrow, but meh, it will eventually get done, well all teh mandatory stuff will get done, the stuff that isn't getting collected might accidently be forgotten about.

So Anne's birthday was on saturday, and I haven't posted since then so "HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY ANNE!" There was a birthday party at her house. Very small, more appropristely called a gathering. We ate some chicken nuggets, fries and salad. (Note; I arrived late for this gathering because I had to work on Saturday) After we ate we talekd for a bit. I always worry I talk too much about myself. Like we'll all be sitting there and no one is talking so I'll just throw out facts about myself, because I can't think of anything else to talk about. And I dunno, I just sometimes wonder if others think I talk too much about myself. Really when I am the one coming up with conversation they are either about me or about dirty things, so I dunno, maybe that annoys others. But back to the party, we watched "Saved" that movie with Mandy Moore. I didn't really like it. The only thing that made it bareable was the Jewish slutty rebel character, she was cool. Afterwards anne opened gifts, and yah we sat around and talkd and then we all headed home.

Tomorrow is shopping day. After school tomorrow I am going downtown to go shopping. I am actually excited about it even though I absolutely hate shopping. I think the reason I'm excited is because I have already decided that I am going to spend money. So like since I know I am going to buy stuff thats exciting, cause even though I hate shopping, I liek getting new stuff.

My web cam unplugged yesterday and now its not working. Not that I use it very much, but just annoying that now its not working at all. Annoyed at it!

Oh Oh Oh, whats the deal with anime porn? Like as you have seen with our many quiz results I hate anime a lot, and a few days ago I found out that there was anime porn out there and I was completely grossed out. Like why woudl someone watch anime porn? Like I can see the appeal in regualr porn (sorta) liek that people might get turned on by watching other people "getting it on", but why would people gte turned on watching drawing having sex? I don't get it at all, I can see absolutely no appeal in it. They are drawings (ugly drawings at that) having sex, its just silly. Like EW!

Well thats all I have to say at the moment.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving!


Well another holiday, another annoying family filled day. The excitement never stops. (sarcasm, obviosuly) I don't even know what to say about my day. Last night I fell asleep on teh floor (on a comfoter) and slept there till 11 this morning. I got up at 11 and moved to my bed and slept there till 1 oc'clock. Then my mom came in woke me up and had me make the turkey (my role in our Thanksgiving prepartion). So I did the turkey then came upstairs and went online. (MSN has been fucked all day and its driving me nuts, by teh way) And basically shortly after that my family arrives and I am trapped downstairs having meaningless conversation with them. Really nothing overly exciting, just family doing what they always do which is annoy and bore.

No school tomorrow! Wahoo!

Going shopping on Tuesday after school which I'm excited about! I hate shopping and yet going this Tuesday is exciting to me. I think its cause I have already decided that I am going to spend money that day. I'm excited.

I need a new computer, my one at the moment is quite screwed up, and yah. Maybe ask for a new one for computer christmas. *light bulb goes on over head*

Any hoo, bye everyone.

Friday, October 08, 2004


not really sure where this post is going but i'm just gonna start blabbing about stuff that's happening.

so about an hour ago i got back from sister's commencement... not sure how to describe the event except long!! there were lots of good looking brothers, by the way. and by brother i mean siblings, not priests( why would you even be thinking that?) anywayz. lots of awards, lots of people, lots of time sitting on hard pews with my ass going numb cause we had to be there over an hour early!!!

watching what not to wear right. not very entertaining at all.

today, anne's locker got wrapped.. barbie wrapping paper which was interesting.. i have to say it looked pretty cute in the end. hmmm.. what else... went to all my boring classes and now it's friday and it's a long weekend!!!!

tomorrow i need to get my schedule from work, but hopefully i'm not working tuesday and we can go shopping.. really in the mood to spend a lot of money even thoguh i dont' haev any to spare, but i'll make it work.

feeling a bit nauseas right now which i can't spell.. not sure why, probably ate too much after not eating. just some weird situation like that.

i really thought i had more to say when i started this,. but now there's just a bunch of little useless thoughts.

thanksgiving weekend! nothign exciting planned.. family.. ugh

that's all..
until next time,


Thursday, October 07, 2004

I Mustn't Forget the Title

Yes Kathleen, I know how surprising and exciting it is to find pink/purple writing in the blog :) And look at this... two posts in one day! Wow!

I'm eating pumpkin pie right now, just sos ya know.

Oh gosh, I totally had something to say when I started this blog... oh yeah!

So today (I start alot of my sentences like that) I went to my locker after school to drop off my Data books (when I then realized I need my Data binder at home anyway to refill with paper) so whatever, I go to my locker. And then I remember another reason why I hate it. The stupid locker is such a nuisance!! As I had to try my combination again and again memories of last time I left my Bio book in there came flooding back. Stupid stupid locker.

By the way, I am never calling my child Stu. No offence to any Stus out there who might be reading this, haha!


Swirl Swirl Swirl!

Words cannot describe teh shcok I felt waking up from my nap and finding a pink/purpel blog entry.

I shoudl be getting ready to go out, but I just felt liek writing this blog and congratulating Dave on getting his G2! Good Work!

I blog way too much, in a way I feel like I shoudl stop posting so much cause maybe it makes me look like a pathetic loser. On the other hand it is an excellent wya of procatination. Cause like it makes it feel like you are doing something important, even though you obvioulsy are not.

I don't think I really need to worry about looking like a loser though cause who really reads this. NO-ONE!


So today after school I was hanging up my kilt and on the tag I noticed my last name written in pen that my mom had written on it in grade 9. I was amused.

Today on the way to biology I was walking behind Maeve and she sneezed twice and then, she used the hand that had covered her mouth with to open the door and then the door shut before I could push it open so I had to use the door knob and I was so disgusted... ickness.


Anne almost 17!

What is the deal with girls stopping in the hallways and kissing each other on both cheeks and blocking the way so you can't get passed? Like come on, I don't want to see the point in girls kissing between classes, liek whats up with that? I was trying to get to my locker afterschool and I am coming down the stairs and there are these three girls there kissing each other on the cheeks and acting all giddy like it would be the end of the world if they didn't kiss each others cheeks. Friends shoudl just pass each other, maybe a quick wave or a nod, but they definately not do anything that blocks trafiic.

Now that I've said that I'm clueless what else to say. Taht was my big rant for teh day.

"Pretty please have a night with a cherry on top."

So yah...

Going to my brotehr's for dinner tonight. first tiem we have ever been invited.

Tahnksgiving is thsi weekend, we're having our Tahnksgiving dinner on Monday, cause daddy is in Vancouver until then.

I spelt Thanksgiving wrong both times in teh last sentence, and instead of fixing it I typed thsi sentence.


P.S. Anne's Birthday is in 2 days!

Wednesday, October 06, 2004


maybe we shoudl jsut stop taking quizzes that specifically say "WITH ANIME PICTURES!!". this might help with the excess amount of them.. hehe

anywayz.. just cause i knwo everyone is curious. i got the same one for what kinda beauty are you as kathleen so i didn't feel it was necessary that i post more anime pics...

well, waiting to be picked up... (: this counts as a real post right?


even more... grrr

black hair isn't too creative, but i do liek the little description.

kathleen, yours might be a half naked slut, but i look like a nun! (:

Black Hair!
Black Hair! Famous Black Heads: Gally from Gunnm &
Kamui from X

~* What Anime Haircolor would you have? *~
brought to you by

Last quiz for tonight, I PROMISE!

Why are anime pictures not only all ugly, but also all skanky. Like seriously why is natural beauty represented by some slutt with no shirt. I don't give me some bull taht she is wearing a shirt. I don't knwo about the rest of teh world but when I get dressed in teh morning if my boobs were hanging out liek that i woudl cahneg my outfit. ICK!

Skanky Skanky anime girls!


I believe that theres hould be less anime in teh world! BOOOO ANIME!

However they still get posted cause yah, I am just that bored!


Natural Beauty!
Natural Beauty! You impress with your narural
charme and your simple beauty. You only want to
be the person you are and be accepted as that.
Go you!

What kind of beauty are you? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
brought to you by Quizilla

Another Quiz Result!

Why did I do another stupid quiz that has anime results. Like seriously, I just posted about how tehre are too many quiz results and not enough actual posts on our blog currently, and bam here I go posting another. I blame it on school. These quizzes make it easy to procatinate. I don't even know if I think they are fun or if I just do them as a wonderful way to waste my time. (Stupid Homework)

Is it werid that this picture kinda grosses me out. Not the girl in teh picture but the hair sticking out all around. I have a fear of hair and it so ew! haha!

So officially from the last two quizzes I have done if I lived in an anime universe (which I am so glad I don't) I woudl ahve blue hair and red eyes, sounds sorta scry to me.

Its weird that during teh summer and even now I kinda want to dye my hair blue and tahst what teh results came out as.



Blue Hair!
Blue Hair! Famous Blue Heads Akane from Ranma 1/2 &
Ami from Sailor Moon!

~* What Anime Haircolor would you have? *~
brought to you by



Karen, Anne and myself are going out tonight. Wahoo! Haha They agreed!


Too many quiz results, not enough posts!

Too many quiz results, not enough posts!

And for that reason I have decided that I shoudl attempt to write a real blog!

Today I slept in till 10:30 so I ended up missing my first two periods at school, which were accounting and lunch, so thats not a huge deal. Religion we took notes and continued to wtachg the unamusing movie "quiz Show". Physics, we did review and started watching a lame movie on free falling bodies. Englihs, we presented about poetry and yah. Boring day!

During English I was sitting there listening to presentations and thinking about writing a story. See I am not teh best writer, but at the tiem in english class I had a lot of idea floating around in my head. I sometiems get super inspired and come up with a great idea, but when it coems to putting it down in words I fail! Same goes for blogs, I normally have great topics to discuss but when actually typing them out I go completely blank!

...... (<---- example of my blankness)

So it's Wednesday, whats up with that? haha. Only two more school days left!

Calculus Test tomorrow! : (

I think that that face in the last line has been the first one I have ever put in a blog, I don't think I like it!

Wow I really have nothing to say!

I want to go out with Karen and Anne tonight, but they both are busy. It's no fair. We coudl go out to dinner, I promise it wouldn't take long! Don't worry karen your parenst won't be mad, Don't worry anne we won't be out long enough that it will effect you finishing your essay (if anything it will help cause it will relax you and make you work better!) PLEASE!

I have officially missed 2 classes or each one of my courses now! (I know, exciting eh?)

Right before I came online I was forced to hear teh nexty chapter of teh self-help book my mother is forcing me to listen to. "Change your pain into power!"..... why I am forced to read it is beyond me!

Yah thats about it!

Tuesday, October 05, 2004


green is the best.i must stop this posting

Green Eyes!
Green like a calm forest...

~* What Anime Eyecolor would you have? *~
brought to you by


is this a good thing? why am i naked?

You become a one winged Angel!
The one winged Angel! Broken because of the fight
between light and darkness.

What kind of Angel are you? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
brought to you by

Red Eyes!

Seriously must stop taking quizzes. I promise this is my last oen (well for tonight at least) I have to do hwk, and the fact I am using bad quizzes with bad anime pictures as a way to get out of hwk is sad, so I msut be doing work. Damn I hate anime!



Red Eyes!
Red like fire...

~* What Anime Eyecolor would you have? *~
brought to you by Quizilla

Dreamer Angel!

So now it seems that all I do is post quiz results to thsi blog, what is that all about? Are me and Karen so bored taht the majority of our time is spent filling out quizzes. Also what is the deal-io with so much anime? Am I the only one in teh world who doesn't liek it? Anywyas,


You become a Dreamer Angel!
Dreamer Angel! You live in a wonderful daydream.

What kind of Angel are you? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
brought to you by Quizilla

I debated whether to post this...

So I did the weapon quiz like Karen, and got the same results, no fun! So I debated about whteher to botehr posting my results, but in teh end decided to anywyas! So yah, this is basically a repaet of what Karen put below



Your weapon is a Dao!
Dao! The chinese Kung-Fu Sword! This attack weapon
is wild and powerful. Used by the soldiers in
the old chinese Army. the Dao is often compared
with a furious tiger.

What's your Weapon? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
brought to you by Quizilla

Love Goddess!

So since it seems to be mine and Karen's system to do teh same quizes as each other, here is my one about what kind of goddess I am. I know the excitement!


Love Goddess
Goddess of Love. You are a caring individual but
aren't always honest. You would probably lose
your life for another.

What Goddess Are You? (Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

Shoulder hurts a bit!

So after much deliberation and thought i decided to go out and buy a mood ring. You know one of thsoe big rings that is suppose to tell your mood but really just cahnges colour due to your body temperature. I decided to get one cause I just think they are kinda wacky and weird, I probbaly won't wear it much but for 5 bucks how can I go worng? Well incase you were wondeirng here are what the differnet colours are suppose to mean:
Golden Yellow: Tense. You have difficulty focusing and are easily bothered.
Blue: You are happy. No, really!
Purple: Moody. Your emotions are erratic. Consider Prozac.
Black: Down. You are overburdened and confused. Check for a pulse.
Reddish brown: Insecure. Go buy yourself a Mazda Miata convertible.
Clear: Fraud. Your mood ring is a fake; you are having financial difficulties.
Green: Easily amused. If you are still reading this, you are easily amused.

So I haven't blogged for a few days.

On Sunday Karen, Anne and I participated in teh CIBC Run for teh Cure, which was to rasie money towards breast cancer research. We ended up walking 5km. We got t-shirts too. I don't know what I am going to do with mine, Karen will likely use hers as a sleeping top.

I also lost my wallet Sunday. When I was getting in teh car I placed teh wallet on teh roof and yah when I drove off it fell off. Me, Karen and Dave searched the parking lot but couldn't find it. A police officer ended up calling my house telling me my wallet had been found. Apparently someoen had returned teh wallet to teh polics, and all the moeny and everything that had been in teh wlalet when I lost it was still inside. So all worked out in teh end.

Bought a purple wig on Sunday, as well.

Yesterday I basically just had school and work. I cut myself at work with an ezacdo-knife, it hurt and was bleeding. now it just looks gross and I was frekaing people out at school today!

Thats about it ofr my life.

Monday, October 04, 2004


i felt the need to make sure everyone (well the few people who visit this site or happen to come upon it and discover the magic randomly) should NOT think it's some weird anime site.. hahaha.. it's giving off that impression right now, but i cna't help it if the only quizzes which pictures are of that kind!!
(: Karen-

what's your weapon?

random and more anime (:

Your weapon is a Dao!
Dao! The chinese Kung-Fu Sword! This attack weapon
is wild and powerful. Used by the soldiers in
the old chinese Army. the Dao is often compared
with a furious tiger.

What's your Weapon? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
brought to you by

which weapon are you?

which goddess?

apparently there's a lot of anime pics... i sorta like this one

Fire Goddess
Goddess of Fire. You are hot-tempered and wild. You
love blazing fire.

What Goddess Are You? (Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla


bored, home alone, avoiding work. this is my life.. actually not at all.

sooo.. just crappily finished physics.. coudln't do a couple of questions which is annoying and hoping nothing will be collected. still have french, ahh she assigns too much. and religion.. should i even do it? hmmm.. might be corrected in class and i'll end up having to pass it back and get evil people who actually correct properly marking mine.. hmmm.. what a dilemna huh... ooh and wait.. i shoudl study for data as well. do i really need to? i either know it or i don't right? and i don't

short post tonight.. i must go and be lazy some more


Sunday, October 03, 2004


ok so what's with this site... so i'm either just that predictable and boring, or this site sucks. i have grey eyes and i'm plain... how nice

Your beauty is plain but you completely make up for
it in a pleasant personality. You may not be
the supermodel in the magazine or the woman
with unusual hair, but you have a great way of
making people feel at home and comfortable.
Because of the normality of your looks, people
feel like they can talk to you easier or ask
for help without feeling as embarassed. Your
personality is easy going and can be
represented by a warm smile. People like how
undemanding you are and your great at keeping
secrets. (If you can't see tje pics, go to my
homepage and look near the bottom and find your

What kind of Beauty should you have? (girl) (PICS)
brought to you by

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Mysterious Beauty!

So I did another quizilla quiz and as much as I hate anime, I had to post this because its my result. Its not eve slightly nice anime either. Like the eyes one I didn't mind, this one is just pure anime, not very cool in my opinion, anywyas this one is about my kind of beauty!


Your kind of beauty is mysterious. You are not a
very open person so you can be hard to figure
out. Some people would say ALL girls are this
way but your mysteriousness is intriguing and
makes people want to find out more about you.
Your beauty is like a pair os eyes. So pretty,
so deep, and yet they hold so much emotion that
you have to look hard to see. You're pretty
intoverted so you talk a lot less than some of
the people you might know and when you do it's
probably very soft and calm. You don't really
like the way you look but trust me, you're
beauty is special and desirable.(If you can't
see tje pics, go to my homepage and look near
the bottom and find your result)

What kind of Beauty should you have? (girl) (PICS)
brought to you by Quizilla

Donkey + Horse = Mule

So it is officially October! October 2nd, and i forgot to wish everyone a Happy October. Thats just crazy.

I don't even know if it being October is a good thing. Anne's birthdya is coming up its exactly a week form today. I know very exciting isn't it. The big 1-7! Now I liek to believe 17 is so much cooler then 16 ever could be. Seventeen... its so strange that Anne is only now turning 17, since for me it seems liek forever ago. Like I am already wya past my half birthday (in August) and anne is only turning 17 now. Nothing worng with that, cause its all exciting since tehre haven't been any big birthdays recently. And I dunno I like teh age 17 so its kinda cool that as I'm finishing off being 17 someone else is just starting to be it.

I need to ask my parenst for a drive tomorrow morning but I am scared that they will get mad and say "no!" Even though that is a silly reaosn not to ask because if I don't ask it is automatically a NO! So I will ask ahortly.

Also October is teh month of Halloween. Not taht I have any exciting plans for halloween, just that it is another exciting thing happening. I kinda want to but I bright blue wig, though I do not know what I wodul be with a blue wig. I keep having this image of me with a blue wig, a baggy man's t-shirt, a pair of jeans and lots of jewelry but I don't know what I woudl be. Um..... note to self: figure out halloween costume.

My webcam was screwing up yesterday, everything seemed to be green. It was very starnge.

Thats about it for teh moemnt!


so now that i've read kathleen's rant about parents, time for mine... it won't be too long but annoyed me nonetheless.
ok so it was weird logging off after talking with kathleen about the coolness of parents (note the sarcasm), and my mom comes down to ask me what i'm doing. i dont really remember how this happened, but i told her about possibly going to the mall after and she just freaked out. apparently i'm failing school and never gonna get into university. and she says this all (in so many words of course) cause she "cares about me". what the hell is that? there seems to be a HUGE problem with my low 80s in phsyics which isn't even a prerequisite and i'm taking 8 courses you know!!! and she brings in work.. well how do you expect me to go to university if i'm responsible for paying for it AND getting the marks?! do parents think that i dont' wanna go and i'm purposely trying to fail? before i had a job (even though technically i got a job way before my sister did), they panic thinking i won't be able to afford to go to university, and then when i finally get a job (mind you i've been through enough stress and crap trying to find a decent one with their approval), it's making me focus less on school work. and then i through in the, well i need to work to go to university, and then they get all depressed cause they can't pay for it and it's suddenly all my fault.
and now i'm crying... great huh.. my face already hurts from before
slightly embarassed that people will read this, but i dont' know where else to vent.

Friday, October 01, 2004

happy october

so i was just reading kathleen's super long post, and decided that i'm angry about bras! why when bras go on sale, they never have my size anymore??!! like i dont' really need a bra, but when they're 12 bucks and are green and really really really cute, i need one!!!! stupid needing to be either bigger or smaller. would prefer bigger by the way, but now i'm just talkign about my breast size(:

now for my oh so exciting work story. okay, now i'm letting this guy into a changeroom (probably about my age), so i knock on the door (like always lsitening carefully), then open the door in the direction of the guy. he hesitates and i'm sorta confused as to why he's not walking in, and then he looks at me and says "there's someone in there". what the hell? why dont' people answer when i knock!!?? so i freak out and laugh, apologize and take in to another fitting room while we're both laughing...
they guy who i surprised in the changeroom eventualyl comes out, i apologize and say i didn't hear him and he doesn't seem to care which is cool. so i take what he wants to buy over to the cash (to get commission of course (: ), thinking he's done.
later on, maybe a couple of minutes later, i open a change room for someone else, and guess what? the same guy is in there and i walked in on him again!! mindyou, he's dressed so it's not quite as embarassing as it could be.. but DAMMIT let me know you're in there so this doesn't happen,.. and by the way, how did he even get back into the changeroom when i need to use a key??!!! so more apologizing, embarassemtn, and laughing. it's great

that's it for now.


Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!!

I think it's really sad that I've already brought out the Christmas music. And then I was thinking, do I really want it to snow? Because it's gotten kinda nippy out of doors these past few days and I kinda like the warmth. Ach well, have I really been reduced to talking about the weather when I blog? Haha!

Wow, I really have nothing to say. I've been swivelling my head (kinda Linda Blair style, haha) trying to find something to inspire me, but now all I can think of is the butterfly and white rose on the kleenex box. Soooo...

Today I found out that if my sister had been a boy she would have been called Clark. That amused me because then I was thinking of Superman and it was werid. My name would have been Eric if I was a boy... which is now making me think of Prince Eric in the Little Mermaid. Wow, all these connotations!

Anyway, I'm sure this mindless drivel is really boring so I shall be off.
