Save As Draft...which for some reason makes me think of beer
So, now's the time that I regale (sp?) you with amusing anecdotes about driving school, right?
Haha! The correct answer is "wrong"!!
Really, it was not too bad. Got there fairly early and met up with Kim. We wandered around for awhile and then headed to class. Got nice seats in the dark corner of the classroom (yes!) and was prepared to be bored out of my skull. However, it was not bad, not bad at all. The teacher is really good and is always telling stories and stuff so it's fun most of the time. Am really hoping the tests are as easy as people say they are though.
As the days go by I am desperately hoping that my school scheduale will turn out all right. Am not looking forward to having lunch period two again. Ick.
No other news because my entire day was spent in a classroom with no windows and the air conditioning on at full blast. Good thing I wore that sweater! Until next time.
P.S. I forgot to mention that a girl from my old elementary school was there! We were in a 4/5 spilt together, she in grade 4 me in 5, and all I remember was sitting beside her and then this Jeremy kid sat across from her and they were always doing that fighting / flirting thing. Haha, it was amusing.
marcy playground
Hanging around downtown by myself
and I had so much time to sit and think about myself
and then there she was
like double cherry pie yeah there she was
like disco superfly
I smell sex and candy here
who's that lounging in my chair
who's that casting devious stares in my direction
mama this surely is a dream yeah
yeah mama this surely is a dream
hanging around downtown by myself
and I had too much caffeine and I was thinking about myself
and then there she was
in platform double suede yeah there she was
like disco lemonade
I smell sex and candy here
who's that lounging in my chair
who's that casting devious stares in my direction
mama this surely is a dream yeah
yeah mama this surely is a dream do you
yeah mama this surely is a dream yeah
I smell sex and candy here
who's that lounging in my chair
who's that casting devious stares in my direction
mama this surely is a dream
yeah mama this surely is a dream
yeah mama this surely is a dream yeah
yeah mama this must be my dream
tuesday morning.
i woke up at 10:30 ish.. pretty happy with that.. and then even though i had very little doubt in my mind about actually going rollerblading, guesswhat? I DID!! so yay for me. probably lasted about 20-25 minutes, but rollerblading nonetheless! i've noticed i've been saying nonetheless a lot lately... shoudl it be hyphenated? meh, who cares...
who left the gross little dust particles on the computer desk after cleaning the mouse?
my other plan today is to read a bit.. haha.. now we'll see if that will actually happen...
tonight i'm going to work. and that's about it for today...
tomorrow is the grossest day ever... first, i'm going to school.. yes.. SCHOOL! and since i'm angry at the school for not sending out the schedules, it's even grosser! i'm going there for a meeting for the grade 9 orientation day which will be torturous and i didn't even get the brochure in the mail!! then gues what i'm doing? another super funt hing.. now you're thinking, what can be more fun than going to school during the summer? well.. it's going to the doctor!! stupid annual check-up! i'm healthy enough, and i dont' really wanna know that i gained some weight and didn't grow an inch in height.
all i have to say for this session of blogging. until next time
these subjects just keep falling further and further until they die cause they're just that bad now!!
so yes.. everyone already read the rants about school.. so all i'm going to say is that yes it's dumb that we don't get our schedules.. but i can deal with it.. receiving kim's schedule by e-mail made me excited to read a schedule and i've decided i'm having calc with her with fuoco!! haha mary the secretary is quite a bitch, even though it IS probably the principal's fault.. so they're both bitches.. it's only fair! sure she probably got a lot more students calling in asking about schedule stuff (haha, do you think other people really did that too?) but still, secretaries are supposed to be super sweet and cute!!
i feel like i had some mission when starting this blog.. obviosuly not anymore.. so here i go...
today i worked.. 5-10.. actually 4:45 - 10:30... ahh closing is not fun.. 'cept it was slightly entertaining to see the ugly ugly boots i helped make my ugly pyramid that got fixed and also see how immature managers can be... hmmm
tomorrow? hmmm... i'm going to work from 5 to 10 as well.. so i must find something entertaining to do in the morning.. MAYBE I'LL READ!!! haha, that's probably a lie, but i'll try.. i really really will for those maybe 2 minutes (:
so enjoy your ugly ugly pink Dream boots for $79.99
I want to swear so badly right now! But I shan't.
So, I'm talking to Rosie who went to guidance today and got her schedule already because she had to change something about it or whatever. And she tells me that there is some stupid funky by law about students having to have lunch periods 2, 3, or 4 which means no 5th period lunch!! I am SO upset!! I was really counting on that! Now, my only hope is having a 5th period spare one day and period 4 lunch. I hate school, I hate school so much, and it hasn't even started yet!!
On another note, I am starting driving classes tomorrow. It totally does not feel like it but I am SO not looking forward to waking up early. Yuck yuck yuck. Summer should never end! Sheesh!
Okay, I am done now. *Evil eyes at stupid stupid school that I intensely dislike*
Obviously about Schedules!
See I was going to come on right now and complain about how I haven't gotten mail yet today so I am currently schedule-less and I'm all sad.
But as I go on the blog I see Karen's entry, and of course read it and now i don't even care about the stupid package!
What is up with our dumb-ass school! I want my schedule, this is so dumb, cause today to wednesday we are suppose to be going to guidance if we need out schedule changed but how to you go into guidnace if you don't have a schedule?!?!?!
I'm angry, I blame the new principal. I already don't like her because she has stopped me from getting my schedule, which is no fair!
I can just see it now, getting my schedule the first day and even though I have friends in my classes we won't be sittiong next to each other because we won't know we have teh class together, and it will be so sad!
Stupid school!
mr. schedule??
okay i wake up and am excited cause today is the schedue day.. i'm scared to open the mailbox cause i dont' see anything popping out of it and my parents aren't home.. so my sister is appaerntly just as impatient so she turns off the alarm, unlocks the door, and picks up the brown envelope!! yay... of course i'm convincing myself that it's niot the schedule ad it's just that grade 9 orientation helper thing that i've been waiting for as well, so i wont' get excited... she tells me it's not probably just to make me even more excited...
so i take the envelope, run to the couch and take out a letter opener to find a few sheets inside.. i quickly scanned and guess what.. NO SCHEDULE!!! it WAS the school package but they probably just decided not to send us the schedule this year! whoa and what is up with all this useless info they send us... why are we all getting new locks? and we need to pay for them?? stupid school!!
i'm not sure where this post is gonna go.. but i just feel liek blabbing and complaining for no reason cause i just am not let's say inthe greatest of moods...
i've discovered that i hate how people always think i'm happy and doing great... everything i say isn't a joke just cause i laugh and smile a lot when i say stuff. everyone knows it's not easy saying something truthful about yourself, but i find it extremely difficult... like on msn.. no one knows what i'm really thinking.. and i'm not gonna tell them!! haha.. see there i go laughing.. grr... grr sounds dumb too.. just fake angriness.. i'mnot angry right now just not really happy... but there were times wher eno one realizes it, not that i want anyone to, but i just like to complain right now.. no specific reason behind it... always acting happy is something i usually use as a good quality.. but err, not so good all the time
grrr i have a doctor's appointment in a few days.. not looking forward to it at all.. gonna find out my real weight which is gonna depress me.. he's gonna examine me and be all annoying about stuff i prefer not to discuss to anyone or on a blog.. haha... and no, i'm not telling him about my constant headaches or stomach aches or just plain crappiness, cause i either have some crazy disease or just dehydrated or stressed...
is it sad that i'm thinking maybe going back to school won't be so bad? maybe it'll distract me from what i duno.. but i feel like i need to be distracted...
what does the phrase, "it's fine" or "fine" really mean.. you never know when someone's serious of sarcastic, that why i like using it.. not explanations there..
i guess i'm done for now... i'm not sure why i'm posting this cause i realyl feel like this little bit shoudlnt' be shared.. but ah well, it is.. and i just won't reread it and pretend this was never typed
Hello World!!
Yes, I am quite aware that the title has been used somewhere before in the blog, but for some reason I was really in the mood for using it.
So my parents went to a wedding yesterday and they brought home some cake. I just ate a piece and I'm trying to decide if I like fondant icing. Like, it's sweet and stuff, but it can be a little chewy. However, the chocolate cake part was yummy, even though a good chunk of it fell on the floor as I was bringing it to my mouth. I was fully prepared to eat it, but as I was blowing it off I noticed bits of hair on all four sides and decided against it. Then I had to run upstairs for a glass of milk because it made me thirsty. But not thirsty for any type of drink, thirsty for milk. Ya know how you get those specific cravings?
Well the Olympics are over. It totally does not feel like they lasted for very long, I was so taken by surprise when people started talking about the closing cermonies today. Ach well. Anyway, until next time.
radio sawa
i like posting even though everyone knows i've posted a lot recently...
so right now i'm listening to an arabic radio station (note the title). it's actually quite entertaining.. i got bored of the normal (well if you consider what kathleen sends me normal) 4-5 songs that i've listened to over and over and over again. it's really hard to understand the news though.. i like the music (:
today it's pouring which is not fun for swimming.. so no bathing suit for me today! 'cet it atually looks like it's sorta snuny now which is weird but now i'm just too lazy to change or bring anything with me to change into.. ah well.. stupid weather!
so tomorrow is the day when the mail will come and everything will be good! (:
i thoguthi had more to say.. at least i did when i started this post.. ah well...
"Bye Bye Ms. American Pie...."
I worked yesterday. A good 9 hours and 45 minutes shft. It was extremely boring, and since I was on Cash one I was the last one to close and had to wait for everyone to be out of the store. Seriously one cutomer just kept wnadering around and ended up buying two items 15 minutes after teh store shoudl have been closed. It was highly annoying.
After work I went over to Anne's. We had some garlic bread, a littel burnt, but still very good. I also ate two marshmellows and two mini chocolate bars. We looked at pictures from the CNE and from Montreal. The pictures are actually pretty good considering they were taken on a cheap disposible camera. The Montreal ones are pretty funny because basically it was Karen and me running randomly around a mall taking pictures. CNE is cute because they are just really weird yet cool pictures, even though I am still genuinely confused why my lips are so liek dark in the picture of me and Anne on teh ferris wheel.
Its raining out. I don't mind the rain, just don't love it when I am having peopel over to go swimming. Swimming isn't very good in the rain, esspecially when there could be lightning. So now me and my freinds will likely be stuck inside being bored. (Hopefully not that bored)
Wow I have absolutely nothing to say. I just keep yawning and yawning. I don't think I have completely woken up yet.
*breaks into song* "Bye Bye Ms. American, drove my chevy to the levy, but the levy was dry. And good old boys are drinking whiskey and rye, singing this will be the day that die..."
American Pie by Don McLean <----- SONG OF THE DAY!
(reason: obviously stuck in my head since I was just singing it in this post)
Well I'm off to hop in the shower so I can look all beautiful today! haha!
Edit Posts
Wow, it feels like it's been a really long time since I last posted. Will have to remedy that!
So... life. It is very rainy this morning, was coming down in buckets just a few moments ago. And that statement makes me think of the bucket thing at Wild Water Kingdom that pours down water on your head. It's actually quite painful, and I'd like to think that my head is a little harder than some of the little kids that play around it. If real rain hurt so much, that would be bad. There would need to be like super duper heavy duty metal umbrellas or something.
Long or short fingernails? One time last year I tried to grow out my nails but it didn't work they just kept breaking and getting gross stuff stuck in them. But super short isn't that good either, because then it's hard to itch. Which in turn reminds me of that Berenstein Bears book about having a bad habit and Sister Bear bites her nails and finds it hard to do stuff becasue they're so short. However, two of her problems included having a hard time playing jacks and having a hard time turning the knob on the television. I don't really have either of those problems so matter what length my nails are. Then of course there is the dude with the longest thumbnail in the world or something like that, and it has to travel in it's own little bag and stuff. I remember watching a show about it.
Speaking of shows like that reminds me of this episode, I think it was Ripley's Believe It Or Not, where this girl had this huge hairball in her stomach and it was kinda gross. I went through a phase when I was little where I would chew on my hair. It was gross. I'm glad it was a short phase otherwise I may have a giant hairball in my stomach too! Ahhh! I never bit my nails though, and lots of people seem to do that.
Anyway, enough of this boring nonsense.
back and forgot one thing... (should i be embarassed to post 5 times in a row).. anywayz...
yesterday at work, i was talking to this other new guy (yes i'm slowly making friends.. haha), and he thought i was AT LEAST 21!!!! whoa, isn't that cool? ahaha, well i'm sure this doesn't work out where you need to be, let's say 19 to do stuff...
post #4
though this is post one hundred and something, it is my fourth post in a row.. when i saw that i had done three, i just had to post a 4th... haha, the weird temptations i give into (:
so today i woke up and did basically nothing. watched some olympics, went through the back to school flyers (don't need them now!) and just had lunch. now i'm sitting here inthe dark and just got questioned by my father why i am in the dark.. who knows.. why not is the response i like to give!
the rest of the day consists of nothing. some lying around, maybe something else if i get bored enough and whine to parents to come with me somewhere...
well i'm looking forward to the schedule that WILL come on monday! have you ever seen three girls so determined to get their school schedule? trust me, it's just the schedule that's exciting, NOT the school part of it! eww... school is close.. well i'll just keep believing that it's not really coming in just over a week... cause, well, it's not!! right?
this weekend is work free.. but i do need to go in on sunday to find out my schedule... i like to look this weekly changing schedule as a positive thing in my life! i dont' need order and organization! i need spontaneous outings and more telling to people "we'll see" and "i need to check my schedule" without making strict plans.. i like this flexibility.. well i will get used to it...
well i just found something to do.. dad just asked if i want to come to food basics!! of course i do!! haha... all those sexy grocery guys... well sometimes it happens... (:
i'll be back!! mwhahaha
quiz results...
(22-28 points) You are Arnold: You have lots of friends and you are also popular, always willing to give advice and help out a person in need. You are very optimistic and you always see the bright side of things. Some good advice: try not to be too much of a dreamer, if not you will have many conflicts with life. When someone that is honest offeres you friendship, take it. Keep in touch with reality and life will be so much fun.
posted at:
thanks to for linking the quiz which kept me a bit less bored for a minute or two!
so guys, what do you think of the results? haha, so i have lots of friends and am popular? okay, so i'm not the BIGGEST loser, but i woudln't go this far! (:
Sometimes, I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear.
And I can't help but ask myself how much I'll let the fear take the wheel and steer.
It's driven me before, and it seems to have a vague, haunting mass appeal.
But lately I am beginning to find out that I should be the one behind the wheel.
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there with open arms and open eyes.
So if I decide to waiver my chance to be one of the hive, will I choose water over wine and hold my own and drive?
It's driven me before and it seems to be the way that everyone else gets around.
But lately I'm beginning to find that when I drive myself my light is found.
So whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there with open arms and open eyes.
Would you kill the Queen to crush the hive?
Would you choose water over wine.... hold the wheel and drive?
): i feel like shit...
i hate headaches
Short Post
I am convinced that my computer is a breeding ground for spiders. Like seriously, a couple weeks ago I noticed a cobweb start to form under the screen. Of course, being the lazy person that I am, I waited a number of weeks to decide to do something about it. When I finally did, I revved up the vacum cleaner and got rid of the mess.
There. I thought I had rid myself of the cobweb dusty problem for another few weeks at least. But oh no, the next day I sit down at my computer and a new cobweb has been started. Grr... silly spiders. Alas, I am grateful that it is usually only the cobweb and not the acutal bug. Ick.
feel like i shoudl post even thoguh i have nothing to say...
today i walked to the bank with my sister which was soo exciting you can't believe it.. hahayah right
and i might work todya.. need to call in cause i'm "on call" which i think is dumb, but whatever, it's not like i have a life or any plans (:
i also just finished a strange conversation with my dad... so the message i got out of it is don't have sex with every random guy... okay, i'll try not to, dad!!
tomorrow is a nothing day.. probably do some waxing so i'll be all swimmable.. haha, i know you like to knwo my waxing schedule.. grr, i hope i dont need to shave my legs again.. like why should you have the shave them so often? i think guys shoudl shave their legs.. as weird as it might look, it's only fair!!
i was sailor jupiter in my school! probably only cause i had the ponytail, i dont' really remember what she did, but we used to play it in the field at recess with our sean-made wand things... hehe... funny how people at my school liked the ones that kathleen's school didn't like.. anywayZ...
Short and Not very Sweet!
So I am officially blog 102. You know I always thought 102 was the coolest number, and it never gets any attention. Like 100 gets a lot of attention cause obviously it is the first three digit number and 101 gets attention cause of that silly dalamation movie, but what about 102? 102 is a great number as well, and that is why I am proud to be post 102!
Earlier today I was thinking back about old TV shows I used to watch, and the show Sailor Moon came to mind. That show was so popular. My favourites were always Sailor Venus and Sailor Mars. I rememebr that everyone loved Sailor Jupiter, and that only teh cry baby girl in my class liked Sailor Moon. (And no one ever really like Sailor Mercury cause even though she was blue, teh best colour, she had a weird power, whats up with bubbles?) Recently, like within the last year, I was home from school sick and saw an episode of sailor Moon, and I can't remember why it was so popular, it wasn't a very amusing show. Like there is some evil person, the scouts look liek they will lose, and then tehy win, The End! No surprises!
I really have nothing to say, and I am sitting here yawning! So Good Night All!
P.S. My shortest blog ever
you know you're cool when...
so today was one of my usual days i guess... nothing super exciting, but stuff was done nonetheless, so here i go as always...
woke up at a time that is unknown to me.. i really have no idea, can't remember at all... but it wasn't very late.. i'm thinking 9:30am?!
i layed around, then read a bit... proud of myself there.. must do some more tonight so this book does get finished eventually. .. cute book so far, i'm told it gets better though which is good. "A prayer to owen meany" by John Irving if anyone wants to know...
then it was 11 and i had smoething to eat since iw as going to work and am poor (:
i'm at work... all managers possible are there... well not really, but enough for me to annoy with my "i'm still new and have no idea what i'm doing" questions. it was great... not a bad day till the end where i was going crazy as kathleen, dave, sister, mother show up waiting for me and stupid shoes are nowhere to be found. so i wasted my last precious 45 mintues of work (actually 30 minutes over which drove me crazy!) finding shoes that didn't exist in our store and brushing off the customer who probably wasn't going to buy anything anyway... ahh
so i did my school shopping which lasted in total about 5 minutes... very productive and efficient i must say. then went to dinner with kathleen and dave. can you say 3rd wheel?? haha
so now i'm at home... just finished my bath with that lush bath bomb lemony scented thing which had a nice smell but a very weird texture and lack of bubbling.. so it became sticky near the sides of the bath tub and yellowish murky water which sounds extremely appealing.. it was relaxing though and now i smell good.. (:
that's it for now. until next time
stay tuned (:
In Response
Okay, I remember that stupid video arcade show and I hated it! Gah! The annoying music! The annoying people! The annoying games! It made me sick, just thinking about it makes me cringe!
You're afraid of birds Kathleen?
I used to have an imaginative family too! They were my England Family and I remember one elaborate idea involving a power wheels and a broken window. Ah, the days of youth, haha!
The deal with parents is that as much as you love them they can be very very frustrating. Today, we had to go to lunch at the house of my grandmother and my sis and I were supposed to leave around 10:30. Now, nearly every Sunday, unless something happens, I go to lunch at Nonna's at this time, and I can wake up at 10:00 and be ready by 10:15. However, this morning, my dad opened up the door to my bedroom TWICE and when I checked the time it was only 9:14!! I was like, 'what the hay?' And then, he comes in later and says, 'Anne, this is your real wake-up call.' It's only 9:40!! Like geeze louise! What is this nonsense!? Like really, what is going to happen when he retires? Is he going to have nothing to do but wake me up early for no good reason?! Sheesh!
Speaking of lunch, when we got back there was this big earwig on the wall and my sister made me kill it because she couldn't reach. Puh-leese. It took time for me to gain the strength and courage, but I finally shumshed (sp?) it with a shoe. I let her clean up the remains, haha! Right now she is watching some funky eighties music video...odd.
Oh! I was reading a bit of my book this morning and in it, a person says geeze lowese! And it was spelt all weird! I thought it was so strange!
Karen, I really want my timetable too! As soon as I read your post I rushed to the mailbox in the hopes it arrived while I was out. No such luck and it made me sad.
I think this is the hundreth post, but I didn't really write anything exciting. I personally think the hundred and first post is cooler, haha! Anyway, I'm off for now.
Today the schedule didn't come... there's only one day left of this week you know!! ahh, the schedule won't come and then i won't know who's in my classes and then... you know what will happen... people will be crying, dying, being hit, hitting... not good at all
This is post number 99 which i think sounds much more important than 100... so yay for me for posting number 99!
Work from 12-5 today. will learn how to check my sales, etc... what fun
then some school shopping... now that is the exciting part of my day!! haha...
that's it for now.. nothing fun to blog about...
signing off, Karen.
hello there... have a great day!
CNE was entertaining
Entertainment is expensive
Cotton candy is sticky
Junk food is nauseating
Ice is cold
Montreal is cool
Guys are hot
Eyebrow rings are sexy
Nails are bare
Free samples are good
School is yucky
Schedules anticipation is frustrating
Summer is short
Weather is nice
Carrot sticks are healthy
Karen is bored
as promised...
A sportsy dark green mustang is what i drive for the most part and is quite convenient for picking up the kids from their separate classes and functions, going out to dinner, and simply cruisin' (:
For those completely opposite events, his rounded bright red 6 seater pick-up truck is ideal! The family roadtrip (where a big box of doughnuts will be purchased from tim hortons) is a perfect example!
Though these two vehicles are fairly different in both size and appearance, they work well for the family's needs and provide enjoyment.
Only a construction company owner and accountant/partner in firm/CEO/etc could handle this unique combination!
"Sometimes I run, sometimes I hide..."
As much as in no way do I write this to get commenst off of people I woudl like to thank dave_niceguy80 and "Anonymous". I agree with you dave that a lot of snail mail also begisn with "To whom this may concern", but I still think it sounds classy. "Anonymous", I'm glad that you enjoy our blog and it was interesting to hear your opinion. Thank you to those who take time comment, and I think its funny that people enjoy reading about my day to day activities, but I'm not complaining, its cool!
Let me start by saying I am watching Amazing Race at the same time as writing this blog entry. Currently teams are signing up for cartered flights. Currently Chip and Kim and Brandon and Nicki are on the first flight, and the twins are on the second. Colin and Christie are also on the second flight. The Bowling Moms are on teh third flight. Colin is arguing with a taxi driver. Its quite entertaining. Anyways.....
So I am a little blank on what I shoudl be writing at the moment, its so sad cause when I am just sitting around I can always think of things to write about but when ity comes tiem to typing it out my mind goes absolutely blank! BLANK!
Remember the tooth fairy, you know the little fairy that comes and takes your fallen out tooth from under your pillow and replaces it with money? She was cool, but what does she do with so many teeth? Like sure she probably lives in a tooth house and drives a tooth car, but what can she do after that. Cause she must have collected billions of teeth over teh years, and like really how many teeth can one woman wnat?
So today I got a phone call from work, and I now work three days a week (Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday), which means more sexy smock time and more sore legs! WAHOO!
I'm going to start a desert place and make peanut butter cookies shaped liek butterflies and call them PEANUT BUTTERflies! (They'd be so cute and delicious!)
Today I was surprised with three Tim Hortons cookies by my boyfriend, and that made me giddy and happy. I should be a spokesperson for their cookies cause tehy ROCK!
Yesterday I was in a hotel with Karen and we were bored so we started to whip ice at each other. It was very cold but kinda fun. It was liek a snowball fight, except in teh summer, with hard ice, inside..... wait it was nothing like a snowball fight. But its funny when you put two very giddy girls in a hotel room, cause they go even giddier and then have ice fights. 17 year olds having an ice fight, i know what you are thinking "mature"!
I want to be able to do a cartwheel. I could never ever do one and now I really wnat to be able to do one. I would do it all the time, it woudl be like my way of showing excitement! Like something good happens, I'd do a flip. I eat something yummy, do a flip. I am just bored, do a flip. That woudl be my dream, I woudl very much liek to be very flexible, but sadly, I'm not at all flexible.
Is it obvious that I am unsure what to say?
I wnat my schedule for school so much, its so sad! I definately don't want to go back to school but I wnat my schedule! I better have classes with friends because it sucky suck suck sucks when you are alone in a class, esspecially when a class is boring. I woudl really liek a friend in English for sure cause normally I wnat to die in English and maybe a friedn would help thsi problem.
I really liek pictures. I believe pictures are good! Haha! (Photo Booth pictures in malls are particularly fun to take! Good Times!)
"Sometimes" by Britney Spears <------ song of the day (I've had it in my head like the last week and I don't even really like Ms. spears!)
Anywyas tahts about all I have say at the moment!
Live life to teh fullest!
The Mouse and the Dragon
We are fast approaching the 1ooth post! How marvey is that?!
Am back from a shopping trip at the mall. Was looking for clothes for my mum who's going to a wedding on Saturday. It was a futile attempt, nothing was purchased. I must say though, that these stores for older women have super nice change rooms. Big, roomy, mirrors, benches, quite nice.
I was even going to say that I like the carpet in them, but then I started thinking about people peeing on the carpet and I was grossed out. Ick.
Anyway, no new news for now.
C'mon Get Happy!
My Day.
So last night my neighbour called twice about noises she was hearing. Now don't get me wrong, she's not crazy, I heard them too. She just jumped to scarier conclusions. There was like this low rumbling nosie, kinda like thunder, and then a bit of crashing. She was convinced someone was robbing the house next door, I thought it was probably just someone moving some stuff around. Whatever, everyone lived so hurrah!
This morning I slept in late, and then when I woke up vegged in front of the television for a while. (Note: I was just going to write tele, but then I thought well, I already have the first bit written, why not just add the vision. So I did.) Anyway, was watching Road to Avonlea, the really old ones, and then was watching 'Pay It Forward'.
I'd seen the movie before, but it kept me amused. I remembered one of my friends raving about it when it first came out, but it got some really bad reviews. Meh, it kept me occupied because otherwise I had nothing else to do. >>Parents<<
So yeah, I have to go now because my sister needs me as a dummy. Ugh... the stuff better fit. Until next time folks,
Hi Lo Pica Lo Pica Lo Hi Lo, Hi Lo Pica Lo Pica Lo Lo
To whom this may concern,
I was having trouble coming up with how to start this very unexciting blog entry and then it occured to me, why not start it the way my mother starts every note she sends into school. See my mom has no idea who I will have to show the note to and hense she always starts them with "To whom this may concern", I think it sounds very classy. Its also funny because my mom writes the best notes ever because she was a teacher and also has the best penmanship. Like seriously it is the most perfect handwriting ever, all of teh letters look exactly the way they are suppose to. I wish I had perfect penmanship, but I don't. I inherited my dad's writing style versus my mom.
Okay so today I went to go see Bourn Supremecy in theatres. I have not seen the first one, but that really didn't hurt my enjoyment of teh movie. It was pretty enteratining, lots of action, interesting story, all in all pretty good. One thing that bothered me about teh movie was shaky camera work which made me dizzy. Would recommend it, but you coudl wait and see it on video. Anyways, in the theatre I went to there was this couch that was an advertisement for vasaline. It was in the like second row of teh theatre and was like a pale yellow colour and looked like it could fit 3 or 4 people. Now the couch comfused me cause liek why was it there, it was a very strange way of advertsing and not one person in teh theatre sat in teh couch. But this i dunno, just thought I woudl mention that.
Oh Oh, I also got Twislers at the movies, quite yummy!
Wow, apparently I have nothing to say!
La La La!
ice ice baby
i'm watching a bit of surreallife... well it's on in the background even though i've seen lots of it before...
but whoa.. have i mentioned this yet? since when is VANILLA ICE SOOO HOT??!! haha, once again, my opinion (:
all PK-ed out.
busy day i'd say, though it wasn't very much fun...
so here i go...
woke up at 8:30 so i could make the tart filling for today.. that got done,they actually ended up looking really good and tasting very very yummy(: then, off to church... it was my week to read, so that got done... everything was painted, so it smelled of it. usual preverted old man... so nothing special there. so after church, i went to sportchek to check on my schedule... surprise, i'm working! haha, so maybe the shifts aren't so bad. but while i was looking at the schedule, i noticed a PK meeting on the 22nd... so what day is it today?? ooh great, PK tonight at 6:30, what fun! so i go home, hungry, waiting for family to arrive which they finally all do, can't eat right away even though i'm sure we're all starving, or at least i was... so then we ate... i escaped and went on msn.. how bad is that? then dessert which was very yummy... and then off to the PK! it was for Reebok and then for tennis (which i didn't have to stay for so i chose not to(: ) hot boy was there (apparently pretty ugly but still super hot.. haha), nice girl that i can't remember her name, and some other people.. haha, that's the best explanation you're getting1 so basically, i sat there bored and wanting to die... occassionaly laughing at stupid people's comments, but seriously, why does everyone know so much about shoes?? haha... liek it's just one big word after another.. i don't care about reebok, i still dont' understand footware!! ahh, apparently my way of selling is the lazy way.. hha. but who cares, i Do sell, don't i?
(so i thought i'd start another paragraph cause i hate reading HUGE ones)... well after i left (before tennis), the manager who hired me asked if i learned anything (knowing i didn't of course.. haha), and i admit that it's slowly sinking in but doesn't make too much sense to me yet... and now he's planning to teach me more about shoes on my next shift.. yay.
now i'm here... it hougth i had something exciting to say... ooh what i forgot to say before in my reply to kathleen's trait question... although my eyebrows have a fairly nice shape and are what i call one of my better groomed features, the left one would look way hotter with an eyebrow ring!!!! just my opinion, but obviously the most important (:
signing off... KAREN
Cookies are good for you right?
Good Morning World (Wide Web), seems to me that you have tuned into another boring chapter of "Kathleen: Seventeen and Bored" a novel depicting the unexciting adventures of a young girl. Now you may be thinking that a yound girl and adventures this should be exciting and fun, but really its not. Not exciting at all.
So I woke up about 12:40am today, which was about 30 minutes ago. I woke up feeling at warm and cozy because last night my room had been freezing so I put extra blankets on my bed and so this morning my bes was like an oven and the blankets were all nice and heavy. Anyways after I get up I head downstairs to find my mother freaking out cause she is late for church. Anywyas she makes me a cold Ovalatine (wasn't suppose to be cold, she just didn't put it in the microwave long enough) and then ran off to church with Samanatha. I then read todays comics and yesterday's comics (yesterday I was barely home and hense I read no comics). After my exciting comic reading I walked up stairs and logged online. I saw that Anne was online and started a conversation with her. Then we discussed our plans for the week and I started writing this blog. And that was my morning.
So I ate 6 cookies yesterday from Tim Hortons and that is just adding to my problem of me wanting to lose weight but it not happening. I just want to be 5 lbs lighter, back to what I was before my trip, actually thats I lie I would liek to be 10lbs lighter, but thats not going to happen by eating cookies. See I don't think it is particularly fair that standing does not burn calories, cause if it did then I woudl be losing weight just from standing at cash for long periods of time. Why does everything in life that makes you fat have to taste so good. No FAIR!
I find I type the way I talk. Like when typing to someone online I will include all the "um"s and "like"s when I type. I've been told a few times that people thing its funny that I actually type teh wya I speak.
"Cold Hard Bitch" by Jet <----- song of the day (because I am one! haha! not really.... well maybe a little recently but yah. I just like teh song!)
Anywyas I'm out of here!
The Tower Came Crashing Down
Kathleen!! Burn the binders!! Burn them!!
Ugh. This year, I have resolved not to buy any new school supplies at all. None. Nada. Zip. Zero. My old gross stuff will do, I only have a year left anyway! So Kathleen, in answer to your question, DO NOT RESTOCK YOUR PENCIL CASE.
Although, the other day when I was filling out my application I made a mistake (haha! that's going to look good!) and I had to white it out and then I realized that I have no white out but I will need some for school so I might have to break down and buy some. Yuck.
I don't like the paintbrush like white out, I much prefer the roll on stuff, mainly because of the smell. As in, I hate the spell of the liquid stuff, not that I like sniffing the roll on stuff or something, because it has no smell, that is the beauty of it all!
Not much else to say, so bye for the time being!
School Shopping Begins....
Oh I almost forgot something, today I bought 7 binders for school! (I know how gross) But as much as I don't wnat to think about it I don't wnat to leave it to the last minute either.
I don't really know what else to buy, like should I restock my pencil case and stuff, I'm not sure.
Anywyas thats all my exciting news!
Grade 12 here I come (well in a littel over 2 weeks!)
uh oh
i'm at home, innocent as can be watching the olympics.. i get a bit bored and decide that a carrot stick will solve all my problems, so i'm walking to the kitchen and i look through the window and see the crazy old man who delivers the local paper morning. uh oh, only 2 weeks from today i knew what was coming!!!
so i opened the door, opened the mailbox, got the paper including all the flyers and sat down next to my dad as i flipped through the flyers ignoring any sort of education. of course the first flyer to reach my hand is the damn grand & toy one reminding me that it's back to school soon!!
ahh just shut up!!! it's like it's chasing me and even reaching me int he doors of my own home to remind me of the dreaded day!! it was only recently that it was the beginning of summer and i was looking forward of the very lazy days to come and each day was almost torturously boring but so rewarding at the same time.
i only realized while visiting this random blog, My Life As It Is - An insight to the paradox of ME that soon it will be ME who's blogging about school and what i did in each and every one of my classes. you know you can't wait till those fun posts by the way!
how depressing... now i will go and cry...
traits huh
so everyone has traits that they like about themselves huh? ok so i needed your help and am basically gonna copy what i was told. but of course, i'm gonna mention why i also hate what i like about me.. haha. now how fun you're thinking... lol i know...
so long eyelashes are good right? well good until they get stuck in your eyes and blind you half to death!!! hmm, maybe not so good.. ever tried tweezing that annoying bent one out? haha, not the most enjoyable feeling.
okay so my eyebrows have a nice shape that i finally created after many years of slowly getting rid of my hairy-ness. but having curly hair, i have curly eyebrows... seriously, who has curly eyebrows! that's just dumb. so even when they're nicely done, there's always those hairs that bend down, but when you tweeze them there's an empty space... hmmm.. something to work on..
why do we need eyebrows anyway? okay okay, i know... sweat in the eyes is not the best feeling... but i'm not much of an above eyebrow/forehead sweater, therefore completely pointless on my face!!
so i liek the shape and size of my nose.. maybe just in comparison to my family since i'm relatively the only one who doesn't need a nose job (haha, okay, my sister doesn't either).. but seriously.. a miracle huh that the children of big nose parents (no offense) turn out pretty damn good... haa 'cept for the constant bleeding... yah so i've been told "it's just cause of the hot dry weather" in the summer.. but in the winter, "it's cause it's cold outside" so what about those other months.. ah yes "it's the changing seasons" so that makes for a one good whole year round of bloody noses.. appealing thought huh?
so now that i've informed some of our newer blog readers of my such pleasurable traits, i will leave.
the dark cloud has passed
what is wrong with some people? some people are just dumb and annoy the hell out of you!! ahh what the fuck.. get your own life and stop asking me questions.. and if your'e gonna ask me question, dont' pretend to be interested and then forget about them half a second later. stop the bullshit.
that's all for now.. just had to get those two sentences out
Agree to Disagree
Fine, I agree to disagree, even though everyone knows I'm right.
And I do not think "Luv ya" is cool. I was being sarcastic, ha ha ha, get it. (I'm just too funny for you Anne!)
Anywyas I agree to disagree!
Ice Cold
*Ignores Kathleen*
Okay, enough of that nonsense. Let us agree to disagree. I wish there were more people in this spat, because then I could say y'all. Alas, I don't think it really applies to one person only.
And even though I will still be your friend, do not get me started on 'luv ya' okay? Because really, in the end, it evens out if I think y'all is cool and you think luv ya is cool, lol!!
'Night y'all!!
Ahem, right back at you!
Well, I'll be just look at Lil Miss Anne, who thinsk she's all that and a bag of potatoe chips because she uses the phrase "y'all".
Get your head out of teh clouds Anne, cause back here on planet earth people don't say y'all anymore unless thay are form the south or pretending to be from teh south. Here in teh Big city we don't say Y'all.
Once again Sorry Anne! But you are Wrong!
P.S. I will still be your friend, and of course still Luv Ya! (haha)
a little bit of karen
so i thoguth of the lou bega song when i typed up the subject.. and i really cna't type.. but the point is that i need to get in some green while kathleen and anne have their little disagreement.. y'all shoudl only be said in a joking way.. never seriously and never think it's cool...
*Glares at Kathleen*
Well I don't know what kind of a climate you're living in, but it must be Hot as Hades because where I live 'Y'all' is absolutely fridgid! So there!
But, I will consign to remaining your friend, since we have to share the blog anyway.
*One last glare*
P.S. I apologize in advance for my spelling errors
The case of Anne being WRONG!
I'm sorry to inform you anne but Y'all is not cool. Maybe its cool in otehr places in teh whole, but I'm telling you here where we live it is far from cool.
Sorry Anne, but y'all is the ultimate of uncoolness.
Don't worry I'll still be your friend, uncool one!
The Case of the Missing Vest
Okay, I really like the phrase "y'all". It's such a great way to end an e-mail, or address a large number of people in writing! That said, (or typed) I don't say y'all in person, but I do enjoy typing it. Just for your info Kathleen, lol!
That was the entire reason for starting this blog so now I have nothing else to say.
Until next time
Monkee See, Monkee Do
So I thought I lost my entire post because I hit publish post and then hit the back button because I forgot a title. But it looks like it posted anyway. Which may not be such a good thing, it is so boring, haha!
By the way, it should say BUY some more material, not BUT some more material. That was bothering me.
So Karen is crazy taking a full course load... that's agreed by everyone, right? Haha! Ugh, ya know, I was thinking about school as the computer was booting up and it annoyed me. I don't want to go back. I am not even looking forward to first day which usually isn't so bad. Ugh!! Stupid education! Although I guess I should be grateful. Okay, I will be. Yay school! Go school! I am really hoping university will be better than high school. Not like it's that bad, just boring. Bleh.
Okay, moving off the topic of school so I don't have to think about it until the last possible moment.
So today I went shopping and I got a new pair of jeans. I was wandering around the racks of clothing and all I can say is, there are some pretty short skirts out there. Like seriously, how do these strips of cloth cover your butt? Oh yeah, they don't, which in turn means innocent bystanders have to be exposed to people's colourful underwear. Puh-leese. But some more material!
I've decided that I like smiling at people when I'm driving. And waving them through and such. Probably annoys the heck outta the cars behind me but whatever. Happiness is not having road rage!
I think this will win the reward for my worst post posted. (Haha!!) Like really, I don't even want to read it. Ugh... will stop now. Why am I getting uninspired again?!
70 posts done
i believe that this is post number 71...
not sure where i'm going with this post, but i'm just gonna start blabbing and see where it takes me.
last night i was pretty hyper... you know, sorta bored have nothing to do but i'm online and you have conversations with people but you keep typing and they don't type very often and then it's sorta liek you're talking to yourself? i wonder if that sentence made sense cause i'm too lazy to reread it which is actualyl pretty sad on my part.
so right now i'm talking to anne and kathleen (i've started putting anne's name first.. i THINK that's the way i usually put it) about this huge party we want to have.. haha i make it sound really fun, but it will be right? well anywayz, the plan is to just invite a bunch of people and friends that not all of us have met so it'll just be a big gathering in a backyard... apparently my mom is not ready to have this sort of thing going on in my backyard... so it;s up to you kathleen.... hmmm.
i can hear the lawn mower going... i've nevr typed out mower.. it looks really dumb.. probably spelt wrong... or is it spelled? i hate both of those words, if they even are both words...
so i dont' know what to say, so i'm gonna go off on some random note. remember those 3 things that we all want to have??? the third one is taking an awful long time... uhm... maybe work will eventually pull off something? haha, one can only hope... i've decided not to make a real goal for age 17 cause i'd probably fail and then be depressed being 18 and still the same!!! grrrr...
so school is really soon... i'm excited to start it but not excited to have to finish the year at all!! it's just fun preparing to go back and working out who you're sitting next to and just getting used to classes and teachers.. this year i'm assuming i'm gonna have a lot of teachers that i've already had which will work out pretty well i think... it's almost monday which means it's almost the week where we will get our more detailed package from school which SHOULD/BETTER include our schedules!!! yay. so grade 12 is gonna be really awesome right? haha.. how often do i say awesome... i think i type it a lot but have never said it out loud cause it just sounds dumb.. so anywayz, back to grade 12 being really fun.
i'm really looking forward to possibly being grad rep... nwo this is my goal cause i really really really want to be grad rep so it better happen.. haha.
so here's a list of courses being taken next year with comments next to them.. cause hmmm.. i like boring people with life:
1. English--> has to be taken... want to kill myself in every english class through my highschool career.
2. Religion--> really no choice there. probably not very BS-able with the historic part that we learn in grade 12
3. Calculus--> go ms. fuoco who i must get!! calculus might the math i can do... will find that out i guess.
4. Data management--> supposed to be easy so i'm ignoring the fact that i hate probability stuff.
5. Accounting--> meh.. just aiming for high marks.
6. Economics--> i hope for this to be my true BS course with brazel
7. Physics--> good teacher=fun course...
8. French--> blah!!! but 3 years deserves a 4th!!
looking forward to 5th period lunch for sure though!!
so that's my blabbing about school that no one cares about but it entertained me for a bit and made this post longer.
i made tarts today.. actually just the shells with my mom cause it's for my sister's grad dinner for family which is on sunday.. pretty gay how they dont' have commencement until october.. but meh... i graduate next year!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay
that's it for now.. hope you enjoyed reading a pointless blog...
signing off... KAREN
i've realized that i've failed to inform our fellow blog readers of my extremely intelligent way of doing happy faces... well the point is, they're less scary in my eyes!! :) is just gross and i can't believe i actually typed it, but i won't go back and backspace it (haha, every word should be a verb!!) cause then you might not know what i'm talking about... so now that i come off as really weird as trying to force my happy face opinion on the entire world until the gross one is no longer seen!!... i will continue... (: is the new happy face, the more unique (though promoting it doesn't really promote uniqueness)... but overall, it is the way to be~! (:
so it's nice to know that people seem somewhat concerned about my tylenol addiction, though it is NOT an addiction.. ignore that i just called it one (:
i really like this whole blog world where people actually comment on our blog and vice versa... we're linked from other blogs!!! now how cool is that... i'd love to add some of you to our sorta "friend blog" list.. but hmmm.. at this point it requires too much thought and i'm a bit lazy to do it.. if you stay as regular vistors and have skimmed my happy face and tylenol paragraphs well enough to read this, maybe you'll eventually be with us at our blog with your name appears somewhere as a link.. maybe... i will one day get around to it.. or rely on anne or kathleen (:
today at work a guy recognized me from the bus!! haha, how weird is that? well actually, it makes me feel less stalkerish considering i DO know too much about a few people i see on the bus.. haha.. be afraid, be very afraid,... you may be one of them!!!
tomorrow might be an early morning for me.. do people really like hearing about my days? they're not that exciting either.. but anywayz, MIGHT go to the gym/pool/hotel/whatever you wanna call it.. actually i just infact told my mom to wake me up at that unGodly hour so i guess i am going... and then i will be bored for the rest of the day and probably end up visiting sister and kathleen at work.. ooh after a good old costco trip!!
well that's all for now...
signing out... karen (:
You've Got To Pick A Pocket Or Two
So I'm sittting here watching Oilver! And yes, it needs the exclamation point. My sister was like:
"Oliver!'s on."
And I was like:
"Oliver Twist?"
And she was like:
"No, Oliver!"
And I was like:
"Oliver Twist?"
And she was like:
"No, just Oliver! With the exclamation point!
This conversation really took place. Thrilling, I know.
I always find it funny that the guy playing Oliver didn't even sing his own songs but was dubbed over by a girl, haha! And when I was looking up the movie on Imdb, it stated that he didn't do very many more movies (wow, awkward sentance) because his looks didn't stay through puberty. I was amused, as I often am by weird things.
Am watching the Olympic gymnastics. I would just like to inform everyone that I have no flexibility whatsoever and I would die if I had to do some of the stuff they do. Literally. Seriously. Like ow. I have no doubts that my leg would snap right off if I tried to do the splits.
I do have happy memories of gymnastics programs when I was younger though. I think my favourite part may have been doing those star jumps where you fling out your arms.
Anyway, off for now.
Consider yourself one of the family!
Re: Kathleen's post
i didn't want to write this in a comment cause it's way too important!! haha well anywayz, kathleen, you had those few paragraphs on love and i ran into a blog which has one as well that maybe you or some other loyal blog readers would be interested in, so here's the link!
i have nothing to say... so why am i blogging you ask? well you must be sick of hearing me say that!!!
hungarian food is not good.. actually i shoudlnt' saythat the actual food isn't good, just some restaurants... dumplings sound way better than they actually are... my mom seemed to agree with me that they're gross... why didn't she tell me this before??!! but mmmm... st. huberts is good.. haha
i have a huge headache... seriously, i try my best not to take tylenol everyday, and i've basically cut it down to every other day, but when you're head is pounding, what is there to do? maybe one tylenol instead of two would be somewhat of a solution... well how bad is it for you anywayz?
i'm gonna keep it short... work tomorrow... hmmm... hope it's fun...
late morning...
so it's not really a late morning but the point is i came online and found both anne and kathleen online!! what's up with that...
ooh and i know you'd all like to know and be happy for me when i say that i resisted the tylenol last night even though it took me FOREVER to fall asleep!
kathleen, you have two comments!! the whole point of my whining and complaining was cause i didn't have ANY comments.. but now that i do.. you can't want better ones!!! lol
so my post for today is really short... today is hungarian ethnic restaurant day which is hopefully easy to order off a menu....
i'm out!
The Ants Go Marching One By One
Hurrah, Hurrah.
So I was feeling contented today because I had done my two blog posts, but then when I checked back, I saw all these comments!!
So really by 'all these comments' I mean like four, but that is besides the point! Good job on your complaining Karen! It did wonders!
Anyway, I hate it when family members eat food that has been specifically reserved for you. When I say specifically reserved of course, I mean that you thought to yourself "hmm, I am feeling a tad peckish, maybe I will go and eat a piece of licorice" only to find that someone has eaten the last piece! However, I always manage to move on and leave the 'no more of the food that I wanted' incident behind me.
I feel as though I should mention that dinner went off without a hitch. Okay, so maybe there was a tiny hitch. I was heating up the meat on low, but that does not give off very much heat so when my sis got home from work the meat was still many minutes away from being cooked. However, with a crank of a dial, the setting was at high and within moments we were all eating our tasty tacos. Happy ending!
It seems that everyone in my family always makes a point about asking me what I did during the day. Now really, I do nothing during the day. At the moment I am jobless, school does not start for another few weeks (ugh), and what else is there to do during the day besides lounge around and stare at the computer screen? Okay, so I could be cooking, cleaning, exercising, or joining an enriching club that will enlighten my mind, but all that stuff takes so much effort. I figure that I work hard in school all year, I should at least get three months of blissful lounge time! Alas.
So really, nothing exciting has happened since my last post. Or should I say my last two posts. This writing three posts in one day does not really work, haha!!
Okay, so, I'm off. To do what you ask? I have no idea. Hopefully something fun.
so my complaining about the lack of comments was probably not called for since i don't as well comments on other peoples' blogs... soo just to make it fair, i visited a couple and added my own comments! soo there! now i can as bitchy as i want and whiny and complain that more people shoudl comment on my posts!!! haha... i'm really not this bad in person... or so i hope (:
so the subject lied, cause guess what... I'M BORED!!!! so this is about the 60th post and i think i say i'm bored in everyone at least twice... i'm going with over 120 "i'm bored" statements so far... but wait, that doesn't make sense cause not all the posts were from me.. so i'm depending on the fact that i say it even more than twice every post.. more like 5 times now!!!
ok well this is exciting!! what's up with people who are not us (and Dave now, woohoo!!) commenting... i'm a bit upset that nothing was commented on my post... are mine not comment worthy?! i think not!
i've visited some other blogs but i haven't commented on anything, so really, who am i to yell at no one for not commenting on mine (: but i do get bored really quickly... does that count as 121?
well... today i woke up at 11:00am which doesn't seem like anything compared to kathleen's 1:40pm (i like how one's am and one's pm), but i went to sleep at 11:00pm! haha.. don't laugh... i was really tired and couldn't keep my eyes open... plus i had a HUGE headache that would've killed me if i hadn't taken my regular two extra strength tylenols before bed... how bad is that? am i addcited? i really really try not to take it everynight and i wasn't going to 'cept it just hurt so much! i'm trying not to take them if i just can't fall asleep quickly, but headaches are exceptions... even though i really do get those too often as well.. whenever i complain to my mom that head/stomach/side/etc hurts, she tells me to tell the doctor at my annual checkup (which is the worst thing in the world), but ir ealyl don't think it's worth telling... haha. not sure if they really hurt enough or often enough to be complain worthy.. but then again, everything can be made complain worthy (:
i've actually typed quite a bit, pretty proud of myself.. sorry for accusing both of you (kathleen and anne) of not posting today, but i found one from both of you... actually AT LEAST one, so yay! it gave me something to do...
well t hat's it for now... the icecream has melted! (i'm gonna use that everywhere from now on by the way!)